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<f_> lvrp16: Well, either all GXL SoCs still have the vuln, or I ended up with a vulnerable Xiaomi TV Stick, but I just managed to get unsigned code running
<f_> I dumped its bootROM
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<f_> and to no-one's surprise:
<f_> $ cmp src/aquaman-BL1.bin src/lepotato_bl1.bin
<f_> $
<f_> it's identical to lepotato/S905X BL1
<lvrp16> I can check the latest chips in April.
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<f_> I think this part of the BL1's uart logs: "GXL:BL1:9ac50e:bb16dc;" might be the git hash or something, or part of it
<f_> it's identical on the boards where I saw the bootROM was identical
<f_> and nonetheless it's different on the non-GXL boards.
<f_> Though one might say "heh, obviously!"
<f_> In the meantime I stumbled upon a git repo with lots of bootROM dumps, and among them there are 2 dumps for one SoC, apparently different revisions.
<f_> ah nevermind I misread.
<f_> Now, (obviously) if I try loading BL2 it's going to try enforcing secureboot settings.
<f_> Frédéric's guide on how to run ubuntu using that exploit implies manually patching out the relevant bits and pieces .. but I think I might have another idea
<f_> Possibly I could try running u-boot-spl? But that'll require some work on the USB mode handling
<f_> But that's for the far future. For now I want to decrypt and dump the "BL2 AArch32" strange build that's there.
<f_> and maybe BL2Z since I've no idea what it's doing and I want to find out :)
<f_> (though it might be bundled into BL2, just like BL21?)
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