jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<fishe_> hey there, on a fresh CRUX install DHCP connects and says "Using IPv4LL address" This is causing ping to fail and networking to not work
<fishe_> What do I do?
<farkuhar> fishe_: what is the output of `ip link` for the interface enp0s25?
<fishe_> the interface causing problems is wlp7s0 as that's what I'm using, let me get output rq
<farkuhar> well, both interfaces say "NO-CARRIER", so that's your basic problem. You need to reassociate wlp7s0 with your access point.
<fishe_> How would I do that?
<farkuhar> Have you configured wpa-supplicant with the credentials of your wireless network?
<fishe_> Yeah
<farkuhar> IIRC, wpa-supplicant needs to be started first, and then dhcpcd. There is a way to use dhcpcd-hooks so that wpa-supplicant gets invoked automatically if needed, but try starting manually first, so that each step can be troubleshot on its own.
<fishe_> Running `/etc/rc.d/wpa_supplicant start`, it appears to be looking for an interface wlp3s0. This doesn't exist
<farkuhar> As root, I would run `wpa_supplicant -iwlp7s0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf`. The rc.d script is not aware of your particular configuration, and needs to be edited.
<fishe_> Edited the WPA supplicant file and making dhcpcd run after works
<fishe_> Thanks so much, I've been trying for hours!
<fishe_> My only question is how to make dhcpcd only run after wpa_supplicant has?
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<farkuhar> Don't worry about making any changes in /etc/rc.d to suit your needs. When you update the system with prt-get, your changes won't be overwritten automatically, but newer configuration files can be incorporated using rejmerge.
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<farkuhar> fishe_: I would look into /usr/share/dhcpcd/hooks/ and enabling the script 10-wpa_supplicant.
<farkuhar> Another option is to change the services array of /etc/rc.conf, replacing "net" with "wifi". The latter script in /etc/rc.d is more transparent about the order in which daemons are called.
<fishe_> I ended up editing rc.conf to start `wpa_supplicant` and then `net`
<fishe_> Rebooted and it works
<farkuhar> Congrats, fishe_!
<fishe_> :)
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<fishe_> Is lightdm available on CRUX? I don't see it anywhere in the ports
<SiFuh_> The lightest is slim
<fishe_> lightdm is a display manager
<SiFuh_> like xdm and slim
<fishe_> yeah
<fishe_> slim's there, ig I'll use that
<SiFuh_> Very easy to configure, quite fast. Wife's laptop has it. I use xdm though
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<fishe_> I gotta be missing a mirror or something, not even xfce4-terminal?!
<Romster> this is bullshit if we have to use a commit to get the versions now
<fishe_> the fuck?
<Romster> .httpup files belong in /etc/ports/
<fishe_> no matter what i specify it thinks it's an existing directory
<Romster> cd /etc/ports ; sudo wget 'https://crux.nu/portdb/?a=getup&q=xfce_4.16'; -O xfce.httpup
<Romster> sudo ports -u xfce
<fishe_> that worked, thanks
<Romster> you were doing it wrong :)
<Romster> i don't know what made you think of that.
<Romster> also you need to list taht xfce repo in /etc/prt-get.conf
<Romster> order matters for resolving ports of which repo has it first
<Romster> some repos have duplicates with changes to work with there repo
<Romster> once you list xfce in prtdir in prt-get.conf
<Romster> you can see any duplicates with prt-get dup
<Romster> Tip: You can put any identifier that can be resolved to a commit in the URL, including branch names, specific commit SHAs, or tags!
<Romster> there docs even says this
<fishe_> got the repo working a while ago but packages give a signature error
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<fishe_> maybe im shit at looking through documentation but the only relevant thing I've found are the margs and aargs and passing -f doesn't work
<fishe_> ticket not found
<Romster> bah only i can see it
<fishe_> looks like it's only the xfce repo
<fishe_> there's why, i never got the .pub file
<fishe_> where are they stored?
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<Romster> usally in the root of the repo so /usr/ports/xfce/xfce.pub
<Romster> usually
<Romster> just got to put that in /etc/ports/
<Romster> if they use .signatures
<fishe_> copied it in and still the signature mismatch error
<fishe_> can't fucking figure this out
<fishe_> apparently i do just suck ass at googling things, works to just pass `-is` to margs
<fishe_> it errored that vte wasn't installed so i installed vte and it still can't find it
<fishe_> i just want to install a terminal holy shit
<fishe_> 3/4 of every package ive tried to install is just uninstallable
<Romster> prt-get depinst foo
<Romster> prt-get deptree foo
<Romster> terminal i use sakura it works fine for me
<fishe_> looks to be working
<fishe_> it's 10pm and the only brain cell i have left is the one that ate grass in second grade lmao
<fishe_> it gets all the dependencies but there's the signature error still not allowing me to install it, and i can just pass args to ignore but that's not great for security
<fishe_> `vte` port in opt has a version from 2011
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<SiFuh> I use st with tmux
<SiFuh> st -e tmux new-session -s "$(date +%H%M%S)"
<SiFuh> And I removed the close button on my window directions. :-)
<SiFuh> Make sure I use Ctrl^D to exit and not clicking close. I don't want a million tmux sessions in the background
<fishe_> ive been using xfce4-terminal since i started using Linux in 2017 so it's just what im used to
<fishe_> st might be worth a try
<SiFuh> Pretty limited. That's why I use tmux inside.
