Was working on getting JRubyFX ready for release, but then I realized that I have some classloader bugs. Is there a classloader for all reified objects? I can get one for each class I reify (the one-shot), but then I can only load one class from java code.
side question: is it just me, or is the gem-version of irb not compatible with 9.3?
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There are some issues with it still
It requires a high degree of control over the terminal
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I am getting `ArgumentError: missing keyword: complete` every so often with gem irb which then exits
Ok that's a new one to me
IRB or JRuby issue tracker?
Do irb and copy me
From issues I have been seeing I think the new IRB is not entirely baked
I'm not sure if it's just me though, as I think my rvm upgrade to 9.3 screwed up gem-wrappers somehow
now can't install but also get warnings
Hmm ok
I have never had the new IRB working perfectly but fixes might wait until 9.4 since you would have to opt into installing the new one
any thoughts on the classloader conundrum from last night?
hmm... I think I can probably clean up my rvm: jruby-1.7.19 jruby- jruby- jruby- jruby- :-O
Interesting, gem irb includes 'jruby' by default
Ok, fresh wipe of rvm gems same issue. Filing