jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<jaeger> (email or cruxbot msg)
<SiFuh> I like Slackware. Got insulted by the void linux guys when they saw I used such an ancient kernel
<SiFuh> jaeger: opt or opt on CD ?
<SiFuh> Not all of opt is on the CD
<jaeger> as of right now, opt. It'll be added to the ISO, don't worry
<SiFuh> That's what we are waiting for! ;-)
<SiFuh> I haven't had a chance to update my repo in a month or two. Only boring stuff like telegram and skype
<SiFuh> Been way too busy
<SiFuh> Yeah they notified us in August they will send officers and law enforcement to check on everyone. Those not injected will be physically removed and not allowed to return to the region, even if you own your house and land.
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<SiFuh> Some of my bros and friends already went Jungle. I tried to contact them to join but they are already offline
<SiFuh> Looks like Malaysia isn't too far behind Australia
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<bountyht> jaeger: Nice to know, thanks for the heads up
<bountyht> SiFuh: Man that sucks. Take care
<SiFuh> I'll be fine
<SiFuh> Thanks to you and jaeger
<SiFuh> I am Aussie Jungle trained. Many of the plants (not animals) are similar here, including crocodiles ;-)
<bountyht> The big problem with the Jungle is no quality Internet
<bountyht> :-)
<SiFuh> They recon that any person not vaccinated will be evacuated from their home by January 2022 and they will no longer own their property
<SiFuh> Don't care, life is more important
<SiFuh> I don't think they can pull it off. Not enough soliders/police. More than 2K already resign and left.
<bountyht> Honestly this is insane
<bountyht> It is a new level of fuckup-ism
<SiFuh> It is, and I said it from the day one and was abused by loving friends on Slackware
<SiFuh> I told them this is going to happen
<SiFuh> But some dude started boasting about Polio vaccine and then how his grandma didn't take it and she had polie.
<SiFuh> polio*
<SiFuh> Not the same thing, never has, never will
<SiFuh> And most people got polio from the vaccine
<SiFuh> I cannot even buy the sugar I and other secret ingredients for my vodka because I am now a diseaed indivdual
<SiFuh> I went to buy my beer. I buy more beer than any human ever existed on earth. I was banned
<bountyht> Well something I was saying from day zero was that the social reaction to the virus was going to be worse than the virus itself and it shows.
<SiFuh> I'd buy there shop out of stock in a week
<bountyht> So they want a passport for the groceries?
<SiFuh> I don't belive the virus existed. I think it was a scam and that is why Slackware got angry with me back in 2020
<SiFuh> ##slackware
<bountyht> TBH I think by the way this thing spreads and behaves it is likely to be actually virical
<SiFuh> They want a medical cert now to go in everything but not small businesses
<SiFuh> That is coming soon
<bountyht> despite the fact I have heard the virus has not been properly isolated yet
<SiFuh> I got almost 1 and 1/2 years of food stocked up
<SiFuh> Unfortunately I got a lot of friends, and I'd rather starve to death with them even if they were vaccinated than not
<SiFuh> bountyht: It was never isolated
<SiFuh> The sequence was printed in China and sent to the world... Hmm What if the world was the enemy?
<bountyht> Cunt yourself lucky because I don't have friends. I have people to have fun with but not friends :-S
<bountyht> Count*
<SiFuh> I think, and don't beleive me, that it was fake from the start. Chinese dudes falling over the place, creating fear, and no real virus, and then a virus, and voila you got a pandemic based on the normal flu
<SiFuh> I prefered Cunt
<bountyht> Nah, I work for a clinic and we have seen actual cases.
<SiFuh> Prove it
<SiFuh> How did you find an uregisitered virus?
<SiFuh> unregistered*
<bountyht> It is the clinical framework of the thing.
<SiFuh> Even Alex Jones and his teams thinks it exists.
