I don't think this will pass but that was easier than I thought... install Java 11, set up the runner and run it, and throw a job into workflows
rake test:jruby is actually running, albeit with (expected) errors
yeah native support is not loading, that aligns with reports
anyone that thinks they need to see this (or who might be able to help), let me know if you can't see it and I will try to open up the permissions
i.e. anyone that contributed a non-trivial amount to this release or just wants to help read through issues and add bullets
maybe I should move this into an issue 🤔
So in theory this plugin line was made because jruby-core has no source ... which is the first problem we ran into
aha ok
at least this is making some sense
if only it actually skipped source though :)
I guess it is skipping it's own source but not jruby-core not having source
perhaps I can solve it in jruby-core with that line
I will give that a try
ok any amount of # is bold/h1
hmm. ok no stickers on channel
funny I wonder what that looks like from irc bridge
yay fixed first problem...now to fix what is with jruby-complete
LOL. mvn -Pcomplete makes a jruby-complete.jar which contains NO classes from jruby but if performed as part of the release build must
Trying again with a clean build
I think it might be time to migrate to a new build system. If for no other reason that I understand it
I wish buildr had taken off
ok looks like complete requires core has been built first
it gets its contents from the core target .jar
which makes me wonder if core is actually usable now. jruby-complete it just stuffing the same contents into it
ok hahaha mvn -Pcore will make an empty jar with only the poms in it.
So I guess mvn -Pbase -Pcore -Pcomplete ?
Hmm -Pbase will do core and stdlib but if I look at target jar made for core it only contains the pom files
lib/jruby.jar contains no shaded stuff that I see but the contents of jruby-base and lib/jruby.jar differ too. I am rerunning this but I am pretty confused and just spamming the channel with running commentary
We stopped passing this job a while ago because there is no org/jruby/Main in jruby-complete.jar anymore. It is running Pjruby_complete_jar_extended vs -Pcomplete but more or less same issue
yow...that job has not build jruby-complete for at least a year. It has been a rough 18 months
headius: in the release notes it may be good to mention my first PR related to annotations for JI
(or 6141 if you want the PR vs the issue number)
ok jruby-core makes an empty file but lib/jruby.jar is supposedly the result of shading base...but it appears to have no shading. jruby-complete I think is loading the empty jruby-core in shaded and not lib/jruby.jar
ok yeah jruby-core with no source is being copied to .m2/repository
byteit101: ah yeah good call
enebo: ouch
yeah so I typed a lot so I am not sure if you read back but I can catch you up if not
-Pcomplete (and more extended phase for travis test) has not worked in over a year (logs get lost at that point)
but it does not work because it is using jruby-core and the installed target has no source in it
weirdly when we do a release build we will get a jruby-complete which has classes in it but none of them are shaded
when core builds it does make lib/jruby.jar which has what we need but none of those are shaded
headius: Should lib/jruby.jar be shaded or not?
I assumed it would still be jruby-core version of jar but I don't remember if we switched to jruby-base
s/has no source/has no jruby classes/
lib/jruby.jar should be shaded for now
when we drop Java 8 it won't be and we will use module path logic
I will have to catch up a bit later, family duties for a while
ok. I am making some progress in seeing threads to pull on :)
and since I just wrote it I see that asm is actually shaded so ignore that claim that we were not shading
Ok good
FWIW none of this surprises me much... I knew the new artifact would probably need some tweaking. Well get it figured out this week
I feel like if we can just make sure that jruby-core is written to proper target location things may just work
we definitely need it to be there so we don't push an empty artifact up
I am very bold. I think I fixed the build and just pushed it to master
I removed shading directly to lib/jruby.jar so it writes to proper target location then I use another plugin to copy that to lib/jruby.jar
headius: ok now I am confused. jruby-bin for is virtually the same size as but jruby-core on sonatype is quite a bit smaller
ok this is amusing or not depending on your sense of humor
<enebo[m]> and 9.3 have the same problem
Although my changes made it more obvious for 9.3
in addition to having the shaded versions of classes in our bin/dist we also still have all the original classes in the uber jar
however 9.3 maven works now that will end up being contained in jruby-core now
lopex: is tables/*.bin used at runtime to extra jcodings data?