<SiFuh> Check out the FAQ as well
<ocb> SiFuh: thanks for the line
<ocb> currently using st with tmux but in two commands :)
<fishe_> update: vte now requires libsystemd making it non-installable on crux
<Romster> huh i got vte3 with sakura on my system
<Romster> -D _systemd=false
<Romster> fishe_, vte3 not vte
<Romster> hmm perhaps it's time to drop vte nothing seems to depend on it
<Romster> I have uploded all the main distfiles here https://crux.ster.zone/distfiles/ which you can either use https://crux.ninja/distfiles/ (which includes mine) or mine directly in PKGMK_SOURCE_MIRRORS= in /etc/pkgmk.conf
<fishe_> ah you're right, it is vte3
<fishe_> facepalm
<Romster> prt-get deptree sakura
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: vte: dropped in favor of vte3
<Romster> but feel free to use any terminal i just got used to sakura
<fishe_> xfce4-terminal searches for a max version of vte-2.91 but has a dependency of vte3, interesting
<Romster> ugh i just dropped vte too
<Romster> well xfce repo can take it up
<Romster> any real reason to use xfce4-terminal?
<fishe_> not really, im just used to it
<fishe_> compiling alacritty rn
<SiFuh> ocb: no worries ;-)
<SiFuh> p5-glib footprint mismatch
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<Romster> SiFuh, what the heck do you do to find these...
<SiFuh> Romster: qtwebengine no long builds and can't download the no longer available harfbuzz patch from linuxfromscratch
<Romster> argh
<SiFuh> Romster the footprint mismatch was the old version of p5-glib instead of updated to the new version
<SiFuh> I am now building with these two patches instead.
<Romster> we should just host every darn file outselfs
<SiFuh> I think so
<SiFuh> It would solve many problems but maybe create some others :-P
<Romster> true
<SiFuh> My machine has been down for over a month. Hence, I haven't be able to update even my repo. I had to order new parts. Keyboard/Speakers, repair touchpad, thermal paste the cooling rack and what not. So It has taken me 4 days now to update ports and still going, thanks that stupid github issue
<Romster> dang
<Romster> well i got distfiles ^
<Romster> i've submitted a ticket about that github issue
<SiFuh> https://distfiles.crux.guru/ <-- you or another?
<Romster> but all of them should have the files
<SiFuh> One of the errors I get with sysup is to do with missing *.la, but I am not up that particular port yet, slowly going through each update one by one
<SiFuh> I was curious why you used a direct link in sources to the lsf patches and not just include it in the port dir
<SiFuh> lfs
<Romster> more so beerman did the changes i decided to keep the source from there since it should be long term
<SiFuh> Couldn't even find them in internet archives
<Romster> it'll be on my distfiles that patch
<SiFuh> If this update fails, I will grab it
<Romster> compiling on my 32 cores
<SiFuh> jealous
<Romster> i'm sure you are
<SiFuh> Yep
<SiFuh> By the way, these *.la errors is the a reason they appear?
<Romster> yeah some ports don't ship the libtool files anymore by moving to either cmake or meson
<SiFuh> I remember sometimes having them in the past and then finding out the solution, but I can never remember the solution
<SiFuh> Is there a solution?
<Romster> yes in our irc logs i'll look back
<SiFuh> for f in $(grep -lrs libfreetype.la /usr/lib); do pkginfo -o $f | awk '!/^(Package|pkginfo:)/ {print $1}'; done | sort -u | xargs
<Romster> yeah that's it
<SiFuh> Damn just deleted /
<SiFuh> Hahah no just kidding
<Romster> lol
<Romster> p5-glib don't exist anymore
<SiFuh> Hmm
<Romster> it was in contrib
<Romster> prt-get dependent p5-glib --all
<Romster> returns nothing for me
<SiFuh> Ahh it is in repo vccrux which is chinarulezzz's repo
<SiFuh> xfconf p5-cairo p5-glib-object-introspection
<Romster> i'd recommend removing it unless you really need that port
<Romster> do you need those ports ^ ?
<SiFuh> Actually I am planning on erasing and starting again
<Romster> [20826/23946]
<SiFuh> I only need Virtualbox, and the audio/video for X-Plane 11
<SiFuh> [8942/24005]
<SiFuh> Seems your fancy awk grep find la thing did the job
<Romster> mine didn't use awk that was jues addition
<SiFuh> Romster: cool failed
<SiFuh> /usr/bin/grep: /usr/lib/libfreetype.la: No such file or directory
<Romster> rip, well you'll need to slay that la file reference
<Romster> hope you got it cached
<Romster> Building '/home/romster/projects/crux/opt/qtwebengine/qtwebengine#5.15.6-2.pkg.tar.xz' succeeded.
