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<f_> \o/ non-DM mmc driver works \o/
<f_> Sorry for the logging mess, I wanted to have fun lol
<f_> Also I'd like to hear a few thoughts on this..What about showing some board info after the "U-Boot SPL ..." line?
<f_> Aaaaaaaaand getting rid of driver model in SPL finally works!!
<f_> Went from ~40K to 32K!
<f_> $ ls spl/u-boot-spl.bin -lh
<f_> -rw-r--r-- 1 thelinuxmacbook thelinuxmacbook 32K Jan 28 14:05 spl/u-boot-spl.bin
<f_> That's on GXL BTW.
<f_> I'll try booting linux..
<f_> => mmc dev 1:1
<f_> switch to partitions #0, OK
<f_> mmc1(part 0) is current device
<f_> => fatload mmc 1:1 $loadaddr /EFI/BOOT/BOOTAA64.EFI
<f_> 4359616 bytes read in 97 ms (42.9 MiB/s)
<f_> => bootefi $loadaddr
<f_> Welcome to GRUB!
<f_> Booting /\EFI\BOOT\BOOTAA64.EFI
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<f_> I should fix power init on GXL sometime..
<f_> narmstrong: Wild wild idea: move most SPL init to U-Boot itself
<narmstrong> f_: what kind of init?
<f_> pll init
<f_> power init
<f_> Bunch of stuff we can move to u-boot probably
<narmstrong> It would need to know if boot comes from spl or from amlogic’s bl2
<narmstrong> But there’s some scratch registers we could use for that
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<f_[xmpp]> narmstrong: Yeah, pretty much.
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<f_> Pushed.
<f_> Can confirm DM-less SPL can boot on GXL.
<f_> idea, but let's assume it works.
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