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<exkc> f_ hi
<f_> hi, gotta go now
<f_> Maybe later
<exkc> how to compile your uboot sdl
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<exkc> rip my gt1
<exkc> '*** Warning - spi_flash_probe_bus_cs() failed, using default environment' on uboot
<exkc> *error on uboot
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<exkc> it seem amlogic didnt make clk fox mx
<exkc> *clk driver
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<xdarklight> exkc: well, it's not that Amlogic worked on many upstream clock drivers. they only started recently for their latest SoCs
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<exkc> yeah
<exkc> but they should have one for their kernel , right
<exkc> i only can found meson8 (and newer) clk driver in their kernel
<exkc> it seem they didnt usse clk driver in the past
<f_> exkc: OK so which board would you like to test SPL (and not `sdl') on?
<exkc> my dead board
<exkc> rip
<f_> GT1?
<exkc> yep
<f_> First what's the issue?
<f_> give me logs in a pastebin
<exkc> Tried to fixed it but i made more worst rip
<f_> exkc: Give me logs..
<exkc> i dont think it is fixable
<exkc> it is in trash bin
<f_> exkc: Come on give logs..
<exkc> i dont have
<f_> ugh
<f_> exkc: Get it back, I'm sure it's fixable.
<exkc> yeah b4 i made it worst
<f_> exkc: OK? Give logs..
<exkc> i dont have
<f_> >exkc: Get it back, I'm sure it's fixable.
<f_> Did you just throw it in a recycle bin or..
<exkc> i dont keep log when i do uart
<f_> exkc: Why can't you have it back?
<exkc> it is unfixable
<f_> exkc: Please stop thinking it's unfixable.
<f_> Im sure it is.
<f_> *I'm
<exkc> i am sure it is not
<f_> exkc: Then give logs and we'll see?
<f_> but if you don't want to fix it then...
<exkc> alr
<exkc> here is the log from my memeory : GXH (it only show this line)
<f_> Doubt it.
<f_> IIRC bootrom doesn't have this string
<exkc> but i did
<f_> You did what?
<exkc> remove the emmc
<xdarklight> exkc: RE mx clock driver: indeed, in earlier kernels they skipped the whole clock abstraction completely and just put register reads/writes wherever they needed to change clocks
<f_> Why did you remove the eMMC?
<exkc> hua , xdarklight
<exkc> so how i make a clk without referencing the downstream driver
<exkc> i think i can get usb work witn mainline (maybe also hdmi ) if i can make a clk driver for it
<exkc> mx usb phy is similar to the meson one i think
<exkc> * meson8
<f_> exkc: do you still want to boot SPL on amlogic?
<exkc> i dont the right hardware now so ?
<exkc> *have
<f_> you can boot on gxbb and gxl (perhaps gxm too) and I guess with some code changes you may be able to boot on axg too.
<f_> AXG appears to be backwards compatible with GXL
<f_> (and I used AXG regs.h for registers on GXL)
<exkc> but i don have axg
<f_> and you don't have gxbb
<exkc> yep
<f_> You do have gxl?
<exkc> what about SM1
<f_> no(t yet)
<exkc> i dont have sm1 but my school might have it (ofc my school would not allow to do spl)
<exkc> *on it
<exkc> F: what about GXL
<exkc> *f_:
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<f_> >you can boot on gxbb and gxl (perhaps gxm too) and I guess with some code changes you may be able to boot on axg too.
<f_> So yes gxl is good to go, just make sure you're using DDR3 and not DDR4.
<exkc> *cleaning my x96 mini
<f_> Does X96Mini use DDR4?
<exkc> d9rvm
<exkc> it use this ram
<f_> OK, is that DDR4? Or DDR3?
<exkc> idk
<f_> look it up..
<f_> Or look at boot logs
<f_> They'll say either ddr4 or ddr3
<f_> good news is, it's DDR3
<f_> bad news is, it uses a rank mode not supported currently
<exkc> bad new i need to solder the uart
<f_> Too lazy to solder UART
<exkc> my soldering broke
<exkc> so i need do resolder
<exkc> *to
<f_> I never soldered UART to my KII process
<f_> *Pro (ugh, spell checker!)
<exkc> yeah the solder join of the uart on x96 is very small
<exkc> or i should say solder point
<exkc> i have another 2 gxl board but
<exkc> the boot rom of them can only run signed bl
<f_> no go then
<exkc> yeah
<exkc> i wish they have cve like checkra1n
<exkc> i mean vulnerability
<exkc> *i wish they have cve that smailer to checkra1n
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<f_> They do
<f_> You can run unsigned code via USB.
<f_> It's just that....I made SPL panic if loaded from USB :^)
<f_> .../* TODO: Support DFU */
<exkc> hua
<exkc> lol
<exkc> how?
<f_> Eventually you'll be able to load everything via DFU though.
<f_> I just need to work on that :^)
<exkc> how to run unsigned code via USB?
<xdarklight> narmstrong: I have a question regarding - based on the commit message and comment for components_dev_match my assumption is that I don't need to add entries for the HDMI TX controller (to components_dev_match) on the 32-bit SoCs. if I add the HDMI controller compatible strings there everything works, but if I don't I just end up with "Failed to find HDMI
<xdarklight> transceiver bridge"
<xdarklight> narmstrong: my HDMI TX driver is not using struct meson_drm (it's completely independent of the VPU)
<narmstrong> xdarklight: do you still use components ? You should drop components and only use the plain old probe
<xdarklight> narmstrong: ah!
<xdarklight> narmstrong: thanks for the hint, I'll try that
<narmstrong> Then it should work fine, the master drm bind will probe defer until the bridge probes
<xdarklight> narmstrong: it's as simple as deleting 19 lines of code and it works (again), thanks :-)
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<narmstrong> Nice!
<xdarklight> after debugging a nasty PWM (regulator) issue which lead to VDDEE being changed to the lowest possible voltage - which then results in memory corruption everywhere as something on the memory bus goes crazy - this is a very welcome simple fix :)
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