asarch: Since you have two lists, I think you may have to use INTERSECTION with some appropriate :KEY and :TEST arguments.
asarch: Or you can loop over all elements in *users* and check each one.
beach: I think intersection does not guarantee which of its inputs it uses to make the output
'The result list may share cells with, or be eq to, either list-1 or list-2 if appropriate'
moon-child: Why are you telling me this?
Thank you! Thank you very much! :-)
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Bike: Reading the spec for *-D-C, it doesn't seem to matter which parameter I specialize in a :AFTER method, PREVIOUS, CURRENT, or both. Is this correct?
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i mean it depends on what you're doing, right
if you care about updates from one class specifically to another class you need to specialize both. if you care about updates from one class to anything you only specialize on that.
I thought one is just a copy of the other, a they would both always be instances of the same direct class
No, previous is the copy, and it is a direct instance of whatever class the instance being changed used to have
And then current is the original, and its class is the new class
Ok, now it makes better than perfect sense :P
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Bike: Unfortunately, this seems to have the same bad behavior as SHARED-INITIALIZE for me.
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well, i mean, it's gonna be called once for each time you call change-class
Right, but I'm specializing on the new class
so if it's being called twice, you're calling change-class twice
Yet the second invocation is not for this class
Ok let me try to explain a little better
The method in the above gist, should _only_ SETF those slot values to the supplied initargs when CHANGE-CLASS's NEW-CLASS-NAME argument matches that of the class I'm specializing on. In the printout, the CAR of the list in the printed represenation is that class name.
can you also print (class-of current) to verify that?
As you can see, the second invocation, called CHANGE-CLASS with 'SRGB as the new-class-name. I want to ensure that this method is not invoked then.
updated gist
okay, so the mop stuff is not helping clarity here. im wondering if there isn't something weird going on such as the actual color-storage3 class object being used both times but its list of mixins changing.
like, change-class doesn't know or care about class _names_, you know?
Here is the call site:
updated with definition of #RGB
and (find-class 'color-storage3) and (find-class 'srgb) are different things?
c0/c1/c2 initargs update the instance correctly when the first mixin is added with #'MIX, but after the second one, the instance has been reset to the default state.
like, what you're describing here is your implementation not dispatching correctly, which is a deep enough problem that it seems unlikely
Updated gist with printout of previous as well
The problem is with the mixin system. I see the issue. Trying to find a solution is hard.
Look at the definition of #'MIX from the gist I made in the other channel
The new class is a union with the real new class prepended
Which makes sense. I want to change the class to be an anonymous class containing all the previous classes as superclasses, plus the additional new class.
Which makes *-D-C hard or impossible to use to do what I want here :/
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Hmm, for once I don't know if anything built-in can help me here, and I don't have any good ideas for how to do the plumbing myself.
Been sitting here thinking about it for over an hour and I got nuthin
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good morning everyone. :)
off-topic coming up;
i use [setxkbmap -option "ctrl:swapcaps"] to swap control and caps-lock keys.
would anyone here know what options to pass to swap "function" and "alt" keys?
sorry about that, but i had no where else to go.
kathe: I do not know. I expect you would be more likely to get a response in a forum dedicated to X. I will note: the 'fn' key is usually handled in firmware or similar
moon-child: thanks for the note about firmware.
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Ok I finally see how to wipe up all this blood with the MOP
Sounds like a job for tomorrow
mfiano: update-instance-for-different-class is going to match as long as current is color-storage3 **or a subtype**, right?
Yes. There is a bit of anonymous class MOP stuff going on that doesn't make what is going on very obvious, but yes.
mfiano: Is ... (previous (current (eql color-storage3)) &key ... what you want?
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That isn't valid syntax. EQL value must be quoted, and I'm specifically looking for a class, not a value.
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What makes you think that EQL value must be quoted?
clhs says its (eql _form_)
They must evaluate to something, whether that be QUOTE or not.