<SiFuh> ccache?
<Romster> i'll do some small other fixes to it
<SiFuh> qtwebengine cool
<Romster> ccache or sccache either will do
<SiFuh> Yes ccache
<SiFuh> But that is for librsvg which is a highly annoying port
<Romster> then it wont take to long to resume
<Romster> yeah sccache for librsvg
<Romster> sccache can do most caching too if allowed.
<SiFuh> I have sccache installed but does it need fancy configuring?
<Romster> yeah it does
<Romster> for other than rust ports
<SiFuh> No README there
<Romster> which i haven't done yet
<Romster> there will be soon
<SiFuh> No wirries
<SiFuh> Romster: what 32 core do you use?
<Romster> 5950x
<SiFuh> Mine is R9-5900HX
<Romster> hx? is that the mobile version?
<SiFuh> Yes because I am using a box like a NUC
<Romster> ah
<Romster> that's a 12 core with HT so 24 core
<SiFuh> But not running Linux on it.
<Romster> not that far behind mine
<Romster> nice NUC
<Romster> how does it handle the heat though?
<SiFuh> Thought it was 8 Core / 16 threads
<SiFuh> Hovers between 40 and 55 Celsius
<Romster> support SMT for a total of 16 threads.
<Romster> oh i thought it was 24
<Romster> 5900x is 24 threads
<Romster> so hx is only 8/16
<SiFuh> I have SMT disabled actually
<Romster> weird
<Romster> why?
<SiFuh> Don't need it at the moment, plus I couldn't be bothered setting sysctl smt=1 unless I am compiling. OpenBSD secruity and all
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<SiFuh> I gave the Ryzen 7 4900 laptop to the wife and made this box my main driver
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: qtwebengine: added missing dependencies: ffmpeg libwebp, made icu optional, updated patches
<SiFuh> Ryzen 7 4800H*
<Romster> i got a 3600xt sitting here doing nothing since i had to wait way to long for the 5950x
<Romster> so i need to get a bard for that some time
<SiFuh> Firewall or fileserver ;-)
<Romster> fileserver wiht ecc ram
<Romster> looking at ceph and not sure if there are other options out there.
<SiFuh> MSI Delta 15 AMD Advantage™ Edition A5EFK 058 (RX6700M, GDDR6 10GB) | ETA : 1 DECEMBER 2021
<SiFuh> Been waiting to see when it is released here
<SiFuh> Almost waiting 7 months and it says 1st December 2021
<ocb> you're running some good stuff
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: vte3: Add sequences and signals for desktop notification patch
<Romster> actually i've had this pc almost a year now.
<Romster> man this year has gone fast
<Romster> hi ocb
<ocb> hey there hope you are doing well
<ocb> yes, this year was fast
<Romster> could be better, work is demanding so i haven't been as active here.
<ocb> as while as you like what you're doing, its easier to work on it :-)
<Romster> that is true
<ocb> hope that's the case
<Romster> i enjoy i just get so mentally burned out
<SiFuh> ocb: I will wait until after Christmas to consider purchasing the MSI since prices significantly decrease just after :-P
<ocb> Romster: eh, i understand. try to use the end of the year for some time off, take care of mental health. im currently burned out so just chilling. :)
<ocb> just everyone stay sane in all this nuts world.
<ocb> SiFuh: is it the miners again? i've heard some people around buying all gpu cards they can get. again.
<Romster> i took 2 weeks off it was barely enough to recover.
<Romster> there going on about cpus now
<SiFuh> ocb: not really, just since I was kid we were taught (I don't take part in Christmas) that the best time do your Christmas shopping is directly after Christmas. Shops sell the left overs cheap. Then you just shove that crap you bought in a cupboard until December and start the cycle again.
<SiFuh> Romster: I see what happened. with that first script it didn't rebuild anything. Just printed what needs to be rebuilt.
<SiFuh> The *.la thing
<ocb> Romster: eh i know feeling, stay well.
<ocb> SiFuh: makes sense :)
<SiFuh> Haha, I worked as a Taxi driver, 14 hours a night, for 3 months straight. Then spent a month doing nothing in Asia just to recuperate
<ocb> i've worked 19 months 2 full time jobs and got 0$ for that - the gov was taking everything from the account to pay off somebodies else debts who made false papers and tricked me. barely lived from growing a few marijuana plants. when i couldn't handle it anymore fucked off all the jobs and took a year off to.. ^ recuperate ^ ..
<ocb> and all that thanks for our beautiful and working goverment systems /sarcasm
<ocb> and now we end up being harrassed again, restricted, do this do that.
<SiFuh> Seems governments only know how to steal, and those that don't steal get murdered
<SiFuh> So many are too silly to see and they continue to acquiesce
<ocb> ^ that. in some countries literally murdered, in some only carrer murdered.
