dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.17.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
<brocellous> idk if this is expected behavior but it strikes me as odd
<brocellous> but if you do smth like "while echo foo; do sleep 2; done" from a shell in foot term
<brocellous> then type "bar", wait for the next foo to print, then backspace 3 times the cursor will back up to the end of the previous line
<brocellous> then the next foo will print at the end of that line
<brocellous> doesn't reproduce in alacritty or kitty
<brocellous> they have the more expected (to me) behavior where backspace can erase bar but only until foo\n is printed, then on the next line the cursor can't back up anymore
<dnkl> brocellous: foot implements back-wrap. Most terminals don't. It's indicated by the 'bw' terminfo capability
<dnkl> (rxvt also does this)
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<j`ey> is there a difficulty with mouse-hover-urls, or is the keyboard style just a implementation preference?
<j`ey> I was just wondering about the details behind 'we dont plan on making them clickable'
<j`ey> presumably it's the 'dont scan for urls' bit
<j`ey> fair, thanks
<j`ey> https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/pulls/1090 there's a PR for clickable years (2 years old, but still)
<cbb> j`ey: oh yeah, I forgot about that
<cbb> I guess it's up to dnkl to comment on the status of that
<cbb> the patch looks pretty small, but there's no mouse-over effects included
<j`ey> yeah just noticed that
<j`ey> I don't really know if I want it, just thought about it since Im currently using a different terminal that does mouseover (at work, I should try switch to foot here..)
<cbb> it seems like the code required for mouse-over would be venturing into "not minimalist" territory for a terminal emulator, but I guess that's pretty subjective
<cbb> I vaguely remember wanting clickable links myself when I first switched to foot, but URL mode is really nice after you get used to it
<j`ey> sometimes I lie down my with laptop and using the trackpack is a bit easier heh
<cbb> I guess the PR would serve that use case fine, but it'd probably also attract more "where's the mouse over effects?" type of comments, haha
<j`ey> I could also just remap the show-urls mapping to be easier to press in that situation!
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<kaisan> i'm curious if there's an option to expose the font-size through the window title? Or showing it?
<kaisan> ... during or just after resizing the font
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