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<llu> narmstrong: any additional steps I need? if want to play ts050 panel on khadas vim3, I've tried kernel 6.8-rc5 with your v10 mipi dsi patch.. dsi driver seems up, but got green screen on the panel
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<llu> su
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<mgonzalez> Ayo! :)
<mgonzalez> narmstrong: can I just send you a fixup patch to apply on top of my submission?
<narmstrong> marc|gonzalez: yes
<mgonzalez> will send in 10 minutes then! :)
<narmstrong> llu: hmm it should work, can you share the dmesg ?
<narmstrong> mgonzalez: good!
<mgonzalez> narmstrong: we agree that I can simply delete the compatible prop in the 2 overlays, right?
<narmstrong> mgonzalez: yep
<f_> mgonzalez: Is that you marc|gonzalez ?
<phh> f_: yes. it's his office irc vs wfh irc
<f_> oh ok
<narmstrong> Superman | Clark Kent style
<f_> narmstrong: ??? :P
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<mgonzalez> Yeah, we're working from home today, and all my tools are different :p
<mgonzalez> It's more of a "dumb & dumber" than Superman / Clark Kent though :)
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<mgonzalez> narmstrong: did you notice that when using overlays, the DTBinaries are much bigger (+50%)
<narmstrong> mgonzalez: yes because they're built with -@
<mgonzalez> Right.
<narmstrong> it may be possible to strip them somehow
<narmstrong> perhaps with a dtc -I dtb -O dtb
<mgonzalez> Dark magic!
<mgonzalez> I sent the fixup patch as a Reply in the overlay patches thread
<mgonzalez> Hopefully, I tamed the MUA :p
<llu> narmstrong: the dmesg
<llu> FYI, the kernel config,
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<narmstrong> llu: thx looking
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<exkc> i am odd
<exkc> sry for too late
<exkc> it is kind of neat to see a gsi wizard in here btw
<exkc> > sry for too late
<exkc> i mean it is a repty for a msg that "few day" ago
<exkc> *sanded
<exkc> my client has missed alot of msg lot likly due to i didnt check it
<exkc> *lol
<exkc> *it is likely
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<f_> ?
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<f_> exkc: btw logs are available at
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<exkc> yeah ik
<exkc> nothing then
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<llu> narmstrong: some updates, there must be something wrong with panel-khadas-ts050 driver, as if skip khadas_ts050_panel_prepare() temporarily { since uboot already done dsi initialization.. }, then screen is able to show login session although colorspace still not correct..