<SiFuh> I was at my friends wedding and he wanted a photo with me. Hahaha "Get that condom off your face man"
<ocb> :)))
<SiFuh> My wife and I are the only people not wearing
<SiFuh> We are also the only two that never got injected
<tilman> "congrats"
<SiFuh> Can't go into government buildings, or restaurants, or shopping malls :-P
<tilman> at least you can still get infected and infect others
<SiFuh> Yeah, ourselves. Because everyone else is injected 'They are protected'
<Romster> i'm fully vaxed, i don't understand why anyone would want to help spread and let the virus mutate.
<Romster> nothing is 100%
<tilman> i thought it was generally accepted knowledge by know that vaccinations don't protect against infection but only against severe cases of the disease
<Romster> but i'll take some protection over no protection
<Romster> still can get it yeah and spread it but hopefully it wont kill me
<Romster> not sure of this new strain going around though
<Romster> and it landed in australia now too ugh
<SiFuh> Amazing, Australia is a closed country like.. North Korea haha
<Romster> sydney airport
<ocb> i wanted to point something else. tried to go pay my utility bills the other day. its a small village, not a big city where some rules are more strict. tried entering the post office the guy asks for some papers. don't have em - you can't enter. so i waited in front to ask somebody to pay the bills for me cause i am not allowed to enter. the security guy came again and started saying he'll call the
<ocb> police which is right across the street. so i was unable to pay utilities. i dont care about wearing masks i dont have an issue with it, but by restricting people to do the most general things in their life - like paying bills, getting food (which will happen).. i have a problem with that.
<SiFuh> You have to be quarantined, tested 72 hours before, put on a waiting list, and then tested just before the flight. Full masked, hardly anyone on a flight, lamd, tested, quarantined again, tested, released. Guess that doesn't work
<Romster> the heck, paying bills is essential so is grocery shopping
<Romster> i only need to show my cert for clothing shops, cafe stuff, non-essental. though a clothing store to me is essential
<ocb> believe it or not - yes. that is happening.
<Romster> bpay it online
<SiFuh> I get the injected to do my shopping
<SiFuh> Bills are paid online
<ocb> am unable to, no bank accounts, no credit cards, the gov blocked me because somebody else is making debts on my name. the thing was you can order mobile phones online just by entering a different delivery address and different billing address. somebody entered my billing address and number and gov blocked me for ~24k USD which i didn't do. they don't care for humans lives or what we will eat.
<ocb> shit country, allowing people to use other people without consequences.
<SiFuh> ocb which country are you in?
<Romster> the hell
<ocb> croatia, but moved to bosnia after all happened
<Romster> so someone has the exact same name as you?
<SiFuh> ocb: Australia has the best system to stop that. You need 100 points of ID.
<SiFuh> prt-get path exo
<SiFuh> Oops
<Romster> i would be livid if that happend to me and i would rip them a new one, until they fixed the problem
<SiFuh> In Asia if someone wants a loan from the bank they are asked to bring a guarantor in. I am 100% against this idea. So I wan't to borrow 100,000 and you come and guarantee for me that I will pay it. Then after I successfully got a loan, I run away and no one can ever find me. You are now stuck paying my debt.
<SiFuh> I should say "South East Asia" and not "Asia"
<ocb> Romster: in 2014 the gov introduced a unique person number - which according to them should have been hidden. 11 digits. but its not personal and not hidden since people tend to ask for it for example in a post office, in a bank, in a gov. then the telecom companies and some IT companies improved their system over time, allowing regular people to order a new phone and tariff - over the internet. once
<ocb> one person wants to order a phone and tariff and its usually not below 800$ if not even more, then he could enter the 'unique person number' for the billing. in the early days the telecom companies didn't ask for ID scan not any information, the 'unique person number' was enough. so one could have entered any 'unique person number' that corresponds to a real name and order a delivery to another
<ocb> billing address. the person ordering gets the phones worth 500-1000-1500$ whatever he ordered and the guy from 'unique person number' gets the bills.
<ocb> a friend of mine works in one IT company and 3 years ago there was one situation, he called me.. hey, hey, whats up.. - you ordered a phone, you could have waited 3 weeks and get a better one for much cheaper, do you want to wait and i'll cancel the order. - WHAT? i didn't order shit!
<SiFuh> ocb: Yeah, this is a huge problem. People should need to verify who they are with multiple forms of identification
<ocb> but past 2-3 years all the companies made changes that they require ID of the person ordering and billing and to correspond with the addresses and all. much stricter checks. but.. i got fucked.
<Romster> that's bull shit, good they improved it but what about your case.
<Romster> that is rough ocb
<ocb> nothing i believe. i paid most of it since a 2.5 month fight with telecom companies and cops didn't yield shit. i'm still blocked in the gov system - not allowed to use banks, not allowed to use credit cards. if i make a new one - it gets blocked by the local financial instutition.
