dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.17.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
<brocellous> Eh hm, is it expected for the responses to interleave if I send both the codes at once?
<brocellous> In response I see <clipboard preamble> <DSR response> <clipboard base64 data and suffix>
<brocellous> like, `wl-copy $(base64 -d <<< deadbeef) && read -sd \\ "?$(tput Ms c \?)"$'\e[5n' && cat -v << $REPLY`, the response is "^[]52;c;^[[0ndeadbeef^[", with "^[[0n" inserted in the middle of the clipboard response
<brocellous> Hm yeah I think this is a foot bug
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<Guest45> hi, the dev asked me to get here for support instead of codeberg, so here I am.
<Guest45> I have what seems to be a persistent desktop scaling, which comes from god knows here and impacts only foot, despite that the time I did meddle with scaling was for Xorg desktop. I never did anything of the sort with wayland. But I suppose some desktop environment or somethin' remained.
<Guest45> He told me to check foot -d info. Here's what might concern us:
<Guest45> > info: wayland.c:1574: HDMI-A-1: 1920x1080+0x0@60Hz Acer E220HQ 21.68" scale=1, DPI=101.60/101.60 (physical/scaled)
<Guest45> info: fcft.c:848: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf: size=6.48pt/18.00px, dpi=200.00
<Guest45> is it the last line ? If so why is it here ? I certainly didn't rewrite font files !
<Guest45> Thanks for your help.
<dnkl> looks like you've forced a DPI of 200 somewhere in your fontconfig rules
<Guest45> ok. How can it be reversed ? Where is it written ?
<dnkl> I don't know. Your system, your configs... could be global configs, could be local configs
<dnkl> check fontconfig documentation for possible config locations
<Guest45> thanks. I'll ask them and I can't figure out myself. What a load of crap, just because the environment or X didn't have a global scaling like wayland has (not the compositor, but wdisplays)
<Guest45> \s if I can't figure out
<dnkl> as a workaround, you could try setting the DPI in foot
<Guest45> yeah that worked, thanks.
<Guest45> feels like home once again :-)
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