jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: nss: 3.82 -> 3.83
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<stenur> Has anyone a good suggestion for a monospace font?
<stenur> I am using Liberation only (for anything) for years, but it seems they designed some characters in a way that makes them indistinguishable from others.
<SiFuh> Glasses?
<stenur> (It seems the new groff will for -Tutf8 map some characters like so, and this is a real problem for Liberation)
<stenur> will look SiFuh, thanks
<SiFuh> That was a joke stenur
<SiFuh> For work I use FreeMono but only because i need super small clearly readable font. Maybe 'Noto Mono' is more like what you want?
<ppetrov^> stenur, I use terminus
<SiFuh> Smoothansi for my terminal
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<stenur> SourceCodePro is not. ppetrov^, that is a bitmap font? SiFuh also not TTF. ;)
<stenur> Terminus would not be for me anyhow. Liberation i can have 59 lines with and it looks ok
<SiFuh> stenur: Noto Mono is TTF
<farkuhar> stenur, I use inconsolata. Don't forget that readability is also affected by color scheme. Judging by the suckless terminal screenshots, there are some pretty poor choices of color scheme on some people's desktops.
<stenur> farkuhar: true, blue looks yellow often
<stenur> IBMPlexMono with 45 MB download has the same problem!
<stenur> ppetrov^ ok, thanks, but terminus really looks not so as if i could look at it seriously :)
<ppetrov^> fine fine
<ppetrov^> :)
<stenur> Well busted. farkuhar: inconsolata looks terrible via "st -n stgray -t test -f Inconsolata"; relatively ok via (thanks Ralph Corderoy) pango-view --backend cairo --dpi 180 --header --font 'Inconsolata' --hinting none -t "$(troff -Tutf8 <<<'`'\'' \`\'\'' \(aq' | grotty)"
<stenur> VeraMono seems almost en par with inconsolata
<stenur> ditto FreeMono
<stenur> ah mess, this is why i have not kept it.
<stenur> (I have FreeSans and FreeSerif, but do not use them)
<stenur> do not know what i am doing wrong. anyhow. Thanks people.
<SiFuh> Some look the same most look crap.
<SiFuh> How about Droid Sans Mono?
<SiFuh> Luxi Mono
<stenur> that i tried
<stenur> I do not know why they all look so terrible with st(1). With all these except IBM i could only use 56 63 67 lines, and they all look mysterious. Only with Liberation and IBM i can go 59 lines and spacing looks nice.
<SiFuh> Luxi Mono kind looks neat.
<SiFuh> And I was testing it in st
<stenur> Uh?
<stenur> from contrib?
<SiFuh> Yes, st -n stgray -t test -f "Luxi Mono"
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<stenur> hmm. likely bad font config i thought. now i get can't open font luxi mono
<stenur> and failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'Luxi Mono 10'
<stenur> when i do fc-cache -f i get the same old ugly stuff
<stenur> but hey, it is ok. thank you! i stay with liberation mono, and add a man alias to force LC_ALL=C
<SiFuh> When I run fc-cache -f it runs and no output
<stenur> sure, but afterwards calling st(1) i meant
<SiFuh> No errors here
<SiFuh> I am still using CRUX 3.6
<stenur> what a mess
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<stenur> EY!!!
* stenur looking even more stupid than he is
<stenur> root had to copy the .ttf files, but I unpacked and have a umask of 0027, so the copied over files could not be read by me!!
<stenur> _this_ is why it looked so terrible.
<stenur> HAHAHAHAHA!
* stenur rofl
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> 0027 a+rwx,u-rwx,g-rx,ug-s,-t
<stenur> ok, luxi mono has too many corners and can only 56/63/67, IBMPlexMono is typewriter cool, but only with 51 columns otherwise looks bad, and that is not enough, NotoMono really looks not that bad!, can also 59 lines, but blue (bold) is yellow and it looks "crouched", smaller filling its line than Liberation. But i keep it, it is cool! It has, however, the very same problem than Liberation regarding the
<stenur> groff 1.23 -Tutf8 map from ` to ‘
<SiFuh> I use the Noto fonts because of the large variety of characters in foreign languages available
<stenur> yeah i wish i had that problem
<stenur> Ciao people, and a nice Sunday if you can!
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<farkuhar> I only recently started exploring all the options in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts (because FONT=default in /etc/rc.conf was too small at my screen resolution). I settled on sun12x22, which is actually pretty comfortable.
<farkuhar> But this recommendation is probably irrelevant to anyone who boots straight into X or Wayland.
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: qt6-webengine: 6.3.1 -> 6.3.2
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: qt6-translations: 6.3.1 -> 6.3.2
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: extra-cmake-modules: 5.97.0 -> 5.98.0
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