<SiFuh> I'd have paid squat and taken them to court
<Romster> not even your fault.... so how does one file a complaint for that stuff
<Romster> same
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: cuda-fb: 11.5.0 -> 11.5.1
<SiFuh> Romster, my friend in QLD parked her car underneath Woolworths. Did her shopping and then drove home. Police came and knocked on the door saying she stole fuel from the petrol station. The car make and model was same and the colour and the plates, but the person who was driving the car she did not know and he had a cap and hoodie on. The video footage under Woolworths proves that her plates were pinched, and
<SiFuh> returned. The policeman said to her that it is better to pay the fuel rather than pay for legal fees.
<SiFuh> I told her no and to take it to court if the police demand. And fortunately she didn't have to pay anything and no court case.
<Romster> they returned the plates O_O
<SiFuh> Yeah, very common tactic
<Romster> amazing they got the same make model and colour
<SiFuh> Because they have to prove that the plates were stolen if they had them still
<SiFuh> Dude, 2016. Every car is just a garbage clone :-P
<Romster> i see, if it wasn't for the car park security camera...
<SiFuh> Correct
<ocb> i filed between 5-10 complaints, starting from cops and to three telecoms that made requests to block my accounts due to non-paying. spent 2.5 months fighting around with 2 jobs and sleeping of 2-3-4 hours a night i couldn't handle it anymore. had no money for bread, so it was.. kind of hard to even get the money to pay a lawyer to deal with that stuff. all in all, i refuse to pay anything else,
<ocb> living in a woods cabin, off the grid, in the nature, doing freelance. fuck the sytem. :)
<Romster> I wasn't aware of this one.
<ocb> SiFuh: eh... situations
<SiFuh> Yep, complete joke ocb
<Romster> geez ocb
<Romster> what a backwards country
<SiFuh> ocb: I've never paid a lawyer. I've always represented myself
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: wine: 6.21 -> 6.22
<ocb> yeah.. i just got tired. although other balkan countries are even harder to live. just stay safe, mentally healthly with your family and have good friends around. seems harder days are yet to come.
<SiFuh> Romster backwards? Haha I tell you a funny one. My friend was at home. Police came bashing on the door. Told him they are hear to arrest him for excessive noise and violence and drinking in public. He was drinking but in his house watching TV. To this day we don't know who called the cops on him. He was arrested, charged for being drunk in public even though he was being escorted to the paddy wagon by the
<SiFuh> cops. Brought to the station. Then found out that he hadn't done anything wrong. Still charged him for drunken disorderly in public, and then wouldn't let him leave until he paid 50 cents for his bail.
<ocb> lol
<Romster> 50 cents... the what
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<Romster> home is not a public place
<SiFuh> Another one was a 12 year old kid, he was playing with his brother and he had a plastic toy knife. Someone called the police on him. He was put int he paddy wagon, driven to the hospital for psychiatric evaluation, on the way the police pulled over handed him a ticket for being out after 23:00 (He was in the back of the wagon). I picked him up, read the actual police report and charges. Spoke to his mother
<SiFuh> and explained how to win this as the polcie broke every rule known.
<fishe_> most packages error when trying to install because they try to pull from GitHub which gives a 404
<SiFuh> Romster, he was not home. He was being taken from his home to the police car.
<SiFuh> fishe_: Yes, it is an issue still under resolve.
<Romster> edit /etc/pkgmk.conf and add PKGMK_SOURCE_MIRRORS=(https://crux.ster.zone/distfiles/)
<Romster> fishe_, ^
<Romster> let me know if anything is missing
<SiFuh> Anyone under 18 being driven in police custody in QLD must have the police call in to the station, read the odometer, drive directly to the destination, and the odometer read again
<Romster> i've opened a ticket to github about it and waiting on a reply
<Romster> or you could just use https://crux.nu/distfiles
<Romster> that is a round robbin to all of them
<Romster> including mine
<SiFuh> I was just impressed multiple URL's worked :-P
<Romster> it's an array for that matter :)
<SiFuh> I was hoping and it turned out to be
<fishe_> compiling pulseaudio rn, will try when it's done
<Romster> i'd move to pipewire :)
<Romster> i've done that already
<SiFuh> ocb: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S01E05 Secret Societies <-- this one from 2009 is the most interesting one.
<Romster> pipewire with wireplumber works great
<Romster> oh that rmeinds me i need to do a small fix to dbus
<fishe_> added repos and prt-get still 404s
<ocb> SiFuh: will look it up now, fire is cracking in the background, its still before noon, cold outside :)
<Romster> which url/port fishe_ ?
<fishe_> all of the ports i try
<SiFuh> ocb: I am sure, the new life is much better even if the old life has huge issues
<fishe_> libconfig, basu
<Romster> all the official ones should be covered
<Romster> are these all in another repo?
<fishe_> ah i think these are in contrib
<SiFuh> They are git files
<Romster> github ones?
<SiFuh> Yes
<fishe_> i have crux.ster.zone in the prt-get config and it's still not trying to find it there
<SiFuh> fishe_: Romster was saying edit the /etc/pkgmk.conf add the dist URL https://crux.ster.zone/distfiles/ to PKGMK_SOURCE_MIRRORS=()
<Romster> edit /etc/pkgmk.conf and add PKGMK_SOURCE_MIRRORS=()
<fishe_> OH pkgmk and not prt-get
<fishe_> jfc im stupid
<Romster> we have https://crux.nu/distfiles for the round robbin or you can add individual ones.
