jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<cruxbot> [compat-32.git/3.6]: xz-32: updated to version 5.2.6
<cruxbot> [compat-32.git/3.6]: util-linux-32: updated to version 2.38.1
<cruxbot> [compat-32.git/3.6]: libtirpc-32: updated to version 1.3.3
<cruxbot> [compat-32.git/3.6]: libjpeg-turbo-32: updated to version 2.1.4
<cruxbot> [compat-32.git/3.6]: curl-32: updated to version 7.85.0
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<jason123onirc> i try to launch xfce4 and it just shows a black screen
<jason123onirc> with the cursor
<jason123onirc> but that is with i type startxfce4 into the cli
<jason123onirc> but if i use startx the vm window resizes its self
<jason123onirc> and then mate just runs out of space trying to compile rust
<jason123onirc> now i managed to use startx to launch xfce4 and xfce4-terminal but i can't use any inputs but idk if its because of the vm but i did get kiss and gentoo to work in a vm
<jason123onirc> wait it works in i3 though
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<ocb> jason123onirc: check Xorg.log.0 , also you might need xorg-xf86-input-libinput
<jason123onirc> i have that installed
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: Add this line export XML_CATALOG_FILES="/etc/xml/catalog" to upower/Pkgfile in the build() section _before_ 'meson setup' and it should build against the new libxml2
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: python3-libxml2: explicit set sysconfdir to /etc
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: libxml2: explicit set sysconfdir to /etc
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: ^^ they are already pushed it
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<jason123onirc> SiFuh, cool though I al ready have it built
<jason123onirc> but now I don't get why I have no keyboard or mouse input in xfce
<SiFuh> xorg*input*
<SiFuh> xorg-xf86-input-libinput
<jason123onirc> yeah i have that installed but that does not matter because in cwm,i3 and openbox input works
<jason123onirc> and xfce should have a panel and such but its just a black screen with the cursor and the terminal window
<SiFuh> Which version of XFCE have you installed?
<jason123onirc> 4.16
<SiFuh> Have you compiled everything you need for XFCE?
<jason123onirc> I think so but I can try to compile again
<jason123onirc> let me see
<SiFuh> Did you try moving the old xfce* directories under home and run fresh?
<jason123onirc> i never had any old version of xfce installed
<SiFuh> You would have if you ran a broken system then fixed it and ran it again
<SiFuh> Anyway, XFCE is not my department. I am a fluxbox only guy
<jason123onirc> I need to try fluxbox on my void laptop
<SiFuh> I have been using fluxbox for decades. So my configuration has slowly changed over time.
<jason123onirc> nice
<jason123onirc> xfwm4 works just fine but xfce4 does not
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: It's not clear https://i.snipboard.io/YENHcC.jpg but most of the menus are opened there.
<jason123onirc> looks cool
<jason123onirc> i have used fluxbox before one or twice
<SiFuh> Ahh okay. I was using E16 -> blackbox -> fluxbox
<SiFuh> Tried others but not for very long. I like my shortcuts in fluxbox and my fake window tiling
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<jason123onirc> wow you been using linux for such a long time
<SiFuh> Late 90's early 2000's somewhere around then
<jason123onirc> I only started using linux mostly in 2021 and before that my experience was that the things I did in linux I had limited clue what i was doing
<SiFuh> Doesn't take long to learn, just hard keeping up ;-)
<jason123onirc> yeah I just had no clue what I was doing then the first distro I used on my desktop when I really started was pop os but something caused grub to go away
<SiFuh> I had Caldera and lost Lilo bootloader so I changed to Mandrake, then SuSE (Not opensuse), a few others in between then CRUX.
<jason123onirc> people like opensuse but I did not
<jason123onirc> https://ibb.co/pzBN6Z9
<jason123onirc> screenshot of xfwm4 running and i just made xinitrc run xfce4-panel
<SiFuh> Virtualbox
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<jason123onirc> yeah crux is in a vm and if I feel like I want to use crux on my radxa zero (arm) then I might
<SiFuh> Is there an ARM version?
<jason123onirc> yeah there is crux arm
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<dlcusa> jason123onirc, the screenshot looks like Xfce is functional--is everything resolved at this point?
