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<Rond> hi! anyone here happens to know offhand the current state of mali drivers in mainline? last I checked mesa still didn't support opencl, is that still the case?
<f_> Rond: Which amlogic SoC?
<Rond> I've got an a311d, that's g52 iirc
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<linkmauve> Rond, rusticl should be supported by panfrost I think.
<linkmauve> I’ve never tested that, but I also have a G52 in another board.
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<CounterPillow> panfrost is one of the drivers that rusticl explicitly supports, but it seems you still have to set the env variable RUSTICL_ENABLE=panfrost to enable rusticl support.
<CounterPillow> Consult mesamatrix for what OpenCL version is supported
<CounterPillow> With how many of the extensions/features are marked as supported since 2024, I'd say you'll need a pretty recent mesa :)
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<linkmauve> I do get OpenCL 3.0 on Mesa master built a few minutes ago, on a G52 on a RK3568.
<linkmauve> I’ve only tested clinfo, if you have other CL programs you want to test I can do it.
<linkmauve> But tbh it’s only a matter of passing -Dgallium-rusticl=true to meson while building Mesa.
<f_> Time to do some Amlogic GXBB hacking.
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<minute> linkmauve: what kind of software did you try with opencl on panfrost? i.e. what can benefit from opencl? (curious to try it)
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<linkmauve> minute, as I said I only tested that clinfo returned correct-looking values.
<minute> linkmauve: ah ok
<linkmauve> I think Darktable could benefit from it, but my PinePhone’s camera is so terrible that no matter what I try it doesn’t improve the quality much. ^^'
<linkmauve> No idea how much better it is than the CPU code though.
<CounterPillow> On the majority of low-cost ARM SoCs like this the memory bandwidth is usually the bottleneck I've heard, so offloading computations through OpenCL to some mali GPU isn't going to do much
<linkmauve> > Total Installed Size: 590.47 MiB
<linkmauve> Just for darktable. x_x
<linkmauve> I should migrate my btrfs partition to the NVMe instead of staying with the microsd.
<linkmauve> minute, the right column here, Required By, lists a few programs which depend on an OpenCL runtime:
<linkmauve> Oh right, ffmpeg has some OpenCL filters, never played with that but that could be a good idea to test things.
<linkmauve> In the OPENCL VIDEO FILTERS section.
<linkmauve> (In the man.)
<minute> linkmauve: thanks
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<InFerNo__> hi, is there a summary of what does/doesn't work with regards of using a mainline kernel on amlogic S805?
<f_> InFerNo__: the website has some info about that.
<f_> which doesn't load half of the time for unknown reasons :P
<f_> (tor browser)
<f_> ^ InFerNo__
<CounterPillow> Looks like if you want HDMI output, you're unfortunately out of luck
<f_> AFAIK xdarklight did get HDMI to work on some Meson6 or Meson8 (can't remember off the top of my head...)
<f_> I don't own any of these old 32-bit amlogic SoCs anyway, at least AFAICT.
<InFerNo__> I don't need HDMI
<f_> Sure
<InFerNo__> thanks for the matrix
<f_> Np
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