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<f_> Soo another thing :p
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<f_> This is what gets printed in aquaman UART logs:
<f_> > Load bl33 from eMMC, src: 0x00094200, des: 0x01700000, size: 0x00085200, part: 0
<f_> aml log : R1024 check pass!
<f_> And this is what gets printed in lepotato logs:
<f_> > Load bl33 from eMMC, src: 0x00050200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x000eca00
<f_> Do you notice something odd?
<f_> "0x01700000 != 0x01000000"
<f_> I didn't really take a look at bl2_load_images much in bl2, I merely just thought "must be it" and moved on before.
<f_> But there *is* a check for secureboot. Specifically, if secureboot is enabled, storage_load always loads images to 0x01700000. Else, the usual load address is honoured
<f_> storage_load is the one that takes care of printing what it loads, too..
<f_> I bet they probably overlooked that one
<f_> or something else
<f_> And like.. they only do this for the BL* images
<f_> The FIP header is loaded at the usual address but they then memcpy to 0x1700000 :p
<f_> storage_load(0xc000,0x1400000,0x4000,s_fip_header_d900981e);
<f_> memcpy(0x1700000,0x1400000,0x4000)
<f_> BTW, has anyone tried using gxl FIP format on gxbb?
<f_> I seem to remember that gxbb BL2 seemed to have some handling of gxl's FIP format
<f_> well, at least what I remember is under some circumstances it would print "New fip structure!" over UART, just like what gxl usually does.
<f_> > if (something_fip == L'\x87654321') {serial_puts("New fip structure!\n");} < is present in both gxbb and gxl bl2
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