<jason123onirc> dlcusa, not really because i am using xfwm4 instead of the full xfce
<dlcusa> In a full virtualization environment?
<jason123onirc> well I installed crux in a vm but that should not matter
<dlcusa> "Should" may not be congruent with reality. Does the vm own the mouse and keyboard inputs?
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<jaeger> If the mouse/keyboard work in i3 but not xfce, it's not a vm configuration issue, I'd think
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<dlcusa> I agree, it shouldn't be an issue. It would be nice to test on bare metal to be sure. Is there anything odd in the Xorg log?
<jason123onirc> yeah the mouse works in xfwm but not in xfce
<dlcusa> Could you paste the Xorg log using xfce4?
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<jason123onirc> https://ibb.co/tc1B7GH
<jason123onirc> something about the usb tablet being disconnected but then it works with every other desktop
<dlcusa> I was hoping for the entire session log.
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<SiFuh> jason123onirc: Don't you have a network connection on the VM?
<jason123onirc> yeah i have a network connection
<SiFuh> Just scp the log to your box and dpaste it.
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<SiFuh> jason123onirc: <-- I found this very last comment
<SiFuh> 3rd last comment, sorry
<jaeger> cat log | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io <-- this is one way to paste from command line if you do have network access
<jason123onirc> i got the log anyway and i do have internet
<SiFuh> jaeger: That is the one i was thinking of but couldn't remember. You mentioned it before.
<jaeger> it's handy :)
<SiFuh> Made it easier for me to find the script I made back then.
<jaeger> jason123onirc: saw that, just mentioning for future reference
<SiFuh> curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io | xclip -selection "clipboard"
<SiFuh> This is the one you sent and I put into a script. I just couldn't remember what I named the script as
<stenur> yes please stop using this we-need-python-and-javascript thing that you all use since some time. it is just not working with firefox and umatrix
<jaeger> people will use what they want to use
<jaeger> SiFuh: wouldn't you want the xclip call to pipe into curl instead of the other way?
<stenur> though alias paste-www-='curl -F "f:1=<-" ix.io' is for going upstream; interesting to save URL in clipboard directly
<stenur> 'think he wants to have the URL in the clipboard directly!
<stenur> with putting additional tee(1) in that thing i will do that now, too
<SiFuh> jaeger: blame misterbzr [misterbzr> made a script to paste: http://ix.io/2vIp
<jaeger> oh, I see what you mean, yeah
<jaeger> I wasn't thinking far enough, ix.io returns the URL to the paste so that gets it into the clipboard
<jason123onirc> jaeger, yeah its fine
<stenur> glibc 2.36`
<jason123onirc> i don't get why xfce would not work
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: did you see that URL I sent?
<stenur> good idea with direct xclip copy
<farkuhar> or you could be running a terminal emulator more featureful than the suckless terminal, so that a keyboard shortcut would highlight everything "url-like" and ask you which one to fill the clipboard with.
<farkuhar> alacritty and foot both have that feature, if i recall correctly.
<stenur> not for me. osc 8 is ok, but not in a terminal. ok for a pager
<stenur> in fact i hate osc 8 in terminal
<stenur> and also it does not help on non-X
<stenur> thought xclip -selection "primary" also does not
<stenur> granted
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I tried alacritty, and it annoyed me.
<stenur> hm i should look for $DISPLAY
<stenur> ___aa paste-www- '(url=$(curl -sF "f:1=<-" ix.io); echo >&2 $url; [ -n "${DISPLAY}" ] && echo $url | xclip -in -selection "primary"; :)'
<jason123onirc> SiFuh, what url?
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: this URL https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/44285
<SiFuh> The 3rd last comment
<SiFuh> stenur: xclip -d 0:0 -in -selection "primary" ?
<stenur> why?
<stenur> no if then $DISPLAY for -d, no?
<stenur> ..just to make it work without X
<stenur> though tmux could be alive after X is gone, of course, so that is a bit more complicated; hmm
<stenur> ___aa paste-www- '(url=$(curl -sF "f:1=<-" ix.io); echo >&2 $url; [ -n "${DISPLAY}" ] && [ -e "${TMPDIR}"/.X${DISPLAY##:}-lock ] && echo $url | xclip -in -selection "primary"; :)'
<stenur> well in the end all is getting complicated. luckily i do not modify $TMPDIR anymore but take it as it cums
<dlcusa> jason123onirc, I'm not seeing anything, but I'm not a guru. Perhaps running startxfce4 with stdout abd stderr captured to a file will show something.