There is no binding cor COLOR-STORAGE3
It is a symbol denoting the name of a class
I sometimes use Sharpsign number to refer to values here, but that's besides the point.
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And _form_ is only evaluated when the method is defined.
The problem here is that the new-class argument passed to CHANGE-CLASS is always going to be a an anonymous class whose direct superclasses include the previous class plus one more additional class. I would have to disassemble the direct superclass list to see which class was just added.
That information is not provided explicitly to UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-DIFFERENT-CLASS as in normal circumstances.
Basically this mixin system is creating (and memoizing when new) anonymous classes containing a list of superclasses.
fe[nl]ix: I'll try
i wonder why i don't see many users of cffi/c2ffi... are people aware of how easy it is to generate FFI's with those tools?
I would assume the answer has to do with the ultimate goal of a Lisp OS, or a pure Lisp stack for those less ambitious people.
Maybe people prefer to write Common Lisp code?
I've written a lot of wrappers and I don't like the dependencies and style of code these autogenerators produce, so I just write them by hand.
attila_lendvai: oh? what are they using as alternatives to cffi? implementation-specific stuff?
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phoe, cffi/c2ffi is a subsystem of cffi. this kinda answers my question... :) people are not aware of it
attila_lendvai: write a nice article describing it and post it somewhere public
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Shinmera, cffi/c2ffi generates pretty much the exact same names as they are in the C namespace (it generates into an empty package, and even retains the upper/lower case of symbols).
mfiano: Or maybe I'm not groking "no binding for color-storage3"
Shinmera, then you can add a foo/fancy package that lispifies it as you see fit
so not unlinke cl-autowrap
I've seen it used several times
phoe, yes, like cl-autowrap, but c2ffi is using clang as a lib to parse the code and extract the metadata for the FFI
mrcom: There's a few solutions, that being one of them. A couple others are, checking the supplied-p argument for the initargs supplied, and also doing a doing some set theoretical operations on the direct superclass list to see exactly which class was added.
I am undecided as of yet.
attila_lendvai: so, again, not unlike claw :D
attila_lendvai: I'm fine doing thinsg the way I am
Shinmera:... and yet you complained about me not using documentation-utils :(
phoe: "complain" is a bit strong of a word for my reaction there
define-method-combination -- there *had* to be a usecase for it.
mrcom: what do you mean about it?
Of course there is
phoe, didn't know about claw, it looks like something very similar. sadly, cffi/c2ffi predates it by several years, feels like duplicate effort.
Custom combination that bases match against class equality rather than subtype matching
does c2ffi work well with C++?
That's what claw tries to solve, with a C shim
Also c2ffi/autowrap author left Lisp a few years ago
Shinmera, not sure, i never looked into wrapping C++ libs. it does deal with #define macros properly.
there you go then.
Random question: Anybody familiar with J.A.R Williams? My wife knew a "Dr. JAR", but as an artist. Same person?
whatever can be done for wrapping C++, c2ffi and the cffi/c2ffi infrastructure is fully qualified to be a comfortable framework for it.
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Idunno man I feel like if someone embarks on the journey of writing something like claw they'd have already checked c2ffi and deemed it not usable enough.
borodust: I'm curious about c2ffi now
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Shinmera, your imagination is rather constrained then. claw seems to be a fun project (looks like it does the c2ffi part also in CL). i can easily see myself embarking on that project 20 years ago, regardless of what else is available.
whatever you say bro
luis, do you think it's appropriate to mention claw in the CFFI readme?
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any ideas what else the CFFI readme should mention besides claw and cl-autowrap?
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I think that c2ffi, claw, and cl-autowrap are the prominent wrapping libs
"It is best to write a pure Lisp solution before considering this library"
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considering that each of us only has a limited time on earth, that is so much not true...
let alone when a project has no specification, and the only "API" is a binary blob...
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As Lisp programmers, we are paving the way for future generations to stand on our shoulders. Let's leave the footguns and bitrot where they belong.
