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<f_> What I find a bit strange is everything is encrypted. There is absolutely no AMLC header after BL2.
<f_> Nothing except gibberish.
<f_> Just curious, has anyone seen this behaviour before?
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<chewitt> I thought the whole point of 'secure boot' was to encrypt everything, no?
<f_> chewitt: I think it might be optional for secureboot
<f_> At least for BL2
<f_> *BL1->BL2
<f_> chewitt: Though I would've expected the AES key for the rest to also be stored in efuses or something, but that's only the case for BL2
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<hexdump0815> f_: if you want to have some other encrypted bootblocks to play with - the s10 max plus (s905x2) ones from here are:
<f_> hah
<f_> hexdump0815: You can get the AES key for BL2 decryption if your box does not lock USB mode behind a password
<f_> A vulnerability in the bootROM makes dumping whatever you want in SRAM easy. Specifically, there's a copy of OTP memory (efuse) at 0xd9013c00. So: The key is at 0xd9013c50 and the IV is just after, at 0xd9013c70
<f_> so you can simply dump that, then feed those to openssl to decrypt BL2 :)
<f_> I think I should document that clearly. Second.
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