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<f_> So..despite still having DRAM issues, writing to refr_ctrl1 actually did make the thing more stable.
<f_> I went from "crashes after boot" to "crashes when heavily making use of the RAM".
<f_> Once again, regression D:
<f_> b294bfb5aaed28e26f9f450a18dcc0f65593872d doesn't have any of that
<f_> (as I've said before)
<f_> But that means I can still boot to i3wm or MATE and run neofetch :D
<f_> contrary to what I said before, the issue is *not* channel-related, sort-of.
<f_> It is related to the last few bits of init code to finish bringing up DRAM, and the reason why I couldn't reproduce on GXL is..
<f_> well..
<f_> that code is different on GXL!
* f_ facepalms.
<f_> Anyway it's still less severe than before :P
<f_> so it's actually slightly usable.
<f_> just make sure to not use all of the RAM :P
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<f_> mmm...
<f_> yay
<f_> Second regression introduced!
<f_> Issues I'm having now are coming from a different source..
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