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<SiFuh> frinnst: can't stand the guy, but at this time, I can :-)
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<SiFuh> Vegemite shipment arrived today
<SiFuh> Awesome!!!!!!
<groovy2shoes> ew
<SiFuh> You don't like beer trub with salt?
<groovy2shoes> nah
<SiFuh> I must admit, that I know very few Australians and non Australians that like vegemite
<SiFuh> My entire family hates it except one of my little sisters daughters
<SiFuh> I think the husband and the other daughter eats it but I don't think they 'like' it like a person should
<groovy2shoes> lol
<SiFuh> I think the Australian staple Vegemite thing is a scam.
<SiFuh> Most people that have it use it as flavouring for gravy and beef and stuff
<SiFuh> I gave a pin prick sized amount for the wife to taste this morning. She said she loved it.
<SiFuh> I spread it on a 'cracker' for her that is equal to waht I would eat and she now hates it
<groovy2shoes> sounds about right
<SiFuh> Her face looked like Waldorf and Statlor from the Muppet Show
<SiFuh> Wish I had a centrifuge
<SiFuh> I have enough beer trub to try to make the foundations of vegemite from
<SiFuh> You've eaten Vegemite before groovy2shoes ?
<groovy2shoes> just once
<SiFuh> Vegemite, not Marmite ?
<groovy2shoes> well, i've had both
<groovy2shoes> didn't care for either of them, but i've known people who love them
<SiFuh> That's actuall pretty cool
<SiFuh> I am unaware of my attempted marmite consumption but apparently I have
<SiFuh> I've onyl ever loved Vegemite
<groovy2shoes> they're not popular in the US. i bet some store or another carries one or both, but when i had them it was from a british coworker who brought some over from the UK
<SiFuh> Marshmellow FLuff ?
<groovy2shoes> i think he only brought them in to laugh at our faces when we tried them lol
<groovy2shoes> what about marshmellow fluff?
<SiFuh> to be honest vegemite tastes like salty cheese with some extra vegetable flavours
<SiFuh> My father always boast about Marshmellow fluff and got his parents to post it to us
<groovy2shoes> is your father six years old?? lol
<SiFuh> Now it is sold in AUstralia and no one in my family buys itu
<SiFuh> In those days, 34 years old
<SiFuh> Now he is near 80
<groovy2shoes> :)
<SiFuh> He likes Davy Crockette
<SiFuh> Says he use to dress up like him
<SiFuh> I guess i would if I had a 'coon skin hat
<SiFuh> I liiked the Crockette legends
<groovy2shoes> now i want croquettes
<SiFuh> Isn't that a weird sport?
<SiFuh> Oh wow that is a food
<groovy2shoes> play some croquet, eat some croquettes
<groovy2shoes> swap some crockette stories
<SiFuh> Jim Bowie Alamo
<SiFuh> Ooohh I could make this thing
<SiFuh> ANything special about the meat?
<groovy2shoes> nope
<SiFuh> Ignore 100% chicken since Chicken is disgusting
<SiFuh> No herbs or spices?
<SiFuh> Just a limb or another amputated body part in thickened bater ?
<SiFuh> batter
<groovy2shoes> there's a bunch of different styles. i'd imagine you can use whatever meat, seasoned however you like
<SiFuh> I actually like things similar to this
<SiFuh> I don't like that CRUX Firefox can't play videos anymore for almost 1 week
<SiFuh> I will look and cook later
<groovy2shoes> hmm i haven't had any such issues with firefox
<SiFuh> I neglected CRUX a lot actually
<SiFuh> Tired of broken shit
<SiFuh> I will catch up a few weeks and start building ports again so not to worry
<SiFuh> Damn, I am going to make these croquettes
<SiFuh> When you coming over?
<SiFuh> Pork, beef and duck are your choices of meat
<groovy2shoes> i doubt i'm going to be getting to travel any time soon. expecting our first child in about a week.
<SiFuh> Scary
<groovy2shoes> yeah
<SiFuh> Not for you
<SiFuh> For your child
<groovy2shoes> indeed
<SiFuh> This world makes Kelloggs fruit loops seem sane
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<SiFuh> I am very concerned about my little sisters kids
<SiFuh> What world did we leave them?