<jason123onirc> yeah it might just be a vm issue
<dlcusa> Have you tried unplugging/replugging the mouse after starting xfce4?
<jason123onirc> its something to do with the vm mouse not the real mouse
<jason123onirc> because i can move it in the vm
<dlcusa> Did you look at SiFuh's archlinux URL?
<SiFuh> dlcusa: It isn't mine, it was just there ;-)
<dlcusa> Yes, but you posted it here.
<SiFuh> Primary did ;-) I just moved the mouse and pushed a button
<dlcusa> I give credit where credit is due, sir. ;-)
<SiFuh> I was wondering dlcusa does XFCE use any ACPI applets or something that might have caused a conflict?
<jason123onirc> yeah i had a look at it
<dlcusa> That's above my pay grade, and we may end up going to #xfce about this.
<SiFuh> Do you have a ~/.xsession-error file?
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: How are you starting Xorg with a Display Manager or startx? Are using a .xsession or .xinitrc file? If so, what does that look like? Did you modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf (If exists) or /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/* (if exists)?
<SiFuh> dlcusa: does XFCE4 have any debugging or logging features of its own?
<dlcusa> I am not aware of any, and their doc is light on debugging info.
<jason123onirc> i did not modify anything and i just put exec startxfce4 & xfce4-terminal in my startx
<jason123onirc> i can't compile mate because rust runs out of memory/storage or whatever
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: remove '& xfce4-terminal' and try it again.
<dlcusa> Good idea.
<jason123onirc> same thing and its just a black screen so i can't spawn anything
<SiFuh> You can spawn by '<XAPPLICATION> -display :0' usually
<SiFuh> From a console that is
<dlcusa> Somebody at #xfce can probably answer this one off the top of their head.
<SiFuh> You know what
<SiFuh> It is completely blank and there is a terminal and no mouse
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: does this xfce4-terminal have borders?
<jason123onirc> no there is no terminal because when i spawn a terminal then it shows up
<jason123onirc> yeah it has the xfce theme
<jason123onirc> it says can't open display
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: I mean remove the '& xfce4-terminal'. Do your startx. Then CNTRL+ALT F1 or F2 or what ever. Get a shell type in to that shell xfce4-terminal -display :0 and then ALT+CNTRL+F>whatever> back to your xdisplay
<dlcusa> Maybe xauth or somesuch is indicated.
<jason123onirc> yeah that did not work
<SiFuh> Will have to find out if you are using 0:0 or 0:1 or whatever
<jason123onirc> oh that might be it
<jason123onirc> why does mate even require rust?
<jaeger> librsvg requires it
<dlcusa> Progress?
<SiFuh> Would like to get my hands on the VM image of jason123onirc's
<dlcusa> What did Kirk say to Scotty? "Young minds, new ideas"?
<SiFuh> I thought he said "Beam me up Scotty"
<jason123onirc> rust is stupid
<jason123onirc> i can't compile it
<dlcusa> "There's no intelligent life down here."
<jason123onirc> SiFuh, its virtual box and its 16gb i don't think you want it
<SiFuh> I deal with larger stuff ;-)
<SiFuh> Okay I just ran startx and then 'ps aux |grep auth' and it says the server is :0
<dlcusa> I did that for Debian Sid when they transitioned to systemd--it got the problem resolved.
<dlcusa> But that's when I started looking for CRUX.
<SiFuh> dlcusa: jason123onirc: How about this? https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/1-xfce4-session/
<dlcusa> Definitely worth a try, IMHO.
<jason123onirc> real hardware might work better
<jason123onirc> but it still does not explain why xfce does not load anything except a black screen
<jason123onirc> no panel or background
<SiFuh> I'd delete all your XFCE directories under .config/ .local/ when Xorg is NOT running and launch startx again
<dlcusa> Hopefully XFSM_VERBOSE will illuminate why the screen is blank.
