dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.17.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> rockorager: looks mostly good. "screen" really refers to the screen/output/monitor? Curious what the use case is for that...?
<rockorager> I am going to remove it
<rockorager> Removed :)
<rockorager> I had no use case for those - I just assumed it may have some use somewhere but the first two immediate comments I got were about that haha
<dnkl> rockorager: might be a good idea to explicitly mention that "text area" does *not* include padding etc
<rockorager> Will do
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<rockorager> dnkl: wow you're fast - I haven't even gotten this into my libs yet
<dnkl> got lucky and had a few spare minutes...
<rockorager> I'll test it out a bit later today
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<dnkl> rockorager: one potential issue, or pain point, for applications using the new size notifications is how to couple pixel and char notifications. Might be even more painful if there are a lot of un-throttled events during an interactive resize
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<rockorager> dnkl: Yeah the throttling could be an issue, but I don't think it would be any different from SIGWINCH?
<rockorager> And yeah, two separate notifications for pixels and characters could be problematic if there are images on the screen
<dnkl> if you use the ioctl to read the sized you
<dnkl> size, you get both pixels and chars in one
<dnkl> gut feeling is a new reply, that combines the two mode would be better
<rockorager> Ah that's a solution I hadn't thought of - you could use the new notification to trigger an ioctl call
<dnkl> that's not what I meant though
<rockorager> I think it could be handled on the application side fairly easily though
<rockorager> If I subscribe to both, I can wait until I receive both in my read loop
<dnkl> it'd be nice with a platform agnostic way to get the size
<rockorager> before taking any action
<rockorager> yeah
<dnkl> right, but spec doesn't define the order, making this a bit more difficult for the application
<rockorager> CSI n ; chars ; chars ; pixels ; pixels t
<rockorager> I don't know what n should be but something like that would work
<dnkl> yeah, that's what I imagined
<rockorager> It could reduce to a single mode then
<rockorager> if the terminal can't report pixels, they are 0
<dnkl> yeah, might not make sense to have two modes
<dnkl> unless you think more applications are likely to adopt the new mode(s) if we use the legacy replies, I think an all new reply format is better
<rockorager> I don't think anyone would care - the new one is just as simple
<dnkl> all new == CSI n ... t, as you described above
<dnkl> then that has my vote:)
<rockorager> I tend to agree with you on that one
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<rockorager> fwiw alacritty has rejected this idea
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<dnkl> they typically do, but they also tend to adopt things later, once they've become a bit more mainstream
<rockorager> Yeah
<rockorager> Alright let's do the single mode, single reply. I will try to find a nonconflicting value for the xtwinops response
<dnkl> I do think it would be nice if we could be sure at least _some_ applications (that aren't too exotic...) will support the new mode(s)
<rockorager> I will put support for this in my tui libraries, so that'll get aerc, senpai, and a few WIP zig things
<dnkl> senpai I do use, so that's a plus point 😂
<rockorager> I've also discussed a little with gpanders on nvim core
<dnkl> was just going to mention neovim... would be nice if we could get them on the train
<rockorager> Yeah
<rockorager> gpanders is putting a lot of newer stuff into nvim so I think totally doable. OSC 8 as of 0.10 and I know he's working on mouse shapes as well
<dnkl> is there a PR for OSC-8?
<dnkl> one thing a lot of apps forget is to put unique IDs on the URLs...
<dnkl> be nice if nvim could get that right from the beginning
<rockorager> It's already in on 0.10.0
<rockorager> Let me see if I can find the pr...
<dnkl> no ID as far as I can tell
<dnkl> that'll break URLs, that line-wrap across panes
<dnkl> and may also break URLs if part of an OSC-8 link is updated, at least on some terminals
<dnkl> (foot included)
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<rockorager> dnkl: how about `CSI 48 ; charh ; charw ; pixh ; pixw t`? 48 because it's just 4 and 8 jammed together
<jmcantrell> foot doesn't seem to recognize title updates anymore. tested with vim (:set title), bash and zsh. using foot version: 1.17.2 +pgo +ime +graphemes -assertions
<jmcantrell> foot setting locked-title is default
<jmcantrell> nevermind. can't reproduce
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