dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.10.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<st3r4g> how hard is it for an application running in the terminal to make use of this new kitty keyboard protocol?
<st3r4g> specifically, let's say you have an ncurses application and you want to add the ability to get key release events
<dnkl> st3r4g: I don't think you can add it on top off ncurses. It needs to be handled by the framework itself.
<dnkl> But, I haven't done much ncurses programming
<dnkl> Not sure how much you can pass through to the application itself
<dnkl> For a bare bones application, all you need to do is emit an escape and then be prepared to parse the new key sequences
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<st3r4g> hm, thought so
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<helby> oh tiny terminal is getting features from monster? ;/
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<rcf> Why not absorb sensible ones
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* dnkl just ran "rm -rf src ...", thus deleting the entire foot source tree
<ericonr> thankfully we have source control :D
<ericonr> did you lose too much WIP stuff? :/
<dnkl> ericonr: luckily, I had my editor open, and could (re)save the modified files...
<ericonr> oof, nice >.>
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