<SiFuh> Hopefully jason123onirc is setting XFSM_VERBOSE to see
<jason123onirc> how do i set that on
<dlcusa> Try "XFSM_VERBOSE=X startxfce4"
<jason123onirc> weird i don't see anything in the output
<dlcusa> Need to figure out how (if?) startxfce4 invokes xfce4-session...
<jason123onirc> what i want to try and do is get mate to compile but rust runs out of memory
<jason123onirc> dlcusa, xfce4-session does run
<SiFuh> dlcusa: line 32
<SiFuh> 31*
<jason123onirc> how would i even prevent rust from running out of memory?
<SiFuh> More RAM
<jason123onirc> i all ready have 4gb
<dlcusa> More swap space?
<dlcusa> Rust gobbles gigabytes.
<jason123onirc> i have no swap
<dlcusa> Modern Linux really benefits from some swap, even if just 25% RAM.
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<SiFuh> dlcusa: Yeah it does launch xfce4-session startxfce4 -> xinitrc -> xfce4-session
<SiFuh> Located in the scripts under here xfce4-session-4.16.0/scripts/
<dlcusa> Maybe startxfce4 needs an "export XFSM_VERBOSE=X" before the xfce4-session command.
<SiFuh> if (g_getenv ("XFSM_VERBOSE") != NULL)
<jason123onirc> xfce4-session stated in verbose mode
<jason123onirc> i only have 5gb of storage left for swap
<jason123onirc> so i don't think i can add swap
<SiFuh> verbose = TRUE; verbose = FALSE;
<jason123onirc> yeah it started in verbose mode
<jason123onirc> xfce4-session did
<SiFuh> jason123onirc: there will be a logfile ~/.xfce4-session.verbose-log
<jaeger> I can build a rust pkg for you if you like
<jaeger> Will just take some time
<jason123onirc> is there rust-bin like there is for firefox?
<jaeger> there was until recently
<jason123onirc> why did it get removed?
<jaeger> I don't know, sorry
<SiFuh> jaeger: Yeah I tried to contact him even through his work. I didn't expect anything out of it.
<jason123onirc> what about the mikejsavage rust-bin port?
<jaeger> If you want to try it, you can find it before the drop from gitweb: https://crux.nu/gitweb/?p=ports/opt.git;a=blob;f=rust-bin/Pkgfile;h=c59d0f64ba9ab14e9c3373b0b53a2968d1208b92;hb=a9df0cd71d5fafd76c1a3e3f960c2fec4fe22f0e
<dlcusa> jason123onirc, I'd try a 1 GiB swap partition and see if rust likes it any better.
<jason123onirc> yeah i can try that
<jason123onirc> i think i have to make a swap file
<dlcusa> Better than no swap.
<jason123onirc> how do i install mkswap?
<dlcusa> There's no /sbin/mkswap?
<jaeger> It's part of util-linux in core
<jason123onirc> oh yeah that worked
<jaeger> SiFuh: tried to contact who?
<SiFuh> Romster
<jaeger> Ah. He didn't drop it, he's just gone/busy
<SiFuh> I am more concerned about him not the port
<jaeger> Yeah, hope he's doing alright, just commenting
<SiFuh> His office never responded so I left it at that
<jason123onirc> lets see if it compiles rust
<dlcusa> Use "top" to track the behavior in realtime.
<jason123onirc> weird that its only using like 400mb of ram but its using like 100k of swap
<dlcusa> I assure you your kernel is making good use of both.
<jason123onirc> ram usage going up
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<dlcusa> jason123onirc, are you going to paste the ~/.xfce4-session.verbose-log file at some point?
<jason123onirc> yeah i can once mate finished (i hope it compiles)
<jason123onirc> rust says no space left on device
<dlcusa> Meaning in the filesystem, not memory, correct?
<jason123onirc> i think so but i have 4gb os space left
<dlcusa> Paste the listing (or just the tail).
<jason123onirc> is that the precompiled rust?
<jaeger> I just built it in a container
<jason123onirc> so that build is precompiled?
<jaeger> It's not rust-bin if that's what you mean, it's just the rust port
<jason123onirc> oh
<jason123onirc> crux 3.7 is coming out?
<jaeger> It's a rust package built from the port, if that helps clarify
<jaeger> hopefully soon
<dlcusa> If the filesystem was saturated precluding further writes, the impermanent files were deleted at the very end.
