I also not quite understand the concept of `footprint mismatch`
Isotop: yeah, notify the maintainer
footprint is a list of files that is expected to be provided by the package in question. With a source based distribution there are a lot of variables here that can cause a footprint "error"
a good rule of thumb is: "NEW" errors are harmless, "MISSING" errors require some investigation
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plow has joined #crux
so is it safe to run ` pkgmk -if` if all mismatches are new?
wtf firefox-bin painting can now be looked at with 5.10.80 .. at least textbox editing. I have flimmering hallus in the eyes even minutes afterwards. And mupdf search box is huge. .. I think i have to go kernel 5.15 in December, only wondering why 5.15 i still not LTS on kernel.org, only in a deeper page. Bit rot is topic of the day it seems.
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i think the kernel will get LTS status later on 5.15.x it usually does
hi guys, is wicd in CRUX functional? dbus-python is a dependency that is missing
[opt.git/3.6]: [notify] python3-pyparsing: 3.0.6 -> 2.4.7; downgraded because it breaks a bunch of other python packages
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[opt.git/3.6]: python3-packaging: removed patch that got rejected
rlittl01: pkgmk is just running what a Pkgfile tells it to which is usually the standard configure/make/make install or meson/ninja commands, etc... so if those tools respect a CC environment variable or the like, maybe