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<lvrp16> hmm eee-broken-1000t is still needed for solitude
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<f_> ethernet?
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<f_> Alright so, while cleaning up I'd also like to quickly test a rank mode on GXL
<f_> probably just need to write the right values to DDR*_ADDRMAP_*
<f_> speaking of those, on GXBB BL2 is writing to all of those regs but on earlier GXBB BL2 it only writes to ADDRMAP_1 and ADDRMAP_4. Not sure why they're now writing to all of them, but writing to only these 2 seems to work reliably
<f_> I'd like to try doing the same thing on GXL to...further reduce code length :D
<f_> Currently I believ 2 GB lepotatoes can boot, but with only 1 GB usable when using the current libretech-cc_defconfig I modified.
<f_> *believe
<f_> and when upstreaming it'll still be the case as...well......I've no idea rn how to cleanly detect if we're booting on a 2 GB variant or a 1 GB variant!
<f_> BL2 blindly tries to init multiple times until it succeeds, which works, but let's be honest, this is a hacky way to do things.
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<f_> OK so lvrp16: Are you available for a second?
<f_> Wish to test U-Boot SPL on a 2 GB variant and see if it works?
<f_> Great, seems like only ADDRMAP ajustments are needed for the 2 GB variant.
<f_> So I'll add those in a bit...
<f_> In the end...I just remembered that GXBB has "Rank0+1 same" and "Rank0+1 diff" on BL2 while GXL has only "Rank0+1" \o/
<f_> So no mods needed, just make menuconfig and change some things.
<f_> I'm going to start working on DFU now.
<f_> First, obligatory rebase.
<f_> Seems to have happened smoothly; booting gxl works.
<f_> U-Boot SPL 2024.01-02938-gdea01b2a36-dirty (Jan 21 2024 - 17:22:56 +0100)
<f_> :)
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<f_> need to make spl smaller.
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<hexdump0815> f_: assuming i want to give your u-boot spl a try during the next days - can you please point me to the latest sources and instructions?
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