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<narmstrong> f_: super cool !
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<f_> narmstrong: it's mostly also lazy :p but yeah :)
<f_> And now that I think about it I could try it on lafrite and then pretend it can boot linux fine now :p
<f_> I
<f_> I know for sure DRAM init works there, SPI and eMMC just don't want to work :/
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<f_> DRAM init is working on TV stick!
<narmstrong> \o/
<f_> narmstrong: Surprisingly didn't need much work now :)
<f_> All I needed is correctly set the clock to what the stock bl2 uses and the correct dram config in `make menuconfig` :)
<f_> I also enabled debug printf
<f_> aha
<f_> if [ "$disableprint" == "true" ]; then
<f_> b5="$(printf %02x $(( 0x$b5 | 0x02 )))"
<f_> fi
<f_> great :D more security by obscurity :D
<f_> Honestly that amlogic script is very helpful for efuse stuff
<f_> CyReVolt: ^ it *IS* the documentation :D
<f_> This contains lots of useful bits and pieces
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<CyReVolt> <f_> "" <- oh cool, so you did the DRAM init and printed the C?
<CyReVolt> Congrats!
<CyReVolt> 🥳
<f_> CyReVolt: The "C" comes from U-Boot SPL's Ymodem boot thing
<f_> But yeah :)
<f_> all the needed code was already there so all I had to do is setup some stuff in menuconfig correctly
<CyReVolt> gotcha
<f_> most/all
<f_> Let's just see if it'll accept my 2018-ish SCP firmware
<f_> xiaomi's amlogic scp fw thing is from 2021
<f_> let's just hope they didn't just enable antirollback junk
<f_> Ymodem sectors/kbytes sent: 897/112k
<f_> let's see if this works!
<f_> bl30 says no
<f_> hah, we were this >< close to booting a mainline u-boot as BL33 :D
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<f_> time to spend 5 minutes reversing "sign-tool-gxl"
<f_> by which I mean stare at it and notice debug symbols
<f_> xD
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