jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<ppetrov^> so, prtverify now reports redundant deps?
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<farkuhar> ppetrov^: stenur made the same observation in his latest mailing list message, and suggested that the severity level be downgraded from WARN to INFO. I did question whether WARN was appropriate, since the offense involves other ports beyond the one being verified.
<ppetrov^> how does it involve other ports?
<ppetrov^> actually, i like the idea very much. I am doing a big cleanup of my ports now
<ppetrov^> i have another remark: prtverify reports an ERROR if any of the headers use tab instead of space, separating the from their contents
<ppetrov^> for example
<ppetrov^> # Description:GNOME Chemistry Utilities
<farkuhar> See findredundantdeps(1) for an explanation of the algorithm, which involves not just the other ports but also the active collections (inasmuch as it relies on prt-get).
<ppetrov^> ок, тханкс
<ppetrov^> ok, thanks
<ppetrov^> so, the tab thing, should not be an ERROR, should it?
<farkuhar> I'll look into the tab thing. I wonder if the preference for spaces instead of tabs was there from the beginning, or if it got added later.
<ppetrov^> it never complained before about this
<ppetrov^> i did use prtverify regularly
<ppetrov^> well, i changed the tabs to spaces, anyway i like it more like this, but such cosmetical thing should not be an ERROR
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: thanks for the feedback. Just to be clear, which error were you seeing: "header not found" or "empty header found"?
<ppetrov^> let me check, since I already fixed these...
<ppetrov^> e.g.
<ppetrov^> ERROR ppetrov/p5-algorithm-munkres .............. header not found: Descriptio
<ppetrov^> ppetrov/p5-algorithm-munkres .............. header not found: Maintainer
<ppetrov^> ppetrov/p5-algorithm-munkres .............. header not found: URL
<ppetrov^> having a tab on # Depends on: seems to be fine
<farkuhar> That would make sense, because 20_pkgfile_headers.awk does not regard "Depends on" as a mandatory header. But you're right that the regexp on line 21 is not loose enough to accommodate tabs.
<farkuhar> Anyway, it should be easy enough to fix. Just change the regexp to /^#[[:space:]]+(Description|URL|Maintainer):/
<ppetrov^> ah, so simple :P I am not a bash guru such as yourself, man...
<farkuhar> A complete fix would require also changing the regexp in the sub() command, two lines later. Otherwise the wrong key of the pkgfile_headers array will be initialized, and you'll get the same error as before.
<farkuhar> Thanks for reporting. I'll test the proposed solution some more, and push any changes later today.
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<ppetrov^> great, farkuhar!
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<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: prt-utils: suppress bogus prtverify warnings
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<ppetrov^> what are SUID files and are these bad?
<ppetrov^> i get several warnings by prtverify
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<tilman> ppetrov^: starting an executable that has the set-uid bit set results in a process where uid=owner of the executable. example: your sudo executable is owned by root, so starting sudo as user ppetrov actually runs it with uid=0
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<ppetrov^> thanks tilman
<ukky> ppetrov^: In the ideal Linux distro, there should be *no* executable files with suid bit set
<SiFuh> Or Linux-PAM in core
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-shtab: initial commit, version 1.7.1
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: power-profiles-daemon: initial commit, version 0.21
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: sbctl: initial commit, version 0.13
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: bluez: 5.73 -> 5.74
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: coin-or-osi: 0.108.9 -> 0.108.10
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: pnpm: 8.15.6 -> 8.15.7
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-frozendict: 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-pdm-backend: 2.1.8 -> 2.2.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: corrosion: initial commit, version 0.4.8
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: libaccounts-glib: initial commit, version 1.27
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: kodi-addon-inputstream-adaptive: 21.4.4 -> 21.4.5
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: gpgme: allow building qt6 bindings
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: objfw: 1.0.12 -> 1.1
<cruxbridge> <js> That was fast 😄
<cruxbridge> <tim> I am doing ports anyway :) Might as well
<remiliascarlet> ppetrov^: In the ideal Linux distro, static linking shall be the default, rather than a pain in the ass.
<ppetrov^> static linking?!
<remiliascarlet> Yes?!
<ppetrov^> ok!?! :)
<ukky> remiliascarlet: I do not agree with your statement, as I prefer non-static (shared) linking.
<remiliascarlet> Static binaries are way more portable, not as prone to supplychain attacks, not prone to sudden breakages because it was once linked to a slightly older version of a library that just got updated, and more advantages. The only true advantage of dynamic/shared is that the binary sizes are smaller.
<remiliascarlet> Shared linking is like communism; it sounds great on paper, but in practice it's the worst thing ever.
<remiliascarlet> Go compiles to static by default, C to shared. As a developer in both languages, the differences pretty clear to me.
<ppetrov^> hueheuhue, i just love analogies to Communism
<remiliascarlet> Haha, get it? Anal, ogies!
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<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: tree-sitter-cli: 0.22.4 -> 0.22.5
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: tree-sitter: 0.22.4 -> 0.22.5
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: fzf: 0.49.0 -> 0.50.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: p5-business-isbn-data: 20240323.001 -> 20240413.001
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: objfw: 1.1 -> 1.1.1
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<cruxbot> [core/3.7]: ninja: fixed build issues
<cruxbot> [xorg/3.7]: xorg-server: 21.1.12 -> 21.1.13
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