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lvrp16: Well, either all GXL SoCs still have the vuln, or I ended up with a vulnerable Xiaomi TV Stick, but I just managed to get unsigned code running
I think this part of the BL1's uart logs: "GXL:BL1:9ac50e:bb16dc;" might be the git hash or something, or part of it
it's identical on the boards where I saw the bootROM was identical
and nonetheless it's different on the non-GXL boards.
Though one might say "heh, obviously!"
In the meantime I stumbled upon a git repo with lots of bootROM dumps, and among them there are 2 dumps for one SoC, apparently different revisions.
ah nevermind I misread.
Now, (obviously) if I try loading BL2 it's going to try enforcing secureboot settings.
Frédéric's guide on how to run ubuntu using that exploit implies manually patching out the relevant bits and pieces .. but I think I might have another idea
Possibly I could try running u-boot-spl? But that'll require some work on the USB mode handling
But that's for the far future. For now I want to decrypt and dump the "BL2 AArch32" strange build that's there.
and maybe BL2Z since I've no idea what it's doing and I want to find out :)
(though it might be bundled into BL2, just like BL21?)