<Romster> i posted that earlier too fishe_ :D
<fishe_> yeah and i tried to put it in /etc/pkgmk.conf
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<SiFuh> Romster: so far so good, slowly going through the list after that *.la script. xmlsec is the last one complaing about missing *.la files everything else is fine
<fishe_> working now
<Romster> http://distfiles.crux.guru/ was tek or frinnst i don't remember now but it's 404
<fishe_> im lazy so i made a script that runs `prt-get depinst` and then `prt-get install` so i can just `get PACKAGE`
<SiFuh> Romster: heh, explains the flash by red text in aria2c that I never read
<SiFuh> fishe_: Waaa?
<Romster> only two that are working out of the 3 on https://crux.nu/distfiles
<Romster> i'm using aria2c too
<fishe_> SiFuh not sure if im just doing it wrong but `prt-get install` doesn't resolve dependencies
<Romster> depinst
<Romster> does
<fishe_> yes
<Romster> install only dones one port
<SiFuh> fishe_: prt-get depinst is the same as prt-get install but installs deps as well as install
<Romster> prt-get help
<Romster> prt-get deptree
<Romster> prt-get quickdep
<fishe_> it doesn't also install for me, idk why
<SiFuh> Did the dep fail?
<Romster> most ports wont compile if the dependencies arn't there.
<Romster> look at prt-get deptree foo
<Romster> anyhting without the i in [ ] ,eams ot
<Romster> means it's not installed
<Romster> sometimes new dependencies are introduced and you need to install/depinstall those yourself.
<fishe_> libconfig says "made with pride in Colorado" during compile and as a Coloradan i am elated
<fishe_> yep you're right it actually does
<fishe_> it's 3am so im kinda all over the place
<Romster> also have you enabled "runscripts yes" ?
<Romster> in prt-get.conf
<fishe_> i didn't
<fishe_> just did
<SiFuh> I've always wondered, shouldn't that be enabled by default or heavily mentioned in the handbook?
<Romster> runscripts - This option configures prt-get to run pre-/post-install scripts if they exist in ports being installed or updated. It is recommended that this be enabled as in many cases if a pre- or post-install script exists in a port, it is required to be run for proper operation.
<SiFuh> heavily <--
<SiFuh> So CRUX isn't operating properly by default?
<Romster> think some of us have talked about enabling it for official repos only by default.
<SiFuh> Oh I see how this can be an issue, good idea
<Romster> it seems to be a big gotcha for new to crux.
<SiFuh> runscript
<SiFuh> and runscrip_unoffical
<Romster> it opens up 3rd party ports to attach
<Romster> attack*
<Romster> something like that SiFuh
<SiFuh> Unfortunately Pkgfile could do the same thing
<Romster> or maybe per a repo like prtdir works
<Romster> it could if it was coded in pkgmk
<Romster> and prt-get knew how it worked.
<SiFuh> No I meant nefarious things
<Romster> oh it can too.
<SiFuh> I can easily put rm -rf / in a pre-instal as well as in build() in Pkgfile
<Romster> signatures guarantee it's signed by those that have the private key
<Romster> you have to sign that Pkgfile though
<Romster> and in pre-install the user has to be running the runscripts
<Romster> our security model isn't ideal
<SiFuh> Could we not just sign the pre/post-install scripts ?
<Romster> we could though that doesn't rule out the old .md5sum way
<Romster> for 3rd party
<SiFuh> md5sum should be abolished
<Romster> we moved to .signatures but yeah perhaps we should totally drop the old md5sum in the next release
<Romster> +1
<Romster> fishe_, why are you up so late? can't sleep or on one of the must get this all working sessions :D
<fishe_> no work Sunday so i can sleep in as much as i want anyway
<Romster> ah
<SiFuh> Hate that, ruins my sleep cycle
<fishe_> i never had one to begin with lmao
<Romster> crux is a bit rough around the edges but we are a small community.
<Romster> and it doesn't get in the way so hacking things in or out is so simple.