enebo: yes
should it end up jruby-core?
in a jar ? yes
ok. I don't think it is in any of our jruby-core releases
I am questioning whether jruby-core even works atm
It is also missing other non-relocated packages
it is in lataest jruby.jar release
yeah but you mean within jruby-bin.tar.gz
the lib/jruby.jar does contain them within the bin dist
but the jruby-core artifact does not have them
(and not just tables...it is missing other stuff too)
I was just fixing a build issue and realized once I "fixed" things jruby-core was ~5MB larger
the complete jar is a bit bigger but that may be due to more stdlib being in gems... I will investigate though
[ERROR] /Users/headius/projects/jruby-9.2/core/src/main/java/org/jruby/RubyEnumerable.java:171: error: invalid use of a restricted identifier 'yield'
gonna have to look into that before we can build and deploy on 17
the complete jar appears to be including anything installed in the working copy, so for me it pulls in things like bin/benchmark_driver, bin/httpclient and so on
that needs to be checked against a clean working copy
only one new gem, for the new io-console jruby support, but that shouldn't be too much bigger
oh, and IRB... but I don't see the gem file being included in the complete jar
some of these are default gems but there are several new ones in 9.2 which would increase the size of complete jar
bundler is now shipped
csv is newer with more files
fileutils is a gem now
the 9.2 complete jar does not appear to shade the x86_64 and aarch64 assembler libraries from JNR
that's about it
only stuff that didn't seem to belong was from bin/ so the script is a little too eager there
that's probably because we kept missing files and modified it to include everything
nothing seems particularly odd in 9.3 complete jar so I think bumping it to 30MB is probably appropriate
that makes sense because the jruby-jars gem size is also 30MB and should include basically the same things
ok cool. yeah we always build on a shallow clone so how we include should be fine
yeah seems like the sizes are no worry... I am pushing a bump for the check_versions script
the complete jar may perform better in JNR because it actually includes the assembler for jni stubs now
headius: seriously makes me wonder if anyone uses jruby-core as an artifact too
the fact that the core jar shrunk is AMAZING to me though
I don't know if that has ever happened
we yanked out nailgun and the parser and ripper parser both lost a ton of inner classes
and many other inner classes replaced by lambdas
lets make the entire codebase into lambdas and we will only load one class
one big file with lambdas
so #2 could just be openj9 glitchiness.. I'm not going to dwell on that right now
if it passed after that it isn't a priority
yeah it happened once and then didn't
tests for complete lost whatever fixture compilation
JI tests passed in the last run, where did you see a problem?
the only thing that failed unexpectedly in the latest travis run was check_versions
I rm'd my compiled fixtured and I see the same error
in the expected failure job running -Pcomplete_*
oh but that has been failing for some time... if that is the only problem now it may be fixable
once it makes it past that section there may be other errors but so long as we have them running we may as well make at least that section pass
it was unclear why it was failing before but I didn't think it was something that easy
It seems to be the only CI test we have to see if complete is working
I always check before release manually but catching it is nice
it is some maven thingy that mkristian created to test complete and it stopped working at some point
I would bet it just doesn't compile those sources because they are compiled in the rake target
it was because jruby-core as an artifact was a 4k file with nothing in it
that could be fixed by having them compiled by maven or something
so jruby-complete put that in and have no classes in it
right ok
so that is not new but if we want to get it working I can spend some time on it
So all we need to fix there is getting the test java fixtures compiling
I am pretty sure those files are only getting compiled by the rake target because they're in a weird place
spec/ji/fixtures is not part of any maven module's test sources
maybe we can just comment those out and open an issue too
I would like to see once we make it past those first section whether the other crud in there is missing stuff. Once we pass the maven tests I think it does some app server things
Maven really makes some class of activities painful
yeah we could skip the JI tests for the extended complete thing for now