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GazL has joined #crux
Evening all.
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Anyone know why my ninja 1.12.0 build created a load of gmock/gtest files that aren't in the latest .footprint ?
GazL: my ninja build log has the line "Could NOT find GTest (missing: GTEST_LIBRARY ...)" during the configuration stage, and a larger-than-expected footprint like what you reported. Maybe on a system with a standalone installation of gtest, these files will be skipped when building ninja.
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farkuhar: thanks, yes that seems like it would makes sense, but if gtest is not part of CRUX, I'd have expected the official .footprint to still contain them ( which it did until it was updated in a separate commit).
It probably doesn't matter. Just curious really.
GazL: it is curious that we got a separate commit to remove those files from the footprint. Maybe someone with a standalone installation of gtest complained about having to override a footprint error with loads of MISSING files (usually regarded as more serious than NEW files in a footprint, and hence less likely to be "ignored" by default).
What has me curious is why it's built them anyway. If I use the configure.py --bootstrap method of building ninja rather than cmake, I just get the executable.
I'm not familisr with gmock/gtest so not sure why I'd nedd/want it.
farkuhar: If you update to ninja 1.12, do pkgadd -u and then rebuild, it finds the existing gtest libraries and then builds it without them!
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I wonder if the pkgbuild should include rm -f's for them to keep things consistent.
GazL: that's probably a better design than how it's currently done. Especially if the configure.py --bootstrap method doesn't produce the gmock/gtest files.
It's possible there's some sort of cmake build option/target to avoid building them, but I've not looked yet.
Anyway, at least I understand where they're coming from now.
Thanks for the advice.
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