at least my matrix message showed up on libera, but not vice-versa
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the bot is a little slow
enick_270 has joined #jruby
there it is
TestAccount[m] has joined #jruby
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yeah yeah yeah
still nothing going the other way
seems one way still
or zero way
matrix to IRC is working but slow
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ok I agree with your slow statement now
fast enough
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I will ask in the #libera-matrix:libera.chat support channel
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sounds like it will work once users have synced up both ways
we can let things settled for a while
message sync seems to be speeding up also
maybe 2s lag now
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headius[m] is now known as headius
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enebo: I got my matrix and libera connected with same name
how does it look on that end?
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does appear to work right
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enebo: try message on libera
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sent something
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I guess we wait a while
yeah perhaps it will just start working after a bit
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gnome 4 is in new FC release and it seems to have nuked an extension I added
whenever you move mouse to upper left corner it shows all your windows in a minified view to fast select but that makes the upper left corner tricky to actually use
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so I have to download a full extension to remove that behavior because gnome people say we cannot have too many settings
man I am so confused about freenode
now I connected to irc.freenode.net and I see the five user #jruby
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It is possible it is a setting now though...I cannot possibly imagine who likes that behavior...
(and I know someone in this chat will end up saying they do :) )
I have some hot corners but only for stuff like turn off screen
on macos
liamwhiteGitter[ has joined #jruby
are you still on irc.freenode and seeing 20-some users?
upper left feels like a weird choice since you overshoot to go to like "File" on an app and you get the selection
seems like some kind of netsplit
yeah sounds like they have more than one server and one is not connected
it is a spanning tree network so ???
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now I can't reconnect
I find this whole freenode thing confusing at a higher level
Like what did the people who took it over actually gain
I guess they thought people would complain a few days and keep using it?
yeah seems like a big strategic error somewhere along the way
For that matter what do they have to gain from this anyways?
now they have control of an IRC network nobody wants to use
It is not like we pay for it
we don't pay for Travis either
OlleJonssonGitte has joined #jruby
sure but someone does
is there a commercial irc offering on freenode?
that is probably the long game but they screwed it up
back on irc.freenode, still five-person room
yeah I guess. if you offered irc + logger + other plugins for a channel you could get a standard protocol and modern chat amenities?
BlaneDabneyGitte has joined #jruby
I find it amazing that in the late 90s people have drawing panes integrated into irc as a Java applet
RomainManni-Buca has joined #jruby
So you would join #x and your client would join #x_draw (or something) and it would send drawing primitves as text when you drew on a canvas and all clients connected would then draw that
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enebo: I can't seem to get back on the server that has 20-some people... I will update our chat page and you can set topic
headius: I disconnected from the server but I can try
11 people
so I think I made it
enebo: irc.freenode.net yes?
in theory. It does not tell me what I am connected to on pidgin I can see but that is the host I have configured
I seem to be getting routed to the bad server still
so give me a topic and I will set it
I wonder who tracks how many people are each network
I saw stats a few weeks ago and I would love to see a graph :)
yeah something. Although I feel this error is not what I remember being the issue
Whatever the original problem was I spent like 10 hours trying different things and I thought the issue was redirecting from http and not https
ok I will take another look. We had an issue but this feels like it is different
I don't recall since this was changed years ago
I updated chat page to point at Libera
enebo: try a message on libera again when you get a chance
you can merge your accounts now if you want
so there is just enebo on both sides
oh how do you do that?
I never did it before and in fact this is first time I heard of this feature :)
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open a chat to appservice
then "!username enebo" followed by "!storepass your_nickserv_pass"
it should take over the registered enebo on libera
I kinda wish the libera folks and matrix folks would have just directly integrated these but I suppose matrix wants to support other IRC networks too
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enebo: confirmed that all http jruby.org URLs do redirect to https www version
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but I keep trying https://jruby.org URLs because www is so 90s
once the release is out I will mess around and see if I can slay the dragon
I believe the prefixed names are fine as whatever the CNAME method of redirecting is fine
something about the lack of the www. and just being the domain name is somehow an issue
yeah it is just some recipe we don't have right
time heals all domain issues
ok we will call the great chat migration completed
time to finish up release
yeah some text for release notes and I am finalizing gem/maven right now
it ought to be able to use the dll they push in the windows platform gem but so far nobody on sassc gem has shown interest in helping us set that up
heh CRuby Devkit?
ok well I guess there is an enhancement to be made on windows for us somewhere
rubem has joined #jruby
I guess?
must basically just be the tools for building CRuby exts
but we would need ruby installed?
If I had to bet I would say it is just to access a compiler
perhaps though it somehow requires c ruby headers or something
I think the dev kit is just an easy way to get Ruby plus the build stuff but we definitely do not need Ruby for our build
So if we could figure out what compiler pack the dev kit uses we can just recommend that for jruby users