jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<cruxbot> [core/3.7]: pciutils: updated to version 3.12.0
<cruxbot> [core/3.7]: man-db: updated to version 2.12.1
<cruxbot> [xorg/3.7]: xorg-libx11: updated to version 1.8.9
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<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: enchant: 2.6.8 -> 2.6.9
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<tarxvfz> a quick newbie queston: I already have the build package: /usr/ports/opt/spirv-tools/spirv-tools#2022.2-1.pkg.tar.xz
<tarxvfz> when I run prt-get install spriv-tools, what is the expected behaviour of prt-get: 1) to install my previous package? OR 2) to rebuild it again?
<remiliascarlet> tarxvfz: `pkgadd /usr/ports/opt/spirv-tools/spirv-tools#2022.2-1.pkg.tar.xz` is the command to install it if you used `pkgmk`.
<remiliascarlet> Using `prt-get install` is discouraged, because it only installs the package itself without the dependencies needed to run it. Instead, `prt-get depinst` is encouraged.
<remiliascarlet> The expected behavior for both is that if it's already installed, then it'll tell you it's already installed and terminate execution.
<tarxvfz> remiliascarlet 10x, I got it :)
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<farkuhar> heh, I've been running a rewritten prt-get for so long that I can't even remember how it used to behave if a package already exists. Strangely, I never got around to merging into the master branch the relevant logic added by https://git.crux.nu/farkuhar/prt-get/commit/f2c0f370d475ccd506753fd71b92616b3dab4395#diff-060a96dbded1d6815d1430e60f95a5f244286f00
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<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: bluez: fixed optional dependency, closes #9
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: p5-image-exiftool: 12.81 -> 12.82
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: p5-libwww: 6.76 -> 6.77
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: p5-datetime-locale: 1.40 -> 1.41
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: ffmpeg: fixed build with newer vulkan
<farkuhar> Comparing timestamps in prt-get itself is just an extra layer of redundancy, to suppress the verbose message you would get by running pkgmk without the -f flag. pkgmk conducts a more thorough test, comparing timestamp of an existing package against not just the Pkgfile, but also all the files in the source array.
<farkuhar> pkgmk succeeds (exit status 0) if it encounters no compilation errors and no footprint mismatch, or if the build was skipped due to the presence of an existing package. Either way, prt-get interprets the success of pkgmk as a "go-ahead" to proceed with the installation (the pkgadd command that remiliascarlet wrote above).
<farkuhar> In the event that the package was already installed, then prt-get doesn't even bother to involve pkgmk, it just informs the user about the invalid target. But the output is slightly different when more than one target is specified on the command line: https://crux.nu/Wiki/FS1843
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<tarxvfz> farkuhar: ah, yes '// skip the build if a package exists newer than Pkgfile' this logic I expected to see while running 'prt-get depinst xxxxx' for the first time :) it is unfortunate it never reached master :)
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