If we looked at Rails out for 61.1 - July 29, 2021 java (379 KB) then we can probably set to that Rails version and see if this goes away
and it does appear to be green then
and 61.1 was put out in 2021
this is rails 6-1-STABLE, but this seems too many failures for a stable branch change
headius: and this is using jruby-head?
or jruby 9.3?
were we actually using 9.3?
or 9.2 in travis?
looks like 9.2
I can try to run with that and see if that is green
It is possible we have a 9.3 bug or that Rails changed something
ok I will try that
I would lay even odds
I will get these mysql2 tests running and then merge to master and do another PR to expand the matrix, so we will at least have a baseline build running
I am hoping somehow this fix for specific args has something to do with the last failure in spec:compiler
wow wtf
Java::JavaLang::ClassCastException: class org.jruby.ir.operands.TemporaryClosureVariable cannot be cast to class org.jruby.ir.operands.DepthCloneable (org.jruby.ir.operands.TemporaryClosureVariable and org.jruby.ir.operands.DepthCloneable are in module org.jruby.dist of loader 'app')
enebo: does that look familiar?
something we fixed after 9.2.14 perhaps?
there's 135 of these when I got 9.2.14 running in GHA
I thnk these are in the 9.3.4 results too
Some of this stuff does not surprise me too much
the encoding things
not sure how to proceed with this because it isn't green but it almost is
I remember there were also some weird creation params (to db itself) or envs which also could cause weirdness
these may need fixes in ar-jdbc or JRuby itself
I think this result looks good enough to tag those two out
but odd 9.3 has the errors it does
can we do that?
oh it does have excludes
go figure
so we are not perfect anyway
yeah we have some errors
yeah I can exclude these and do another push and it should be green for merge
dr-itz got rid of a lot over time but we had a few I think mostly for qg
err pg
So 9.3.4 and are running the same Rails but one has extra mismatched params and return values
We can run Rails scaffold using 9.3 so I guess either we don't hit these differences or they don't matter in the context of our app
yeah apparently not
I pushed excludes, fingers crossed
Seems weird to me to see so I would like to look at those 9.3 failures but this is not really our focus
so if this is green I was planning to merge to master and then open a new PR to expand the runs... or would you prefer we branch off 6 and start running 7 stuff?
I strong suspect the 9.3 errors will not be excluded...looks to basic
well master is updated for 7 stuff already
I expect it will take some screwing around to get PG set up and working... sqlite will probably be easy
stable-6.1 is just for 6.1
ah k
I forgot how we are handling branches and merges
although once we get first 70.0 out we will make a 70-stable branch
so after this merges to master, what would be best value for my time
that's what I'm looking for
It is one huge ass set of merges but I think 50 and 51 probably can be EOL
I think we want to see what is broken on jruby-head running against Rails 7 tests
so same set up but flip to 7-0-stable and jruby-head
I thought AR would be the most logical place to start since we want to hit a database but we also need to run Rails unit tests also to see what other broken stuff we have
heh yeah
both are no doubt in urban dictionary
if not they should be
The 9.3 stuff bugs me
as it should
The fact 9.2 runs differently is confusing
I really really did not think 9.3 did basic Ruby worse than 9.2
unless this ends up being some issue with JI changes or something
rails 6 depended on what Ruby version?
small possibility something changed for 2.6 maybe
I don't know but we use that version as a sanity check for a simple sqlite3 app
but I would have expected them to fix anything
it's green with the two new excludes
so this is basic GHA working and I will merge PR
ok yeah I thought there was something with encoding broken in one of the adapters
I thought it was pg but hell we have to remember too much already
MariaDB is just a different engine for MySQL yeah?
I don't really know how much they diverge in behavior and I did not set up testing maria so I don't know why both are run
I am guessing there is something different
yeah that was my thought
It could just be a nice sound engineering decision to make sure it always works though
ActiveRecord::JDBCError: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server. Consider upgrading MariaDB client. plugin was = caching_sha2_password
only failure setting driver to Maria
unsure if more needed on DB side to have this green
I have no idea
I would say exclude for now and see if someone complains
this may just need a newer jdbc driver
need to get this repo set up to pull drivers from maven... committing 500k binaries to the repo is no fun
I remember why I don't do server app dev anymore
I believe I have the arjdbc tests running on mysql now
looks like the if/else got rid of one error and one more which is unmarking keyword should make spec:ruby:fast:jit green
(sans wip obviously which is at ~171)
About 70 of those is fiber
sqlite3 arjdbc tests running
sqlite3 rails tests running and expanded mysql to with/without prepared statements
the sqlite3 rails tests also fail on those same two encoding tests
oh enebo I have push rights for net-http now so I will push a pre gem with the ssl tweaks and we should be able to switch to the gem on master
great...thanks for what had to be a painful day of setting that up
yeah I will try to expand to postgres when I return to the GHA stuff
for net gems, latest push here uses net-http pre gem and net-imap (it needed strscan which we have now) so assuming nothing serious breaks this PR should be ready to merge: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/7088
and then we are on gems for all net-* on master
Other than postgres, let me know what you think the next steps are for GitHub actions to support Rails 7 work
Shouldn't be hard to make a PR to just switch these test runs to Rails 7 but I'm not sure if Master is ready for that or not
headius: for master of AR-JDBC I think we should use latest stable Rails 7 and jruby-head
Rails 7 will never work with 9.3 so I don't think it matters how green master is
I'm not sure how merges have been handled but these GHA changes probably should get on the 6.1 branch
As is they should copy right over and work I believe
So long as stable-61 is
yeah when we land stuff for ARJDBC it will be lowest supported branch for the fix/change and then merges until we get to master
So your master changes probably should have started on 61 branch but it is fine. You can just cp that there and we/you/me can change to jruby-head and rails 7
I am pretty curious to see how good/bad it runs
Anything serious from a Ruby perspective would trump any other work on Ruby 3 since being able to run Rails is paramount
and it would be Ruby 3 work after all
Okay, I will attempt to get postgres running and once that's green I'll copy the GHA stuff to the 6.1 branch and try switching master around
I am somewhat optimistic. I think 2.7 did not add include/prepend changes so that not existing will not be an issue
Also areg evaluation also was not 2.7
Yeah that's one piece I'm a little worried about but so far it hasn't come up
The include/prepend should not be too bad since we track subclasses already
I think anyways. We are tracking that direction already so we mostly have to just perform the activity of adding it
net-* PR looks good so I am merging
two more default gems checked off the list
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woot, pgsql running
what a hassle, all these databases have their own arcane ways to configure a user
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ok pgsql is green on arjdbc tests and has like three failures I'm not sure about on rails tests (excluding the two encoding fails the other DBs have had)