jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<elderK> Hey guys, is there any real reason I should switch from pulseaudio to pipewire if pulse seems to be working okay?
<farkuhar> elderK: pipewire is needed if you ever do screen sharing on wayland. But I recall that you're hesitant about diving into wayland, so screen sharing there won't be a compelling reason for you.
<elderK> I'm just looking for real reasons to justify moving away from Xorg. I mean, everything here is working pretty well for the most part.
<elderK> I'm also very comfortable with my WM that I use - and I don't know whether I'll be able to continue using that in Wayland.
<elderK> Pipewire, being an audio only change, might be worthwhile, if it's better in some way that I can make use of :)
<elderK> I figure pipewire will eventually replace pulse so it might be worth learning at some time.
<elderK> It's like systemd - I have yet to really learn that because I generally avoid distributions that use it. I expect that to change one day, though.
<farkuhar> The early versions of pulseaudio were too broken for some users. Pipewire seems to have avoided those missteps, but the constant changes to its ABI and config files makes it feel like a moving target. I had to rebuild qutebrowser and firefox after the latest pipewire upgrade in order to have sound in my browsers again.
<elderK> I'm using firefox-bin and thunderbird-bin, mostly to avoid the massive build times.
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<groovy2shoes> elderK, if your setup is working and you feel comfortable, there's no real reason to move away
<groovy2shoes> as far as benefits of wayland, i'm no expert, but the gist of it is that X11 was designed at a time when everyone was connecting to multi-user machines, a time before everyone had a GPU, and as a result the Xorg display stack isn't quite as nice on modern machines as it could be. inefficiencies and whatnot.
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<elderK> How stable and stuff is Wayland these days? Is it at a point where you can rely on it?
<mechaniputer> elderK: Looks like several major distros default to it for Gnome, including Debian. So if you use Gnome it's probably decent enough.
<mechaniputer> elderK: Apparently several of my machines are using pipewire, but none are using Wayland. I haven't noticed pipewire causing any problems for me.
<mechaniputer> (Pipewire on Void and Debian, plus one work machine on Fedora)
<mechaniputer> Hmm. Maybe not on Void after all. Guess I misremebered.
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<elderK> I have a Debian system for work and it's moved to pipewire. It's probably always been running pipewire although I've only encountered issues in the past week with pacmd. Maybe pulse was retired as part of an update.
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: tcsh: update to 6.23.00
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: mailx: update to 14.9.23
<cruxbot> [core.git/3.6]: elfutils: update to 0.186
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<pedja> (dpi breaking change will be reverted in next xorg release)
<pedja> nice idea, but apparently pretty much all gui toolkits presume/expect 96dpi
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: nawk: up to 2021-11-03
<frinnst> pedja: I only noticed it with qt5 stuff. granted, I dont use a lot of programs these days
<pedja> ah, ok
<pedja> it's funny, though. xorg starts doing the right thing™️, and all hell breaks loose(apparently) :)
<frinnst> heh well since they have been doing it wrong for donkeys years, people adapted :-)
<pedja> pretty much. and since it's on borrowed time, or as release manager said 'wayland is around the corner', no one will be bothered to fix the breakage
<pedja> well, maybe qt will, think I saw a mention of the bug opened there
<pedja> afaict, using monitors with various dpi's isn't an exotic thing to do these days, so that should be fixed anyway, wayland or no wayland
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: nvidia: updated to version 470.86
<cruxbot> [compat-32.git/3.6]: nvidia-32: updated to version 470.86
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