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phoe: in the beginning of times, :claw was using c2ffi and actually started as a fork of cl-autowrap with https://github.com/rpav/cl-autowrap/pull/83 merged (it was named bodge-autowrap at the time)
hi borodust! you may want to mention that blog post in the claw readme.
* attila_lendvai
is revising the CFFI Readme
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once i was deep in wrapping C++, another feature bubbled up that required patching (or extending, i should say) of llvm/clang so i ended up with custom llvm/clang xD
but i dream someday i push that patch upstream, it's straightforward, just exposes more of C++ features through libclang C interface
attila_lendvai: my another dream is writing :claw documentation :D it's too early to mention or promote it anywhere
borodust: thanks!
atm i'm working on super secret project that showcases in a useful way what can be done with alien-works (framework based on C/C++ foundation glued to lisp with :claw), then i'll go back to :claw release plans
i wanted to do that before ELS hits, but i guess that was a bit too optimistic
for historians, previous claw repository is here: https://github.com/borodust/claw-legacy there you can see the rich history it has that goes back to cl-autowrap and c2ffi ;p
borodust, does that mean that i shouldn't mention claw in the CFFI readme? or with a word that it's beta?
heh, master branch still uses c2fii
attila_lendvai: i think, it's better not to link it yet
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phoe: Your suggestion on LW HUG is interesting. The downside is if things break on LW, people will invariably complain to LW and they may not want to deal with that
lisp123w: break on LW, what do you mean? if a library breaks on LW, then the first question is whether the library itself is OK
and if the library itself is OK, then the question is whether the LW CI edition is used correctly
They are already relatively hands off because they have limited time and spending on paid projects (I dare not ask them for help)
and if it is used correctly, it means that LW gets a decent bugticket
yes, I can imagine - that's why I asked about feasibility from the business point of view
Break in the sense, there is something in LW that isn't ANSI compliant / different to how other implementatiosn do it
well, they can mark it as WONTFIX in the worst case, and then compatibility libraries can try to work around this quirk
the real question is about discovering these quirks in the first place in LW as it is right now
It would be net beneficial for LW users to have better tested libraries for their implementation
yes, that's my main point
unrelated, but we should do a crowd funding to get Clozure Associates to build a Cocoa Backend for CLIM...
(I think Clozure Associates did most of the GUI work for LW for Mac, they are the experts in that area)
lisp123w: that could be done, I guess - try contacting them about the idea and open a fundraiser somewhere if they're interested
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minor announcement: CLISP installable via `ros install clisp-head` has working and somewhat tested package-local nicknames now
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at least on Linux, I'm working out the OSX stuff with roswell maintainers
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Hurray for CLISP
I reached out to Clozure, expect it to way too expensive (if they are interested at all), but you never know if you never ask :)
You could also ask Turtleware.
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beach: I'll do that too
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hello again. :)
is phoe around at the moment?
kathe: I'll check
yes, he seems to be
phoe: have you had time to give serious thought to a mop+clos book after you're through with the current one?
kathe: thought, yes; realization, it'll need to wait until 2023 at least
CLR2 must take priority
phoe: that's great news. i'll eagerly await the mop+clos book. :)
note that this isn't a commitment
yes. i acknowledge. :)
just a note that such a thing will start in 2023 or later
but the mere thought that it "might be" a possibility is exciting enough. :)
and then will take time to get finished!
i am assuming "if" you take it up, you might finish it by 2026~2027.
anyone here has worked through the algorithms book by domkin?
also, what is the real intent behind 'paip'? it can't be just 'ai'!
In defining like some default parameter for keyed function, why we give like this `((:c 10))`?