<bountyht> I mean even at no testing if you see a mass increase of "flu-like" symthoms in people with pneumonia and such you can start smelling fish really
<SiFuh> Find someone who can provide you with a sample or a sequence
<SiFuh> To this day, none exists
<SiFuh> Hmm where did it come from. Oh, it was printed
<SiFuh> I seem to remember a video of Fauci and friends back in the day saying they need to create a fear to bypass all the rules and can send a printed sample
<SiFuh> Aparrently 10 years was too long to prove a medicine to be viable
<SiFuh> They need to skip animal trials
<SiFuh> Hmm, THey are coming for your kids now
<SiFuh> My wifes family are all injected but her and me
<bountyht> As long as they don t come for my horses the world may burn
<SiFuh> I am falling apart
<bountyht> Actually, something that bothers me is hoe easily people is accepting the vaccine after years and years of insin¡sting that vaccines need be tried for 5 years lol
<SiFuh> I don't think it is them but I can't say it is either
<bountyht> Either vaccines didn't need 5 years of development and we have been wasting time
<bountyht> Or vaccines do 5 years of development and we are stupid by rushing these ones
<SiFuh> In 8 months I have scabies twice and scarellet fever once
<SiFuh> Last time I was sick was 1993
<SiFuh> I am guessing the lock down to be honest and lack of sunshine
<jaeger> website should be happier now
<bountyht> Do you live in a high-density urban area?
<SiFuh> They are accepting either by fear, survial or expecting to be back to noraml
<bountyht> jaeger: What did you fix this time?
<SiFuh> I do not live in ahig density area
<bountyht> SiFuh: When lockdown was imposed here I just decided to multiply the surface of my harvest by two and spent all day growing vegetables
<SiFuh> You are lucky
<SiFuh> I had no sunshine
<bountyht> If doomsday was to hit it would get me with plenty food
<jaeger> Nothing else since php, just mentioning it here for visibility
<SiFuh> My skin has been falling off like I have never seen before
<bountyht> Dunno, Skin does not peel off because of lack of sun exposure. I think you first go white/pale
<SiFuh> I wish if Hapened when I was in Thailand
<SiFuh> bountyht: 2 years without sunshine?
<SiFuh> I even thought I may have leprocy
<SiFuh> But my skin wasn't mush
<bountyht> Ok guys, I have to go to bed because I am tired as heck.
<bountyht> Take good care
<bountyht> Spefially SiFuh here
<SiFuh> You stay in a room for 3 months wihtout sunshine and come back and tell me the result
<SiFuh> Me tooo
<SiFuh> See you after thrid distillation
<SiFuh> third*
<bountyht> SiFuh: A friend of mine who was placed in domiciliary isolation because of his own issues has not left his house since novembre 2019
<jaeger> That seems unhealthy :P
<bountyht> So yeah I have a sample to compare
<SiFuh> I think I know what is wrong with me
<bountyht> jaeger: He spends his time playinw g WoW
<SiFuh> I will mention it tomorrow
<bountyht> I could tell you stories. He could not sit down because of his health condition so he played the computer standing.
<bountyht> He rose the table to he could play standing
<bountyht> ANd he stood playing 16 hours per day
<SiFuh> I have no seriious healt conditions
<SiFuh> Nor do I care about others
<SiFuh> Except my lack of spelling
<SiFuh> :-P
<bountyht> Thing is this guy is white as chalk but his skin is not peeling off.
<bountyht> Ok, now bed. See ya
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> I'll tel you toimorrow
<SiFuh> fucking hell that is not what I hit entered too ( I spelled every word in this sentence correctly)\
<SiFuh> entered?
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<SiFuh> I really need to learn to spell
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<bountyht> SiFuh: Do you have any source in English regarding authorities kicking people out of their houses over the shot? SOmebody asked me for it
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<SiFuh> bountyht: Couldn't find it. But she did say it isn't Pahang State, it is Kelantan State.
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<bountyht> Ah so it is not nationwide then. Maybe that is why I could not find it
<SiFuh> I am a little dissapointed as she lead me to believe it was the state I am living in.
<SiFuh> And I already told my parents last month when I got the news.
<SiFuh> I sent a message to my friend in Kelantan anyways to verify or find out if he is aware of it.
<bountyht> Ok, keep me updated, pls
<SiFuh> Sure
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