<enebo[m]> puritylake: jruby repo has a new branch new_sprintf. Look at that first commit and we can talk tomorrow (or whenever you next have time).
<puritylake[m]> Will be tomorrow til I can take a look
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<headius> enebo: I'm going to add a property that turns off the .freeze optimization... both behaviors will be available then, just not at the same time
<headius> then we can close this with a workaround
<headius> enebo: fun experiment would be to make a RubyString subclass for frozen strings, so JIT can see that it is immutable
<headius> enebo byteit101: this is not a bug: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/6892
<headius> the old behavior happened to work because we did not return the actual generated class.. `declared_field` will only see fields defined on the target class, so now that we return the subclass this example does not see those fields
<headius> IT is nagging me daily to upgrade my MBP so I'm going to take the plunge... be back later today I hope
<enebo[m]> good luck
<headius> well I'm back
<headius> guess we shall see how this goes... maybe I can repro that gem push issue now
<headius> odd assert failure in this job, no idea how this could ever happen...
<headius> tried to reproduce in a loop here and it never fails
<headius> I think I figured out the problem with https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/5729
<headius> CRuby will store times as rational if it can't represent them exactly as a float
<headius> we force the time into long for millis and nsec and in the process lose some precision
<headius> the value that fails in that test is not representable in a binary float
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<headius> enebo: I pushed some changes there to fix the regression but unsure if it undoes what you hoped the patch would accomplish
<headius> fixing the Time.at value was only half the game, because the math in your patch still ended up putting the value in a double that could not accurately hold this value
<headius> BigDecimal fixes that but may regress something else that expected different precision