Like for this (defun foo (&key a b ((:c 10))) (format nil ": ~d\n :~d\n :~d " a b c) )
cursory reading leads me to think 'paip' teaches good programming "practice".
kathe: Less reading / discussing CL, and more writing CL would be a suggestion
would that assumption be correct.
lisp123w: i am working towards all those slowly.
blacked: lambda lists require &key to be present for keyword parameters
oh wait, you're asking a different thing
lisp123w: that's why i'm here only occasionally.
why doesn't (&key (c 10)) work?
kathe: That's great to hear :)
lisp123w: reason to ask about 'paip' is that's it's so huge and requires some knowledge of calculus (which i've forgotten).
blacked: &key ((foo bar)) means a different thing - it separates the keyword parameter that becomes the API from the variable name that is used internally
see e.g. (defun foo (&key ((:bar baz) nil barp)) (list baz barp))
and then (foo :bar 42)
aumm i'll understand it :/
blacked: okay, a little bit more detail then
(&key c) defines a keyword parameter that is accessible like (... :c ...)
(&key (c 42)) adds a default value for it, 42
(&key (c 42 c-provided-p)) adds another boolean variable that is true only if :C is provided, and false otherwise
kathe: I'm reading PAIP now as my fingers hurt and I need to take a break. I think its a luxury in 2022, so would recommend working on actual projects & reading PCL if you need particular details on CL
One learns more from their own mistakes, so best not get caught in a 'paralysis by analysis' trap and get coding :)
lisp123w: i agree. thanks for remind me. :)
:) @phoe thanks , @lisp123w right.
blacked: in all of the above cases, C is both the variable name and the source for the name of the generated keyword, :C
yes i understand, i think practicing will fit it more
and you can separate these by wrapping C in another pair of parenthesis and providing both the symbol that will name the keyword argument and the variable that's used internally
(&key ((:c c))) is equivalent to (&key (c)) is equivalent to (&key c)
but you can do (&key ((:some-really-long-keyword c) ...)) to have a long API keyword and a shorter variable name for use in the function body
which is a niche use case, but nonetheless useful sometimes
kathe: As an example, PAIP introduced the concept of data driven programming in Chapter 2, where the rules of an algorithm are separated out away from hardcoded conditional statements like COND and stored as data. A great idea, but one that I uncovered myself from trial and error so when I read it, it makes much more sense / sticks with me longer as I have gone through the pain of changing hardcoded functions in the past.
lisp123w: okay.
gotta go now. bye all.
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Ah he left. Was going to say: 'Dang' from Hacker News had a great quote, which I paraphrase: There's a natural balance between simple, ugly code and elegant, well abstracted code - start off by writing whatever comes to mind, and as you start repeating yourself, you will naturally start abstracting away, coming up with a better approach
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I find that helped me a lot, because CL can have too much expressivity at times so one gets stuck trying to find the perfect solution. I'll shut up now :)
they say, make it work, make it right, make it fast
the fourth step I love to add is, make it beautiful
yes, CLOS (Common Lisp Object System) is pretty powerful
and putting the operator first allows multiple operands (* one-number another-number yet -another-number-without-repeating-the-operator)
the first difference you'll see compared to C++/Java/similar OOP systems is that classes don't have methods, generic functions have methods
and that allows for easy multiple dispatch
whoa. i heard that multiple dispatch system , when i was learning julia
later left julia, and learning this if i get some interest :)
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phoe, "classes dont have method" cool, in CLOS, :) i'll be there soon
blacked: sure; this channel can get busy at times, #clschool is a good place to ask more basic questions all the time though
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ok :)
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borodust, I found a neat way to separate my own project, from projects I've pulled from the internet.
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I just symlinked ~/Common-Lisp to ~/.local/share/common-lisp/source . There I put all the downloaded projects, which I load via asdf. In ~/quicklisp/localprojects I'll keep my own personal projects.
I still have to test how it works though.
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Oh, actually I can just quickload them, because quicklisp seems to use asdf:*central-registry*
I came up with thise solution. I just call this function whenever I want the downloaded projects to be visible.
Is there a smarter way of managing your local projects and downloaded projects separately?
