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<exkc> \o/
<exkc> is mainline ready for s905x4
<exkc> ohhh
<exkc> i have s905x4 STB that use MTK wifi chip
<exkc> ohhhh
<exkc> this baby might have a signed bl bc it is google certited.
<exkc> *looking into amlogic kerenl
<exkc> hua
<exkc> s905y4 and s905x4 is in the same fmailly
<exkc> *isnt
<exkc> what different between s4 and s4d
<exkc> they are for the same dev board i think?
<exkc> but then why one is them is s4d and one is them is s4
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<f_> x4
<f_> Well exkc you're in the bleeding edge lol
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<exkc> yeah
<exkc> any way work on it
<exkc> *mainline work
<f_> no idea but feel free to start :P
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<exkc> oh
<exkc> oddly it use 12 v
<f_> Mecool KII Pro support when
<exkc> i know a place that full of randorm chinese stuff
<exkc> i randorm a tv box
<exkc> *i randorm buy a tv box
<f_> cool
<exkc> and that is how i started porting pm os to amlogic
<f_> I'm greatful for what you've done.
<exkc> but
<exkc> i dont think i saw Mecool KII Pro
<exkc> but i saw smailer i think
<f_> yeah I don't own a mecool KII Pro
<f_> I only own the OG KII Pro variant.
<f_> The one with an S905 SoC
<exkc> i have mi box that one use s805
<exkc> *s812
<f_> mainline it
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