jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<jason123onirc> has anyone got xfce to work on crux?
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<jaeger> It's been a long time since I used it last but it worked in the past
<jaeger> using the xfce_4.16 repo, I believe
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: foot-terminfo: 1.13.0 -> 1.13.1
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: chrony: update to 4.3
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: poppler-qt5: update to 22.09.0
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<cruxbot> [xorg.git/3.6]: xorg-libfontenc: update to 1.1.6
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<jason123onirc> jaeger, its giving me an error with upower
<jason123onirc> something about the man pages
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: yt-dlp: 2022.09.01-1
<stenur> ..after having seen that CRUX 3.6 is Nr. 5 on repology.org up-to-date packages list, i first did not want to do 3.6; not that it matters, hmm..
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<farkuhar> stenur: it actually wouldn't matter if repology.org restricted its search to core,opt,xorg. By including the contrib collection they reinforce what SiFuh calls a misplaced focus: our frantic pace of version bumps while foundational aspects of the system go for decades without fixes.
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<jaeger> jason123onirc: can you pastebin the error?
<jason123onirc> jaeger, i will share a screenshot
<jason123onirc> https://ibb.co/yBJ6601
<jaeger> Ah, docbook problem... try installing docbook-xml and docbook-xsl first
<jason123onirc> jaeger, its all ready installed
<jaeger> hrmm, odd
<jaeger> Not sure what to make of that, docbook stuff is a mystery
<jaeger> I'll see if I can build upower in a container
<jason123onirc> ok
<jason123onirc> what I am really trying to install is xfce
<jaeger> Are you using the xfce_4.16 repo?
<SiFuh> Aren't there scripts in the docbook-xml and docbook-xsl directory that need to be run also?
<jaeger> yes, good point... do you have install scripts enabled in prt-get.conf or via --install-scripts command line option?
<jaeger> https://crux.ninja/tmp/upower%230.99.20-1.pkg.tar.xz if you want to try it, just built in a container
<dlcusa> xfce_4.16 is broken by libmpd being dropped from contrib. Adding it back to the xfce_4.16 repo has been on my todo list but other stuff needs to be done to be able to do that.
<jaeger> Do I have the right signature for the repo on the portdb? Getting complaints from it in a container
<dlcusa> Another todo is to fix the signatures, for now -is is needed.
<jaeger> ah
<jaeger> related, is the xfce_4.14 repo still active/relevant?
<dlcusa> No, it is obsolete and should not be installed, per http://dlcusa.net/CRUX/xfce_4.14 doc.
<jaeger> Want me to remove it from the portdb?
<jaeger> I'm leaning towards yes due to it being obsolete
<dlcusa> I guess that won't induce any heartburn at this point, jaeger.
<jaeger> ok
<jason123onirc> yeah i am using xfce_4.16
<jason123onirc> dlcusa, really xfce is still broken even if i get upower to build?
<dlcusa> jason123onirc, without libmpd the optional xfce4-mpc-plugin and xfmpc packages can't be installed. The core stuff should still be fine.
<jason123onirc> ah ok
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<jason123onirc> jaeger, still giving me the error and I don't know how to use the version on crux.ninja
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: did you run those scripts?
<jason123onirc> what script?
<SiFuh> /usr/ports/contrib/docbook-xsl/post-install
<jason123onirc> i reinstalled the docbook things with --install-scripts
<SiFuh> /usr/ports/contrib/docbook-xml/post-install
<jaeger> I'm running into the same problem with libsecret currently
<jason123onirc> i want to get at least mate or xfce built
<jason123onirc> or both
<jason123onirc> but both give errors
<jaeger> Yeah, I was trying to do a mate build in a container to test this. I wonder if the problem is upstream somehow. I can manually fetch http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl with curl, for example, but xsltproc is failing on it
<jason123onirc> for me its an error about libbytesize
<jason123onirc> same error
<jaeger> The same docbook error from xsltproc or something else?
<jason123onirc> for xfce its the upower issue
<jason123onirc> with docbook
<jaeger> And for libbytesize?
<jason123onirc> that is an issue with mate
<jaeger> interesting... the xsltproc call in libsecret specifies a remote URL for the stylesheet but ALSO specifies --nonet
<jason123onirc> well there are two different mate repos i am using the only on the crux.ninja site
<jaeger> I wonder if the intended behavior is that --nonet tells it to look for the same stylesheet in the local catalog
<jaeger> jason123onirc: yes, and that's what I'm asking about because it's my repo and if it's broken I want to fix it :P
<jaeger> with that said, I'm already past the libbytesize build without errors
<jason123onirc> this is your repo?
<jason123onirc> jaeger, i think its the same docbook error for libbytesize
<jaeger> yes, that's mine
<jaeger> OK, so it's not really a libbytesize or libsecret error, docbook seems to be the problem
<jason123onirc> yeah that is that it says
<jason123onirc> https://ibb.co/yBJ6601
<jason123onirc> wrong image
<jason123onirc> https://ibb.co/KXxWW8q
<jason123onirc> this is the correct one
<jaeger> yeah, same thing
<jason123onirc> what i am using right now is i3 only because that is the only thing i could get working
<jason123onirc> but even the status bar gives an error
<jason123onirc> but at least it works
<jason123onirc> how did you even get upower to build?
<SiFuh> jaeger: upower builds here
<jaeger> At the time it just worked
<SiFuh> But I don't have libbytesize or libsecret installed
<jaeger> do you have docbook-xsl installed?
<SiFuh> Both xsl and xml yes
<jaeger> interesting
<jaeger> What was the xlstproc call in your upower build?
<jason123onirc> i have both xsl and xml installed
<jaeger> yes
<jaeger> That was directed towards SiFuh
<jason123onirc> i even reinstalled both
<jason123onirc> yeah
<SiFuh> Same command
<jaeger> SiFuh: can you pastebin /etc/xml/catalog?
<jason123onirc> why do we even need to build with the documentation? can't we just build it without or is that not an option?
<jaeger> having man pages is nice, but it's generally up to the author of a port to choose
<jaeger> hrmm... the upstream file hasn't been modified in more than 8 years so that kinda rules out a change there
<SiFuh> jaeger: The issue is libxml2
<SiFuh> I just updated to the latest libxml2 and upower doesn't compile
<SiFuh> If I downgrade it compiles
<jaeger> funky
<jaeger> both 2.10.1 and 2.10.2 failed here
<SiFuh> Worked libxml2#2.9.13-1.pkg.tar.xz
<jason123onirc> how do i downgrade a package?
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: See what changed
<jaeger> hrmm, yeah, 2.9.14 seems to work as well
<jaeger> I grabbed the latest pre-2.10 Pkgfile from here and compiled it: https://crux.nu/gitweb/?p=ports/opt.git;a=blob_plain;f=libxml2/Pkgfile;hb=d61ad97e4ae236e0a220a7943e58f1d70b755540
<jason123onirc> df repo also has the same version
<jaeger> Feel free to use either one for now, if it works
<jason123onirc> well the df repo version works if i change the download link
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: libvirt-python: updated to version 8.7.0
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: libvirt: updated to version 8.7.0
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: nawk: 20220830