define_method and proc is still not quite right
ah that's not surprising
that is next but I am hoping that is just hooking this up more than it is already
rails still hits the root 1 arity problem
so that is either a) define_method/proc b) forwarding ... having some issue
they are not define_method so it must be forwarding
well it depends
if anything in the chain of calls has a define_method it may be marking something as ruby2_keywords and that is getting its status flag wiped and it then becomes a normal param
I am really really hoping a hash with that flag is not traversing many calls down but it is peculiar
oh I see, yeah I suppose that is possible too
I think that flag will lead to weird errors when people decide to call with captured args into threads
the delegate methods themselves are just normal (evaled) def blah(...); blah2(...)
I do think that will be very uncommon but it will just show up as an arity error
yeah well hopefully in a couple versions ruby2_keywords will be a distant memory
yeah I am hopeful but I even thought that rails code was using it
I think the method_missing itself was
maybe as a temporary measure... rails 7 is rooted on ruby 2.7 right?
that was the word last year but I don't know if they went to 3.0 in the interim
pushed my pathname tweak, should make test:jruby green
Don't tell me but tell me
I guess this means 2.7.x will always be 2.7+
spec:ji is next for me... mostly passing but something hangs
which means ruby2_keyword issues if there are any until next big release
probably yeah
If there is a serious issue we can patch rails or open an issue
WONTFIX: use Ruby 3 kwargs
it will just be due to state toggling
but their code is using ruby2_keywords to make sure 2.7 can run in places
well I am confused on that point
I guess Rails 8 will be 3.0/1+
yeah depending on when it comes out
So my guess is there are enough 2.6+ libraries out there calling into Rails they were not comfortable enough with forcing full 3.0 keyword behavior
but in their delegation it seems pretty strategic like method_missing
which should be fine since that likely will just get untoggled in next call since rails seems pretty kwargs heavy
but rails is still largely shared-nothing in the middleware once you are on a thread
So we would only have an issue if someone leverages something in Rails and then wants to leverage parallel stuff
RubyGems extensions
should keep URLs together when splitting paths
that's the one that hangs
in that case if it is a problem it will be something where I think we will realize what is up and help people do somehting else
hangs or heat death regexp
I'd guess it is getting stuck on some path component and re-splitting the same thing forever
and that's the diff that broke it... it is expecting File.directory? to eventually return true but it never does for a URI
yeah reverting just that line lets it progress.. File.dirname for a URI will keep returning the root URI but File.directory? will not recognize it as a dir
it should look like this when it processes the components down to root:
that is what broke it but only because you access RubyHash.size field directly in your visitAll
I thought I had reverted that
I spaced out I was replacing static impl for closures
seems to still be intact on master
well you can revert that if you care to
seems you can also fix it as-is too
why did you revert exactly?
or I guess, why did you do this change
I can revert but if there was a need for this change I don't want to break it
oh I think I remember now
FWIW this should have started hanging JI right away so I'm not sure why it wasn't caught
probably because master has been so red
I did a much larger change and some of those changes were adding state which did not need to be created per call
I reverted the ones which did that and left the rest
it should fix this to just use delegated size method
So I think these were all more an effort to inline the logic using closures so it just reads nicer without having to navigate
oh but maybe not
it walks RubyHash internals
so it would not work on the delegated version in MapJavaProxy
ah yes
the other visitAll is overridden in MapJavaProxy
so I can override this and get it to work probably
MapJavaProxy will probably need to be addressed at some point, probably by generifying RubyHash to work with opaque backends
as it is we have to override everything or it runs into cases that expect RubyHash internals
The closure motivation made me wish we could redo a bunch of stuff
Funny how Java having inner classes is so obviously a smell (to nice looking code) once you get closures in the mix
lastest push should have test:jruby and spec:ji green
on PR
so RubyHash will eventually need the treatment I did for RubyArray specialization... figure out the key methods to override and implement most of the rest atop those
then we can back it with whatever we want, like a Java Map or a concurrency-safe impl or a compact impl
JRuby X bruh
test:jruby still failing on Windows
I'm not going to dig into Windows stuff until everything else is green
ok things are looking good on PR... I'm going to take a step back and get spec:ruby:fast green again
CI starting to look a lot better in this PR in any case
but it will be less complicated than our pre-3 stuff since it won't constantly be trying to extract a hash
mostly MRI and WIP specs still failing with a few of our weirder runs
I believe we never passed the mock of to_hash for that reason
one thing I do wish but I don't really think it is worth it is recv instrs get keywords + args and if keywords is not undefined it knows it needs to potentially subtract one from args length
I think that is good as it gets from a straightforward design since we would not want to modify args itself
If we ever changed call path to separate out how we represent keywords then that would also go away
but a single object check and decrement for a few methods is much less work than we were doing
dinner prep but this is going well enough. hopefully tomorrow I will have block done. I might look at forwarding in the morning just to see if that is something simplish since methods + kwargs should be fine
I know we do have an issue with **nil but that one is more amusing than likely to break code
yeah probably not worth it since we will move forward with more custom call path logic for kwargs when we optimize
specifically passing kwargs as a separate special arg or args so they are not part of positional arg array
well we do not know it is a forward by the itme it passes IRBuild or I guess we can probably still detect it but the detection would be weird
I guess since we give the 3 things funny names we can look at the names and if we have all 3 it is forward
forward is largely just syntactical sugar to anonymous variables
yeah makes sense
I will finish today looking at spec:regression since these look easy
then we are down to the suites we expect to fail plus some weird configurations
it's coming together ok
nothing major so far to get our suites green so hopefully that is a good sign
I think main features are prepend/include subclass stuff and argument reordering
The latter I think will not be hard. It is just changing IR for masgn (I think)
I would think we do opt args for methods and the like correctly
ah yeah the masgn ordering
yeah IR build change should do it
personally I doubt delivering it would break any real code
yeah it is just reordering build order of rhs
I am hoping only masgn methods
tomorrow we should chat about release milestones... we will probably be working before RC but not perfect, but I'm comfortable doing a working 9.4.0 with promises to quickly address missing or broken features in updates
I can dig they wanted it to be consistent but who depends on execution order
I assume you don't want to do a release candidate or preview so .0 is the preview
yeah we can talk about that and we still have some time to figure out which things we think we will have done
I don't want to do a release candidate either because it makes no difference
yeah I think so but let's stew on that a bit
I am going to do some dinner prep
ta ta
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spec:regression should be green now
I had to implement some random bytes to random Bignum logic... seems ok as is but review might be good
not entirely sure I am handling the range properly... I am assuming if the Bignum requires N bits then any random fitting into N bits or smaller will work
since most significant bit will always be the limit