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sm2n: I tried compiling you :scanner project, but I get the following error:
COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "quicklisp" "package">.
;;; ** Unable to find include directoryAn error occurred during initialization:
Could you help me with that. I would love to have a nicer interface for scanimage. Currently I'm using shell scripts, which is kinda meh.
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artchad: 👍whatever works best for you works best for you
I think I've solved the issue in an ok way.
I can just call (add-asdf-dirs) and they will be available.
interesting is that asdf:*central-registry* doesn't include ~/.local/share/common-lisp/source nor ~/common-lisp by default.
although the docs say that those directories will be checked.
the asdf central registry is only a backwards compatibility thing. you're supposed to use the newer config mechanism now, and that's what asdf uses for those directories probably
what's the "newer mechanism"?
I didn't thoroughly read the documentation.
That looks complicated. I'll stick to my tape code. hehehe
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Good afternoon
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good afternoon fellow big brained programmer
artchad: most people use quicklisp nowadays, and symlink their project trees from ~/quicklisp/local-projects/ to make them visible
(well most people use quicklisp. not that necessarily most people use its local-projects dir over asdf)
but it uses that filesystem artifact to maintain their default visibly loadable projects
but localprojects is loaded before dists
that caused issues for me already a few times.
it's a waste to time to try and figure out why something failed, just to realize that a system in local-projects contains a system with the same name, as the one pulled from quicklisp prior.
that's why I'm making sure all the things I clone go into a separate directory, which is not visible by default
only when I start a repl and explicitly want to play around with someone elses code, then I make sure quicklisp can find it.
Hi guys. I have been away a bit - so please excuse me jumping right to an issue I couldn't resolve for the last couple of days: c2ffi on ARM64. I am trying to build cl-sdl2 and it fails misrably on my NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX (being an ARM64 6-core CPU). Anybody here with experience c2ffi on ARM64?
artchad: ah, ok. I have some loader scripts in my .sbclrc as well, for pulling in things with their own static libraries
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or do you think that's something c2ffi specific?
artchad: Thx. Well, that's part of the mystery. Is it c2ffi, or clang or ?
mfiano is the maintainer of cl-sdl2, so I'll try to contact him.
this actually seems like a problem in the arm_neon sources of clang
like, the real error seems to be in /usr/lib/llvm-12/lib/clang/12.0.0/include/arm_neon.h:1730:47 and not anything that includes that file
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phoe: Yes, agreed. Maybe worth trying plain old gcc... I am digging deeper.
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Yeah, well - GCC. No. c2ffi is clang=based. Silly me.
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frgo: I don't use this architecture, but vector operations table at https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html seems to suggest that clang does not support C-style cast for neon vector types
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SAL9000: that's dumping a literal function into a FASL
might not work
in particular functions are not externalizable
i don't think dumping functions works on any implementation. i would be interested if one could do it
again, you could try to (load-time-value (lambda () v)) to work around this problem, but, sike, we are using load-time-value
good point, I didn't think about fasl
which is the problem we started with
I guess you're back to gensym + hashtable then :<
Bike: pure functions should be dumpable fine, closures would be the real pain
well, there can be pure closures, too
yes, but then there are things like (let (x) (lambda () x) (lambda (y) (setf x y)))
you can't really dump one without the other
phoe: translating a runtime function object into a description of a function object is nontrivial
right, that's a mutating closure
plausibly doable, but nontrivial
you also have constants to worry about, for instance
why worry? they are supposed to never change™
as they say in math, variables don't, and constants aren't ;)
i mean, they could themselves not be dumpable
but hey at least we aren't in bizarro C++ land, where const doesn't always mean constant (i.e. const qualifier on pointers)
oh - right
SAL9000: you just need a constception, const * const * const int
constants could also influence dumpability in weird ways. like, if you have (lambda () (if t 0 #.(non-externalizable-object))), whether that could hypothetically be dumped depends on how much optimization the compiler does.
though that's also true with some closures.
frgo: generally speaking though, most of SDL2 is fairly portable, so you can take any bindings and use them
unless you want to access very OS-specific parts of SDL2
btw, those are bindings generated by :claw ;p
borodust: Ho ho - cool! Thx for the pointer. Yes, I am interested in the bindings.
