jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<SiFuh> bountyht: He also makes the official ISO
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<Romster> with windows 11 having so many issues i'll keep using Linux like nothing happend, though at work, customers when they get to 11 welp, just blame microsoft nothing i can do
<frinnst> that's why I love office365
<frinnst> someone to blame
<Romster> when azure goes down :D
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<bountyht> Romster: $job here is running Linux and OpenBSD, thankfully.
<bountyht> Also, my mother managed to botch a Windows install on her laptop. Or rather, Windows botched itself. That kind of forced me to install the first Linux Magazine DVD I found since I was in a rural area with no Internet.
<bountyht> So life is good
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<Romster> lucky bountyht
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<SiFuh> pedja: I did systemctl enable rc-local and all it did was give me a lecture about some shit. So I ln -s /usr/****/some-weird-location/rc-local.service to the aprropriate location then edited some init.d/boot.local
<SiFuh> Surely there must be an easier way to run rfkill block all at startup
<SiFuh> I tried the script in openSuSE for systemd-rfkill.service but it would forget the settings
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<braewoods> SiFuh: forced to use systemd somewhere?
<SiFuh> braewoods: Yeah on an openSuSE box. But no worries, I am sending it to DHL tomorrow to send to another continent
<SiFuh> And I ain't joking :-P
<braewoods> SiFuh: do you need a custom service?
<SiFuh> Don't know, don't care, rc-local is running already, I shut it down and packed it up and I am not turning it on again
<braewoods> Ok..
<SiFuh> But thanks anyways
<braewoods> due to systemd's asynchronous design you can't always used the sysvinit synchronous approach.
<SiFuh> Yeah, I am fully aware of how retarded systemd is
<braewoods> it's just different... it's more fine grained than sysvinit ever was.
<SiFuh> I ended up linking some rc-local.service and creating an /etc/init.d/boot.local file
<braewoods> one issue i've had was services failing due to starting too early
<braewoods> they needed a device to be enumerated by the kernel before it could start properly
<SiFuh> I just wanted to run rfkill block all
<braewoods> you have to bind the service manually afaik
<SiFuh> Should not be so annoying
<SiFuh> Anyways it is done, they'll probably format and install windows 7 anyways
<braewoods> why did you need to install opensuse anyway?
<braewoods> opensuse is usually a business oriented distribution
<braewoods> i don't hear much use of it in the consumer space
<SiFuh> I didn't need to do anything. They kept questioning me about it since I was a SuSE user in the 90's
<SiFuh> So I installed the openSuSE to shut them up
<braewoods> you sold something then?
<SiFuh> Old people are always locked in some fixation
<SiFuh> I've been using OpenBSD for decades and they still think I am using SuSE linux and don't even realize that SuSE linux doesn't exist really
<SiFuh> Like my grandmother. When I was a child I would drink tea without the tea. So hotwater, milk and sugar. 20 years later my grandmother is yelling at me about how I must not know myself because I changed so fast and now drink black tea and black coffee without sugar.
<pedja> openSUSE Leap works just fine as a desktop :)
<SiFuh> I didn't know Jessica Walter passed away in March
<SiFuh> pedja: Yeah, seems to be working well. I have in istalled with plasma 5 and was doing a stress test for a week
<SiFuh> I thought it was funny to be able to send the wastebin to the wastebin though.
<SiFuh> bbl going to watch Doom Patrol's latest episode
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<elderK> Guys, is it possible to have qt4 and qt5 present on the same system?
<elderK> I'd like to run OpenMW. Unfortunately, they only support QT4.
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