jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: squid: update to 5.2
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: msmtp: update to 1.8.17
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: links: update to 2.25
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: imagemagick: update to 7.1.0-9
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: openexr: 3.1.1 -> 3.1.2
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: [notify] apache: update to 2.4.50
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<stenur> I meant the pkgutils repo.
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: hiredis: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: python3-apipkg: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: python3-jinja: 3.0.1 -> 3.0.2
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: python3-pyqt-builder: fixed footprint
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: qownnotes: 21.9.1 -> 21.10.0
<frinnst> [Mozilla Announce] Firefox 93.0 is now available
<pedja> they mention unloading tabs on Windows in release notes. I wonder if FF is already doing that on Linux
<frinnst> Firefox now blocks downloads that rely on insecure connections, protecting against potentially malicious or unsafe downloads.
<frinnst> that seems dumb
<pedja> insecure = http? that might break some stuff :)
<frinnst> i assume so
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: polkit: 0.119 -> 0.120
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: u-boot-tools: 2021.07 -> 2021.10
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<joacim> because malicious parties cant and wont use https?
<joacim> cant tell how this will help the end user, outside of making everything much more annoying
bountyht has joined #crux
<bountyht> Hi people. What's up? I am toying around a bit and I was considering Crux for some playful testing.
<bountyht> So, may I ask why you guys choose Crux over other source based distros?
<SiFuh> Faster, cleaner, neater, very BSD like and highly configurable
<braewoods> bountyht: because we're old sticks in the mud. that's good enough reason for us. :D
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* braewoods inserts laugh track.
<bountyht> lol, ok, you score points everytime you mention BSD :-)
<bountyht> I see you are using signify for the repositories
<pedja> don't think there were too many source-based distributions when I started using Crux around 2003-ish
<bountyht> I was considering Gentoo for playing too but they seem to integrate a lot of "newisms" very tightly. Like there is trouble trying to build a desktop without a seat manager over there or so I have heard
<pedja> consolekit?
<bountyht> I think they kicked that one out and went with elogind
<bountyht> I am bummed by that because Slackware (which is my non-BSD alternative if need be) has brought elognd in killing some functionallity which used to be available from the components it replaces
<SiFuh> slackware is great but it is kind of messy I think
<bountyht> I don't hate elogind but I hate it when they bring something new and replace something old that was more functional than the old thing
<bountyht> SiFuh: I used to be a big Slackware fan. Now I regard it as the less bad Linux I have experience with.
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<bountyht> Which is the main reason I am toying with new shinny Linuxes
<pedja> iirc, consolekit and consolekit2(fork by xfce/gentoo devs) stopped being developed a while back. so they kind of had to replace it
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<SiFuh> Yes, it is moving that way for sure
<bountyht> I do more and more BSD every year
<SiFuh> Closest to BSD I can find is CRUX
<bountyht> pedja: Afaik the BSDs are still patching and supporting the *kits.
<pedja> no idea, I stopped playing with freebsd years ago
<bountyht> Also I am of the camp that if a piece of software has no issues it is ok if left unmaintained for 5 years as long as it does not explode in your face :-)
<bountyht> I am more of a Net/OpenBSD guy
<bountyht> FreeBSD is a lot like a BSD licensed Linux
<SiFuh> <- OpenBSD
<bountyht> The only problem I have with OpenBSD is that patches sent to the mailing list have a bad tendency to end in /dev/null hahahaha
<SiFuh> I sent a patch in 2002 and I think it was about 2005 when it was finally applied
<bountyht> "Hey guys, I found this docummentation bug regarding your libc stuff, here is a patch and here are the references and the RFCs and the link to the affected *.c and *.h's and and and"
<bountyht> and and and silence takes over :-)
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<bountyht> Is there any officially endorsed method for FDE?
<bountyht> The wiki does not seem very clear about it
<SiFuh> Full Disk Encryption?
<bountyht> Yes
<bountyht> Or PFDE if you feel pedantic
<SiFuh> None, but it can be done and I have done both both passwordless and password
<SiFuh> But passwordless you don't want for sure
<bountyht> SiFuh: I will check out.
<bountyht> I had seen some guides with Dracut for Crux
<SiFuh> ut I am 100% sure you don't want that at all
<SiFuh> I don't recommend it at all since it requires no password and the kernel/config has the information in it
<bountyht> Yeah, passordless encryption seems pointless beyond some niche cases
<SiFuh> And jaeger has added a fe of the features I requested so it should be easy as now
<SiFuh> few*
<SiFuh> bountyht: also https://crux.ninja/updated-iso/ the updated iso's
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<bountyht> What's the diffeence between the updated iso and the non-updated one?
<bountyht> Never mind I am reading in the main site
<bountyht> Some of the mirrors listed in the download page are listas as "http" links when they have "https" available.
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<SiFuh> bountyht: let us know how you go
<bountyht> I am kind of busy at the moment since a surge killed a bunch of workstations at $work
<SiFuh> Hope you get overtime ;-)
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<elderK> Hey guys, what's the best way to remove "stale" packages?
<elderK> I see we have prt-get listorphans and stuff, but I was wondering if there was a better way other than reading that list carefully,. removing what I feel is safe and repeating the process.
<joacim> there's pkgfoster
<joacim> but it didnt work so great when i tested it on my system
<elderK> So, how do you keep your system clean?
<elderK> Mine seem to accumulate cruft over time.
<joacim> i dont really. i mostly just remove stuff by memory
<joacim> pkgfoster might work better for others. i think there is something uncommon with my system that breaks it
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