<SiFuh> Also the reason why I ahte that, because I have been trying for months and forcably to maintain it
<Romster> only 4 of us in the core team currently
<Romster> we had more at one stage
<SiFuh> Rough? I think it is fine. I have so much more power the prt-get command list is the best ever
<fishe_> still it's 3 so im gonna go to bed, sway can't find "dbus-daemon" but that's a problem for tomorrow
<Romster> oh the tools are fine other than a couple of gotchas
<Romster> for new users
<SiFuh> I wish I had those in *BSD
<Romster> you need to start dbus
<Romster> /etc/rc.d/dbus start
<fishe_> ah
<SiFuh> SERVICES=(swap lo net crond nft sshd named dbus xdm)
<Romster> and add it in /etc/rc.conf
<fishe_> will keep that in mind
<fishe_> thanks and gn
<SiFuh> Night
<Romster> and start the dbus session with your WM/DE
<Romster> nite fishe_
<Romster> dbus-launch --auto-syntax --exit-with-session icewm-session
<Romster> in my ~/.xinitrc
<SiFuh> Romster: Yeah the DM is good idea but I use a laptop so I never worry much about using it in rc.conf
<Romster> though sway may start dbus session for you
<SiFuh> Oh I have export `dbus-launch` in .xsession
<Romster> dbus is one of them odd ones that has two parts the service and each user sessions
<SiFuh> Ahh yeah, I set it up similar in OpenBSD as well
<SiFuh> Well this isn't working and it isn't important. I will prep a wipe and do the fresh install tomorrow
<Romster> i'm no pro so i probably make a ton of mistakes.
<Romster> SiFuh, i got built packages
<Romster> also i've done stuff like grep the *.la files and edited them manually to remove the missing *.la files
<Romster> hacky but it worked
<SiFuh> It's fine. I never plan on keeping the system
<Romster> ok
<SiFuh> I just wanted to see before destruction
<Romster> pkg-not and pkg-clean in my repo might be enough
<Romster> pkg-clean will nuke all but core
<SiFuh> No, but yes. I like the pkg-clean and use it a lot
<Romster> cool
<SiFuh> But no I am going to start afresh without touching the filesystem itself.
<Romster> i see
<SiFuh> Make sure everything is removed.
<Romster> not a bad idea
<Romster> may as well go with wayland then
<SiFuh> Yeah, get rid of Klingons ;-)
<Romster> and pipewire
<Romster> lol
<SiFuh> Err. Dunno, will wayland work with X-Plane 11?
<SiFuh> Yes pipewire is something I was looking into since this machine will only become a flight simulator and virtual box
<Romster> you can run the xwayland for that
<Romster> it used to have a large overhead but not anymore
<Romster> xorg-xwayland
<Romster> For backwards compatibility to seamlessly run legacy X11 applications, XWayland can be used, which provides an X Server in Wayland.
<SiFuh> I will find a live CD with wayland and just test it first
<SiFuh> If they run then food
<SiFuh> good*
<Romster> that would be a good idea
<Romster> food is good to
<SiFuh> But I think X-Plane might have the ability to run underit
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<SiFuh> Maybe not start until Tuesday. I have to obliterate my garden and strategically plant companion plants and other things to protect each other and introduce bees
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<ocb> SiFuh: nice, garden. what plants do you grow?
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: [notify] harfbuzz-icu: removed meta port, use harfbuzz now
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: firefox-bin: 94.0.1 -> 94.0.2
<SiFuh> ocb: Chilli mostly, but I have been attacked by an ivasion of white flies and I am tired of them. I so I plant to tear up everything and start again. I will plant companion plants around like Marigolds that white flies don't like and put up a gutter above the gutter to stop the down pour. Nothing serious. The only plant that is happy to survive is the one I thought would never and that is the Aloe Vera.
<SiFuh> I've got Sweet potato, black tomato, standard tomato, and capsicum. A variet of other chilly. But the Chilly I most want to keep is the Ghost Pepper and the Carolina Reaper.
<SiFuh> I really wanted the Habanero but they wouldn't grow at all. Probably bad seeds
<ocb> uh nice
<ocb> i plant some hot chillies too
<ocb> what do you use ghost pepper and carolina reaper for
<ocb> i mean they are not for normal ingestion afaik :)
<SiFuh> I ingest them quite happily
<ocb> ffs
<SiFuh> If I am not crying, then they are not worthy of eating
<SiFuh> If my hands are not burning for 6 hours and every part of my body is not read from touch then they are not worthy.
<SiFuh> red*
<ocb> haha :) i couldn't eat that
<SiFuh> ANd yes, ffs is the right words
<ocb> max 200,000-300,000 scolville
<ocb> like tabasco hot chilli
<ocb> i plant those
<SiFuh> Actually I never tried Carlina reaper fresh
<SiFuh> The hottest I ever ate and regularly was the Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia)
<ocb> i was thinking to order some seeds
<SiFuh> I actually even made the powder, oil and sauce that I was using for myself when I was home in Australia. My mother messaged me a week or 3 ago to say she tried my chilly powder and only used 1/4 of a teaspoon for all 3 people and my father and brother were complaining it was too hot.
<ocb> but, its not for eating ;D
<SiFuh> I know people who grow chilli because they love the look and not for eat
<ocb> lol
<SiFuh> ocb: I have so many stories about Chilly that will me make laugh and feel sorry. Like the time I pepper sprayed the house with Bhut Jolokia and chilli at 1 am in the morning and my 70+ year old mother is outside in the winter sleeping on the Verandah because no one can breath in the house
<ocb> i will ask for a cooking recipe but there must be some on yt
<ocb> :)))
<ocb> you really are into chilli
<SiFuh> My favorite is grilled cheese on toast with Bhut Jolia slices on the top. Under a grill at 1 am in the morning is not something your parents will like, especially if you live in an underground house.