<jason123onirc> what does 3.7 change?
<dlcusa> So the filesystem-full condition ceased to exist.
<jaeger> mostly newer toolchain (binutils, gcc, glibc)
<dlcusa> jason123onirc, I did "cp -p cp -p /usr/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc ~/.config/xfce4/", then edited ~/.config/xfce4/xinitrc to insert "export XFSM_VERBOSE=X" before startxfce4 is invoked, and running startxfce4 starts spewing lines into ~/.xfce4-session.verbose_log, so it should work for you, too.
<SiFuh> Why =X?
<dlcusa> Arbitrary--just needs to be non-null.
<SiFuh> I only saw TRUE and FALSE but I didn't notice it was searching for anything to be true
<SiFuh> Yeah
<jason123onirc> yeah i got that verbose file
<jason123onirc> libblockdev gives some error
<dlcusa> Did it provide enlightenment?
<jason123onirc> this is when trying to compile mate
<dlcusa> Did the original blank screen problem manifest?
<jason123onirc> dlcusa, you run xfce just fine?
<dlcusa> Yes--at least, it's been a long time since I had any issues, including getting xauth right.
<dlcusa> Of course, that's an xord issue.
<dlcusa> s/xord/xorg/
<jason123onirc> have you got mate to compile?
<dlcusa> I haven't tried mate in many tears, so I can't really say.
<dlcusa> s/tears/years/ but maybe that was Freudian.
<jason123onirc> it might be jaeger that uses mate
<dlcusa> He is the CRUX mate maintainer.
<jason123onirc> one of the repos yes
<jason123onirc> there are two repos and i am trying his because the other one i don't know how to use it
<SiFuh> wawrzek's Enlightenment hasn't crashed. Hmmm I have been running it 24 hours.
<SiFuh> Apart from the signature mismatches the port seems more stable than most other distros versions of it
<jason123onirc> enlightment last time i tired it on arch was crashing
<SiFuh> Yes
<jason123onirc> but that was more then a year ago
<SiFuh> Yeah for me about a year also
<jason123onirc> that is the output of the verbose
<SiFuh> line 28?
<dlcusa> I keep seeing xfwm4 instead of xfce in the Program.
<SiFuh> Heh line 73 says the -display is 0:0
<jason123onirc> yeah it says that but then when i switch to another terminal it says gtk display not found
<dlcusa> So here's what my box spewed: http://dpaste.com/EQ4VJVMQH
<SiFuh> I keep seeing xfwm4 instead of xfce in the Program.
<jason123onirc> and xfce4 works?
<dlcusa> Yes--I ran startxfce4 then logged off the session that popped up.
<SiFuh> ICE connection failed
<jason123onirc> i don't get what is wrong with mine
<jason123onirc> sfce should show the panel and default background
<jason123onirc> and everything else
<SiFuh> Isn't there a ~/.<SOMETHING ICE> file?
<dlcusa> I think #xfce is your friend.
<jason123onirc> this is not related to crux?
<dlcusa> Well, it is unclear what the area of failure is, and we need help from people who know more about Xfce than we do, I think.
<jason123onirc> yeah the distros i used xfce works
<dlcusa> SiFuh, I have a ~/.ICEauthority file.
<SiFuh> dlcusa: Yes that file. If he has it delete it
<jason123onirc> let me see
<jason123onirc> yeah i can try and remove it
<SiFuh> I think though you need to remove it when X is not running
<jason123onirc> yeah i did
<SiFuh> See if that works
<jason123onirc> same black screen thing
<SiFuh> Your XFCE is basically not done at the ICEauthority file
<SiFuh> If you look at dlcusa his established at line 166
<dlcusa> Called away from computer indefinitely...
<jason123onirc> would it matter that i am still on kernel 5.10?
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: abseil-cpp: 20220623.0 -> 20220623.1
<SiFuh> Probably not
<SiFuh> Can you do a prt-get listinst -vv |grep xfce and pastebin the results?
<jason123onirc> https://ibb.co/dtD6ZWv
<SiFuh> Later today. I will build these and test
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: tree-sitter: 0.20.6 -> 0.20.7
<jason123onirc> ok that sounds good
<SiFuh> I will need to do a full sysup since the VM is outdated