dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.10.3 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/pulls/841 implements the new wl_output.name() and wl_output.description()
<dnkl> we still need xdg-output however, for correct DPI calculation with fractional scaling...
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<TobTobXX> Hey there! I seem to be a bit stupid, but I can't trigger the url mode reliably. When I start foot, I can usually trigger it once and then visit a site. But once I visited a site, I can't trigger it again, it'll always insert an underlined u.
<dnkl> TobTobXX: this may sound silly... but are you re-activating URL mode again? It exits as soon as a link has been activated
<dnkl> oh wait, that's what you're trying to do...
<dnkl> hmm, which version of foot?
<dnkl> sounds like a key input/state issue
<TobTobXX> foot version: 1.10.1 -pgo +ime +graphemes -assertions
<TobTobXX> GNOME, wayland (obvsly) on Alpine Linux v3.15
<dnkl> which compositor?
<dnkl> ah
<dnkl> :)
<dnkl> does it work if you switch to another window and then back?
<TobTobXX> Nope
<TobTobXX> And in fact, as soon as foot once looses focus, it looses the ability to enter url mode
<TobTobXX> this is my foot.ini: https://paste.sr.ht/~tobtobxx/8e7d890ea9f57803c20419e4a1bc67f5cf31d443 (should be fairly standard)
<dnkl> are you using the default key bindings (ctrl+shift+u)? does other key bindings, like ctrl+shift+c (copy) and ctrl+shift+v (paste) continue to work after switching focus?
<TobTobXX> Oh, and I use fish.
<dnkl> shell shouldn't matter
<dnkl> but it's likely related to the compositor
<TobTobXX> Ctrl-Shift-c and Ctrl-Shift-v do work after focus switch
<ifreund> dnkl: RE xdg-output, there are plans to stop exposing to normal clients/rename it to xwayland-output https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-protocols/-/issues/7
<dnkl> that's weird, to say the least... the bindings are handled in exactly the same way...
<dnkl> ifreund: I know :/
<dnkl> I'll use it for as long as I can
<dnkl> then we'll have to stop supporting dpi-awareness when fractional scaling is used
<dnkl> hopefully, real fractional scaling has become a thing then...
<dnkl> (fingers crossed)
<dnkl> s/real/working
<TobTobXX> Hmm... I remapped url-mode to Ctrl-Shift-i and now it seems to be working...
<dnkl> TobTobXX: hmm... it _could_ be related to GNOME's IME (ibus?)
<dnkl> isn't that bound to C-S-u too, by default?
<dnkl> could be some kind of collision there
<TobTobXX> I never used ibus. Isn't that some input method related stuff?
<TobTobXX> FWIW, no keybinding set in the control-center uses C-S-u
<dnkl> TobTobXX: could be an ibus setting
<TobTobXX> Youp, found it. You were right
<dnkl> I don't have a GNOME setup available at the moment, and can't verify. But pretty sure C-S-u is used to enter "unicode", which is handled by an IME
<dnkl> ah, nice!
<TobTobXX> Unicode code point uses C-S-u
<dnkl> mystery solved :)
<TobTobXX> Yes, it works now. Thanks.
<TobTobXX> I just remapped the keybinding through imap-setup
<TobTobXX> *ibus-setup
<p00f> dnkl: Oo I thought this was a Firefox thing
<dnkl> p00f: nope. In fact, it would have worked nicely in foot as well, if GNOME imlemented the correct text-input Wayland protocol (but it doesn't)
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<p00f> On sway it works only inside Firefox, libreoffice and thunar
<p00f> dnkl: I see
<dnkl> p00f: yeah, there's one interface between the compositor and the clients (firefox, foot, etc), and another between the compositor and the IME
<dnkl> everything has to match up
<dnkl> but I also think some applications can talk "directly" to the IME, over e.g. dbus
<dnkl> but not sure. I haven't really investigated how IMEs work, beyond the Wayland protocols
<p00f> 👍
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