Hash#slice() doesn't work with HashWithIndifferentAccess, since the former is implemented at the Java level and ignores the method aliasing from the latter. Is this something worth submitting a bug over, or is it known/won't fix? I haven't tried on, but it doesn't look like code has changed since it was first implemented
daveg_lookout open an issue. Even if this is something we wontfix (and I am not saying that) we will document it more for anyone else who looks for it. This sounds like we are doing a java direct call instead of dynamic dispatch.
headius: I just nuked all my gems and I am starting over on generating a rails app in case I somehow changed something. I definitely made it past the delegation thing
Hmm ok
Successfully installed net-pop-0.1.1
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
headius: Am I still depending on a prerelease of a gem?
I was really heavy handed and nuked all gems/gemsspecs and did a full rebuild
Just finished testing it while writing up a ticket, looks like this was a bug in ActiveSupport somewhere between and 6.1.5). I'll try to find activesupport bug to make sure. Sorry!
daveg_lookout: no problem
rails is a bigger and bigger piece of software. So is Ruby for that matter :)
Ah yeah I did --pre to get strscan installed and get rails to not complain about wanting 3.0.1
I don't recall what the second gem was but I guess I made it past gem install point for rails with that
Yeah I can install all the gems okay but generating an app fails
bleh now I realize we have no arjdbc-7
I will have to add that to the list for this week since it installs 5
ah shoot, yeah
I am a bit confused how my previous rails app bundle resolved to arjdb 50.0 and worked
It doesn't matter. I think I will just make a db-less app now anyways since our problems are not related to that currently
once rails loads then I can see fitness of arjdbc7. I also realize this is likely still a travis project
same result generating with --dev here
thought maybe that was the missing sauce
headius: are you using JRUBY_OPTS for that?
require 'maven/ruby/maven'
What gem is this from?
I am trying to build a 3.0.2 of strscan to just not deal with --pre
I attached pre gems to that Rails 7 issue
this maybe should be in strscan's gemspec for development unless we ship it
you can just install them and then install works normally
ok I forgot those were attached there
Those two gems are even sitting in my downloads dir
It was complaining about wanting a specific version of jdbc-sqlite3 which it wasn't doing so I manually uninstalled the newer version so only that was there
I will try this again though with skip ar option
since then it should be clean
rails aborted!
NoMethodError: private method `importmap=' called for #<Testv::Application:0x68c615f3>
you can do stuff like def foo(a, ...); super; end
but it is possible I can detect ... but the way zsuper works is we extract all references to receives so we can get the proper variable and we build a call out of those extracted things
you could just commit the monitor fix for now if you want... we are not pulling this from the gem
so we'd differ slightly but it will go back once fixed
so that extraction would have to then ignore those receives
I think the zsuper logic just needs to extract those values and I have to add the keyword arg marking++ that ordinary calls so
It is pretty icky
but I will commit monitor for now
That has been pushed
In theory I think you should be able to run the command line in the gist above and get it generating until it hits importmap stuff
yeah that is where it fails for me too
once you do get to this point I think you can just try rails console and it will be a short repro
getting a clean build and I will try it
app.importmap{,=} may be some funky delegation
but I do know self.private_thing is now just private_string and works. I did fix that feature but perhaps there is more to it than just self.
It was always weird that self. on front of private method would not work
so you get that importmap thing during generation as well
yeah it will be the end of that gist
It is part of rails importmap:install
amusingly the backtrace is just points to: Rails.application.initialize!
Disabling all private errors in call would tell us if that is the only thing holding us from running though
the first chunk there repeats a couple times for subprocesses
my patch should at least fix alias_method :foo, :foo
pushed that fix
wow Ruby 3.1 prints a TON of warnings with -d
thousands and thousands... can this be right?
I think once they added categories they decided to add more
I also think it might be user-definable too?
LOL I made a mistake and should have made unnabledrestargnode "*" and not null BUT now instead of -1 it is -2
mostly I just see these from MRI:
/Users/headius/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.0/gems/zeitwerk-2.5.4/lib/zeitwerk/kernel.rb:24: warning: method redefined; discarding old require
/Users/headius/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.0/gems/bootsnap-1.11.1/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:8: warning: previous definition of require was here
I do not see the Time ones I showed above
if (RTEST(ruby_verbose) &&
(old_def->alias_count == 0) &&
(!old_def->no_redef_warning) &&
looks like they track if the old definition has been aliased and assume it's ok to overwrite?
ah yay
ok so they alias to itself which does nothing but mark it is as aliases without changing anything
it brings a tear to my eye that this is known semantics
yeah so this is some accounting they have added over the years to avoid warnings for these alias chains
we just don't have it
and in fact the aliasing to itself had some changes in 2022 that now specifically mark the method as no warning
enebo: we should get byteit101 blog post up too
I'd like someone to ensure the code works as written on not-my-machine, but yes
headius: I just pushed fix for nested forwards. Rails console/generation should work now
It does for me anyways
headius: something I think you have more experience with me is GHA for JRuby projects. We need our activerecord-jdbc project moved from travis. Any chance you can do that?
yeah I can take a look
I will pull your change first and confirm it generates for me
enebo: why does it install ar-jdbc 50.0? Do we not have a 6.0 version?
It is because it never got yanked.
It has a poor specifier
oh I see
If we have a release for 7.0 then it goes away
I feel like it should get yanked but then I am leery of yanking gems
yeah it is drastic
confirmed app generates
Once we get a new CI running for ARJDBC then I think we can get out a release soon
HEH...13 safe tags can go away since safe is not a thing
thank god that is finally gone
this is no trivial CI workflow to swap over
I'm honored
Actually I recall it is involved but I don't remember much past it loading versions of Rails
Unless I removed that
Pre-Rails 5 it would grab all supported versions of Rails to run tests against
but now we just only need the single version it supports
ah yeah...a lot of env stuff
7.0 gems will have to run in jruby-head probably
yeah for sure
I will try to get something running today though
other branches will get adapter from the changes to master since each one has differences
but I am not too worried about that and I imagine once on is done it is just a little editing
I fixed a long-standing issue that the argument order should match the order the encode so instrs can depend on super() doing the correct thing
One reason it didn't start like that was sharing a base class with an additional field some instrs did not want to persist and load