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good morning everyone. :)
so, what i mean, you can take cl-sdl2, rename one of the .json (linux one to be more or less safe) to the architecture of yours and be done with it
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borodust: Yep, thx. That's clear.
So, for the record: _death 's advice worked. I will compare results with the android output.
ahh, i guess, i need to read better next time, i thought there's a problem with c2ffi
I assume it survives garbage collection if the symbol is used inside BODY
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artchad: what did you do?
phoe: it should, otherwise macros using gensym wouldn't work
jasom: yes
biggest downside is you can't declare the type of it; some magic with cl:the might let you get around it
sm2n: I just ran the build script.
installed ecl and ran the build script.
you have quicklisp installed?
wait, it says "unable to find include directory"... how did you install ecl?
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if you look at the .build.yml it lists all the dependencies needed on alpine linux
alpine doesn't make all the dependencies for ecl necessary for building as necessary dependencies by default
so I think that may be your issue if you are on a similar distro
remember that ecl needs a C compiler to work
(Also, the only reason I used ecl is because I was running it on a very old raspberry pi short on ram, feel free to try another implementation, everything but the build scripts should be portable, and I developed on sbcl)
sbcl --script should work right?
I'll try that.
you would need to call main, but yes
yeah, ok, now the error comes from lisp. progress is being made.
Symbol "MAKE-BUILD" not found in the ASDF/INTERFACE package.
oh, as I said, the build.lisp is ecl-specific
I don't have build support for anything but sbcl right now
I'm figuring out right now.
make-build is an ecl extension to asdf
maybe I could use that save-lisp-and-die thing
s/for anything but sbcl/for anything but ecl/
yeah, that would be what you want
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something like (progn (ql:quickload :scanner) (save-lisp-and-die "scanner" :toplevel #'scanner:main :executable t)) I think
won't work in progn actually, because scanner package doesn't exist yet
but as separate toplevel forms should be fine
ok, that worked
just had to (export #:main) inside package.lisp.
ah, right
ye, I didn't see the point of the progn, so I just didn't use it.
hmm, main returns instantly so I think it will just immediately close
you probably have to write a function like I have in build.lisp
with bt:join-thread
how can I check if every element in a list is in another list? I know I can iterate over the list and do find, but I imagine there's a simpler way
I got an internal server error when I tried to scan an image with 300DPI color.
then I would have to get the main thread and remove that element from the list
hmm? I thought I fixed that, maybe I forgot to push it?
artchad: that's what REMOVE would do
besides the fact that trying to join all threads might be weird if some library you don't expect made threads, this isn't totally safe, since it's possible another thread gets created just after all-threads returns.
Bike: right, but in this case we know only hunchentoot is running
trying to join with (bt:all-threads) is not going to work
if anything, because you end up joining with the thread running the REPL
fe[nl]ix: What would you suggest? (It does seem to work in this case, but hunchentoot uses bordeaux-threads under the hood and it's the only thing running, so that may be why)
What thread are you trying to join?
The hunchentoot one?
yeah, the usecase is that an executable is produced, and it only has hunchentoot in it, but the hunchentoot event loop isn't on the main thread, so without some way of blocking, the application just immediately closes
you could also use alexandria's plist-to-alist
White_Flame: Pairlis would be the same as the first one no?
