dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.17.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<le3kat> Hi, I can't find information about this anywhere, but is there a way to make `Control+BackSpace` delete a whole word while in the regular mode (AKA not just for search mode)? When I try adding a keybinding to `[key-bindings].delete-prev-word` it says it's not a valid action, and adding `\x7F` to text-bindings doesn't work either.
<dnkl> le3kat: "regular mode"? you mean the shell? for that you need to configure the shell, it's not up to the terminal
<le3kat> Re-reading some articles in my history, I had configured alacritty to send an `End-of-Transmission-Block` character to achieve this result, but adding the `\u0017` to the text-bindings section gives me a "invalid escaped character: u" error. However since Control+w works fine I'd assume it'd be easier to bind Ctrl+BS to Ctrl+w? How would I do that?
<dnkl> did you read the man page?
<dnkl> text-bindings accept hex values
<dnkl> \u0017 is just a fancy way of saying the *hex* value 17 is a Unicode character
<dnkl> to remap to other key combinations, use e.g "showkey -a" to figure out what sequence the target combination emits
<le3kat> Ah, I there was a bug in my manpage wrapper that made me thing the foot.ini manpage didn't exist (fixed that), sorry. Yeah I can bind Ctrl-BS to \x17 and achieve what I wanted, thanks for the help!
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