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<SiFuh> Yeah I was a chilli fanatic since before 5th grade.
<SiFuh> Use to get offended when I first moved to Thailand "Oh you can eat spicy?" and "I'd reply, yep, can you?"
<SiFuh> If you are afraid of gaining weight while drinking booze. Replace the munchies (snacks) with a chilli or two.
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<ocb> think i tried it once-twice
<ocb> but stopped drinking
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<ocb> related to thai and spice
<ocb> i really liked their food, was in bangkok and pataya.. well, turist locations.. 2 years ago per my friends invite
<SiFuh> I love real Thailand, not commercial, tourist fake Thailand
<ocb> agree, i saw only the tourist shit :)
<SiFuh> I've been every province in Thailand.
<SiFuh> I always travel third class and hang around with locals for everything.
<SiFuh> I wish that many can forget their western expecatitions and just do it. Because it is actually so incredible the relaxed, fun, friendly and super social life they have
<ocb> its people.. and while its offered, turist people will take what there is
<SiFuh> Unfortunately Thailand was destroyed during the Vietnam war and the foreign soldiers talked so much crap that foreigners turned Thailand into a Haram thinking it was and the tourist industry ended up being shaped around the perception rather than the reality of what it was.
<ocb> i understand what you say
<SiFuh> The real heart of Thailand is about love and family and respect for elders. Farming and business and friends.
<SiFuh> I get really angry inside when I am in Australia and they are teasing and say I go to Thailand for 1 thing...
<ocb> agree, that's what should be in many more places
<ocb> here, when you mention thailand everyone first thinks of wo/men
<ocb> very sad
<SiFuh> If you ignore the tourism scene. Thailand is actually a very dirty country, but the people are so kind hearted
<SiFuh> Even your worst Thai criminal has a heart
<ocb> haven't met many people so can't say but i believe it is
<ocb> this world is going to shit
<ocb> money on the first place will dig a deeper hole
<SiFuh> I lived in Thailand and worked in Thailand since 2001. Last time I was in Thailand was as a translator in 2020 before the borders were slammed shut.
<SiFuh> I actually disagree with that. I think the world is going to shit, but money has nothing to do with it. It's just a carrot tied to a Donkey's head
<SiFuh> I see the world is being taken down a path and many are blind to the destination. But the few who know, are those that are guiding the people down that path.
<ocb> could be, we live in different parts of the world, situation here may be a bit different
<SiFuh> And those that see and say "Hell no" are the new enemy
<SiFuh> Closest I ever lived to Europe was Kyrgyzstan/Kazakhstan
<SiFuh> Would have been better to stay in Kyrgyzstan
<SiFuh> No Covidiot rules at all :-)
<ocb> :)))
<ocb> hope my fellow neighbour pedja is doing well in all this madness :)
<SiFuh> pedja is great
<ocb> wanted to visit Iran before this madness started
<ocb> did some investigating and reading before about persia and their culture, wanted to visit it
<ocb> but as the things are now.. it is questionable
<SiFuh> Iran was on my list
<SiFuh> But I wanted to visit and immgrate to Vietnam first
<SiFuh> Too late, now I stuck as an immigrant in Malaysian
<cruxbot> [core.git/3.6]: iana-etc: 20211019 -> 20211025
<ocb> obedient ones get their restrictions lifted, like dogs we're being treated
<SiFuh> Obedient end up soulessless to be honest
<ocb> yes, i was looking at the other side
<pedja> I got my 3rd shot few weeks ago, so I should be OK for now :)
<SiFuh> I understand what Romster was saying but for me it is more than saving lives, it is about saving yourself and making sure your body is your body
<SiFuh> pedja: No worries, you will need another 10 more next year :-P
<ocb> pedja: nice to hear you are ok, stay safe :-)
<pedja> thanks. you too
<SiFuh> ocb: Serbia is your neighbour and not he lives next door to your apartment/house?
<ocb> yeah srb is my neighbour :)
<ocb> country neigbour
<SiFuh> Cool
<ocb> lunch is on auto cooking
<ocb> you play chess maybe?
<SiFuh> I do, not sure about pedja
<SiFuh> I am not a fan, because everyone resigns before i win
<ocb> eh not that type, but i understand
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<cruxbot> [compat-32.git/3.6]: harfbuzz-32: 3.1.1 -> 3.1.2
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: harfbuzz: fix source URL
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<SiFuh> Better a fresh install
<SiFuh> Too much fancy stuff happening
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<dlcusa> fishe_, I maintain the xfce_4.16 repo as registered at http://crux.nu/portdb and have been unable to read #crux for a few days. It dosen't sound like you were using this repo, am I correct?
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<fishe_> That's the repo I've been using dlcusa
<dlcusa> Did you read the doc at http://dlcusa.net/CRUX/xfce_4.16/ and, if so, did it answer your questions?
<dlcusa> fishe_, ^
<fishe_> I'll test once I get sway running
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