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<f_> Alright so.
<f_> Take latest HEAD, and apply the following patch:
<f_> Build as usual
<f_> run: stress-ng --cpu 4 --io 4 --vm 4 --vm-bytes 1024M
<f_> You'll see that it works, with the patch. :P
<f_> With that...
<f_> HEAD can now boot on S905 again!
<narmstrong> This is a good news
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<f_> yes
<f_> Also multiple days spent when it was just a single char that needed to be changed :P
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<hexdump0815> f_: congratulations! - so new year is finally achieved :)
<f_> hehe, not so fast!
<f_> Look at the "What works" section
<f_> USB is TODO and eMMC is broken :)
<f_> AFAIK eMMC on GXL and GXBB are identical though (at least that's what xdarklight said)
<f_> And indeed I can reproduce the exact same issue on both.
<f_> At that point I think I'll just rip out all eMMC init code...BL2 uses the eMMC without init anyway
<f_> or try with the full MMC driver framework rather than the tinyified one currently in use (not sure if that's the issue, but it's still worth a try)
<f_> hexdump0815: Other than that and USB and code cleanup, should be good to go upstream
<f_> In the future, on GXL, I'd like to also get lafrite booting, which is currently not possible now (theoretically) because lafrite uses DDR4 IIRC
<hexdump0815> f_: looking forward to have all this in the regular u-boot one day - not so long ago i would have never thought that something like this will ever happen
<f_> I think it was just me who went way too far.
<f_> went from "I want linux on my box" to "I want U-Boot SPL on my box" lol
<f_> hexdump0815: Testing welcome, too!
<f_> Especially with different DRAM rank modes
<f_> Oh, speaking of upstreaming..
<f_> Kwiboo: Wish to upstream your gxbb BL31 patch?
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<f_> Perhaps with an "AML_U_BOOT_SPL" #define to enable at compile-time to keep BL2 support
<f_> Overall I'm pretty happy with how well it went
<f_> and, pretty cool, TV box didn't panic. stress-ng has been running for a while, stress-testing RAM.
<f_> stress-ng: info: [2101] passed: 12: cpu (4) io (4) vm (4)
<f_> stress-ng: info: [2101] failed: 0
<f_> So AFAICT this is pretty solid and stable now...
<f_> I'll say it again, testing is very much appreciated to discover/fix remaining bugs I haven't seen
<hexdump0815> f_: i'll try to do some testing when i find enough energy and time for it - i can test on odroid c2 (gxbb) and a few gxl tv boxes
<hexdump0815> and when are get there also some g12a and sm1tv boxes
<hexdump0815> when you get there i ment
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