idk if this is expected behavior but it strikes me as odd
but if you do smth like "while echo foo; do sleep 2; done" from a shell in foot term
then type "bar", wait for the next foo to print, then backspace 3 times the cursor will back up to the end of the previous line
then the next foo will print at the end of that line
doesn't reproduce in alacritty or kitty
they have the more expected (to me) behavior where backspace can erase bar but only until foo\n is printed, then on the next line the cursor can't back up anymore
brocellous: foot implements back-wrap. Most terminals don't. It's indicated by the 'bw' terminfo capability
(rxvt also does this)
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is there a difficulty with mouse-hover-urls, or is the keyboard style just a implementation preference?
I guess it's up to dnkl to comment on the status of that
the patch looks pretty small, but there's no mouse-over effects included
yeah just noticed that
I don't really know if I want it, just thought about it since Im currently using a different terminal that does mouseover (at work, I should try switch to foot here..)
it seems like the code required for mouse-over would be venturing into "not minimalist" territory for a terminal emulator, but I guess that's pretty subjective
I vaguely remember wanting clickable links myself when I first switched to foot, but URL mode is really nice after you get used to it
sometimes I lie down my with laptop and using the trackpack is a bit easier heh
I guess the PR would serve that use case fine, but it'd probably also attract more "where's the mouse over effects?" type of comments, haha
I could also just remap the show-urls mapping to be easier to press in that situation!
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i'm curious if there's an option to expose the font-size through the window title? Or showing it?
... during or just after resizing the font
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