dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.10.3 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<zakora> Has anyone built foot for Ubuntu 20.04? I tried to, but got stuck on some dependency issues (xkbcommon), so I wanted to know how much more effort is needed before diving too deep :)
<manio> zakora: apt install xkbcommon-dev
<zakora> it's already installed, but Ubuntu 20.04 ships with v0.10.0 whereas foot requires >= 1.0.0. I tried to build to install it from source but got stuck, hence my question
<manio> zakora: you are sure you are talking about libxkbcommon-dev and not libxkbcommon-x11-dev ?
<manio> oh and I mean 'apt install libxkbcommon-dev' before, sorry
<zakora> Yes, https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libxkbcommon-dev also shows it's at v0.10.0 for Ubuntu 20.04 (the newer Ubuntu seem to have v1.0.0, but not the current LTS 20.04)
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<dutchie> not sure if foot or kakoune bug: since 1.10.3, pressing menu with grp:menu_switch enabled in sway inserts a セ (katakana se) as well as switching the layout
<dutchie> (only in kakoune, which afaik is the only TUI application i have that supports the kitty keyboard protocol)
<dnkl> dutchie: does it happen in kitty too?
<dutchie> no
<dutchie> not in kitty 0.23.1
<dutchie> so i guess it's foot. want me to open an issue?
<dnkl> yeah, sure
<dnkl> it's kind of weird that xkb both handles it (by switching layout), and passes it on to foot...
<dnkl> dutchie: is this sway 1.6.1, or a git snapshot?
<dutchie> 1.6.1 release, though it is kakoune master
<dnkl> dutchie: apparently, I don't have a menu key... but, I can sort of reproduce anyway, in river as well. I swap ctrl <--> caps-lock, and have the control key (the actual Ctrl key) switch layouts. Pressing it doesn't insert any chars in kakoune, but it does affect the previous char in some way, that isn't happening in kitty
<dutchie> i can try with my other laptop, which has a custom xkb layout because for some reason lenovo put print screen where menu ought to be
<dnkl> don't think that's necessary
<dnkl> or, I'll have you test it when I have a PR up ;)
<dnkl> at least on foot master, pressing the ctrl key (with the kitty flags enabled by kakoune) emits an escape (which it shouldn't)
<dnkl> let me fix that
<dnkl> and then you can test
<dutchie> ok then
<dnkl> dutchie: aaah... this kind of makes sense. The escape I'm getting is XKB_KEY_ISO_Next_Group
<dnkl> which isn't in kitty's key table
<dnkl> which means it gets the "generic" treatment
<dnkl> i.e. is emitted as a unicode codepoint
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<dnkl> dutchie: think you can test https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/pulls/847 ?
<dutchie> i'll have a look now, might have to pause for lunch/taking the dog for a walk
<dnkl> oh yeah, look at that... already lunch time
<dutchie> that seems to work fine
<dutchie> no more katakana
<dnkl> \o/
<dutchie> (that was just a debug build, something's not quite working with release/pgo in my setup that i don't know if i want to dive into fixing atm)
<dnkl> dutchie: merged to master
<dutchie> cool, i'll use that until a release makes its way to nixos-unstable then
<dutchie> ty for fixing it so quickly!
<dnkl> np
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<w0rm> dnkl: re font sizing - either I had an aneurism or something was fixed since I made that config... in either way I can now use size=11 and get consistent results
<w0rm> so you won't get a bugreport from me
<dnkl> w0rm: great, I appreciate the feedback! (it's not the first time I see someone doing both - good to know that it isn't necessary)
<w0rm> I really do enjoy foot, url selector is something I've been missing since I moved away from urxvt...
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<sterni> dutchie: are you active in NixOS/nixpkgs
<sterni> I often struggle finding people to test foot / fcft updates somehow
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