<SiFuh> Hey this looks similar to a Chiko Roll
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<SiFuh> groovy2shoes: do you have a possible date of the ... birth
<groovy2shoes> they told us the 28th, but it could come early, or late
<SiFuh> So soon!
<groovy2shoes> yeah, still so much to do, too
<SiFuh> I can't even post the K and R Ansii C book by then
<groovy2shoes> i've got 2 copies
<SiFuh> Wait wait wait so much to do?
<SiFuh> Yeah I mean as a gift
<groovy2shoes> the baby's room is mostly all ready, i think. but the rest of the house is a real mess. thinking i ought to clean up a bit beforehand, because i'm not sure how much time or energy i'll have afterward
<SiFuh> These croquettes look just like the chiko rolls
<SiFuh> groovy2shoes: You know the baby doesn't care right?
<SiFuh> And probably won't care until 13 years old
<groovy2shoes> yeah, but the wife does
<SiFuh> Bury her hahaha
<SiFuh> I fully understand
<SiFuh> To be honest, better to do and prepare slowly over time that just poison and flood the house with shit
<SiFuh> that/than
<groovy2shoes> but whoever dies with the most shit wins!
<SiFuh> I plan on painting my room a pink/lilac colour on some walls and white on the others. Been planning for 2 years
<SiFuh> If you die with nothing, I am sure you win
<SiFuh> She will have to take care of the baby alone
<SiFuh> I am going to ask a question the idiot liberals are gunna hate
<SiFuh> Do you know if boy or girl?
<groovy2shoes> it's a girl
<SiFuh> If anyone wants to yell, I said 'idiot' liberals and not 'normal' liberals
<SiFuh> Your first?
<groovy2shoes> though i did make that joke at the doctor, when they asked if we wanted to know, i said we'd find out in 15 years ¬_¬
<groovy2shoes> yeah
<groovy2shoes> still haven't picked a name yet
<groovy2shoes> feels weird picking a name for someone you haven't met yet
<SiFuh> It's amazing anyway and I am happy you shared it here
<SiFuh> In Thailand the monks name your kid
<groovy2shoes> we've got one week to get to thailand!
<SiFuh> If after a decade or 5 they think your name doesn't suit you they change it
<groovy2shoes> sawasdee khap!
<SiFuh> Krup
<SiFuh> You planing or joking about Thailand?
<SiFuh> How long of a time frame do they give you before providing a baby name?
<SiFuh> Canada, Oh no.. I am so sorry
<groovy2shoes> we have to provide one before we leave the hospital, i think
<groovy2shoes> so... about 48 hours?? little more maybe
<SiFuh> Most countries don't
<groovy2shoes> they didn't used to here, either, from what i've gathered
<SiFuh> 2 days?
<SiFuh> Wow
<SiFuh> They'll inject all of you
<groovy2shoes> heheheh
<SiFuh> Sorry, that wasn't a joke
<SiFuh> So funny to watch my wife onsecurity camera
<SiFuh> Her mother is queen of complaining and fighting because no on eats her food
<SiFuh> She has not complained since the day I came here (except for chicken 'cause she knows i don't eat that shit)
<groovy2shoes> heheh
<SiFuh> So technically I am the garbage disposal unit
<groovy2shoes> i also fill that role in my family
<SiFuh> And when I say that I think of the TV series The Dinsoaurs from the 90's
<groovy2shoes> i only vaguely remember it
<SiFuh> Brilliant series
<SiFuh> Basically a legal plagerism of the Simpsons using dinosar puppets made by Jim Henson
<SiFuh> ANd I am not sure if I spelled any word correctly then
<SiFuh> My favorite line since the first time I saw it was when Earl said "I am dirt, no, I am lower than dirt, I am so low, I look up to dirt. I wish i was dirt. Dirt is my god. All hail the mighty dirt"
<SiFuh> Another 5 minutes of ranting
<groovy2shoes> lol
<SiFuh> EARl! Get in here!
<SiFuh> Welcome to the new fake liberal world
<SiFuh> All will be offensive now
<SiFuh> All the stuff we laughed at and loved as a kid will become a crime
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