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<josch> hi, i moved from imx8mq to a311d in my MNT reform laptop but when i try running qemu with kvm i get this:
<josch> qemu-system-aarch64: kvm_init_vcpu: kvm_arch_init_vcpu failed (2): Invalid argument
<josch> is this a known problem with the soc? i haven't seen this on other arm boards
<josch> seems that this workaround is applicable:
<josch> this probably selects the four A57 cores? taskset --cpu-list 2,3,4,5
<f_> josch: which args?
<f_> (not an expert on that BTW, just curious :S)
<f_> I actually never tried QEMU on A311D.
<f_> hm duplicate `-smp` and `-m`?
<josch> f_: yes, the software calling qemu allows me to overwrite arguments by appending more
* f_ about to test x86_64 QEMU on A311D
<josch> i use box64 to play x86_64 games on a311d
<josch> stardew valley is perfectly smooth for example
<josch> was playing starcraft broodwar earlier
<f_> box64 is really cool.
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<josch> it is! it's just so much maintenance i fear for its bus-factor of one :(
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<f_>'ll take a while for me to install qemu in the first place :)
<f_> Am still at step 1 of connecting to the internet. :P
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<minute> josch: very interesting. this is a more recent article that also mentions this problem
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<josch> minute: hrm... but that article says that the problem is supposedly fixed with qemu 6.3 and i'm observing it in 7.2... hm...
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