ah I guss so
sm2n: there is also a means for exiting correctly, on sbcl I believe its a list @ sb-ext:*exit-hooks*
it's also not hard to have a LOOP construct grab 2 elements at a time
* artchad
fiddling around with udev rules
(loop for (k v) on '(k v k v ...) by #'cddr collect (cons k v))
Josh_2: oh, hmm, I'm not sure that's actually better
the sbcl manual says that thread spawning is prevented _after_*exit-hooks* are run
so you still have the same issue
The previous link I used is how I handle deployed executables with SBCL
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I have many websites that use the method listed in the cookbook
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I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm just saying I don't think that's theoretically clean in all cases either
(using *exit-hooks*)
exit-hooks is for when the executable is told to shutdown by a init system
I just thought it would be useful to share
the executable shutting down immediately is solved by searching for a thread named hunchentoot and joining it
yeah, I understand
White_Flame: thanks for that
or (loop while list collect (cons (pop list) (pop list)))
that one is best <3
I noticed that plist-alist does nreverse at the end. I like how COLLECT avoids that
I did something similar with a recursive function, but that rads much better
right, for (k v) traverses 2 elements in, and then by #'cddr re-traverses 2 elements redundantly
I'm anti-alexandria, everyone should write their own functions (or copy from others on IRC :D)
eh, I've been moving to alexandria, though I still have my utils lib
just there's been a lot of overlap
Yeah I assume Alexandria covers a lot of common utils functions
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I have a question about lparallel on sbcl - let's say I set up a bunch of tasks (> number of workes) each calling cl:read-line on a socket stream. Can it successfully negotiate all the I/O or is it going to block weirdly?
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huh, Josh_2, that is apparently not reliable on ecl
I think bt:thread-name is returning a symbol in some case
fe[nl]ix: is that supposed to happen?
phoe: A new static-let that I *think* is more efficient, and also lets you specify the type. Modifying it to instead parse declarations for the &body form to set the type is an exercise left up to the reader: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/2908#2908
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maybe you should have (the ,type ,init) instead of just ,init for the initial set
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locally special? hmmmm
I actualy want to figure out what kinds of assembly all these compile into
jasom: I've posted both in the serapeum issue, thank you
(along with Bike's suggestion)
suddenly, I'm getting these errors in emacs: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function ql:quickload), any idea what's going on?
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I'm doing C-x C-e to run the current line (I do this all the time in slime)
yottabyte: that is the error you would get if you tried to evaluate (ql:quickload whatever) in elisp.
make sure you're in slime mode
that did the trick... don't know how I entered elisp mode
up until now, whenever I opened a .lisp file, it was using slime-mode and sbcl, etc.
EdLangley[m]: That doesn't work for me. I don't want to load every colour library in existence just to provide support for the one colour library the user is using.
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hm, all the scanner talk has reminded me I haven't submitted my networked sane lib to quicklisp.
Guest74: none of my suggestions were “load every colour library in existence”
Xach: What's the procedure to submit a library? The quicklisp.org website's front page hasn't been updated since 2016.
you submit an issue on github
Guest74: sane? like, printing? or was that scanning?
Guest74: you can submit an issue on github, or send an email if you like.
Ed: to define a method the colour library has to be loaded.
Guest74: What does your library do?
(the SANE one)
Guest74: yes, and my suggestions all involved defining multiple systems, each of which only depends on one colour library
So the user just loads the system my-system/colour-library
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Or you use ASDF-SYSTEM-CONNECTIONS to solve the problem
lagash: sm2n: it's a backend for scanning over the network. I use it to scan on my local scanner so I don't have to touch foreign stuff, it's all lisp.
EdLangley[m]: asdf-system-connections introduces problems also, at least for quicklisp
Ed: you said so that one library would load them all, Perhaps I misinterpreted. Anyways, I hate slashes in package names.
Guest74: Nice
Unrelatedly, I would also recommend my-system/colour-library
Guest74: for better or worse, ASDF has decided that sub-packages use slashes
You can do multiple .asd files to workaround this.
nope, won't do it. I dislike it extremely.
sm2n: I should mention it's only the implementation of the protocol. My frontend for it isn't in a finished state. Works fine at the repl though.
I see, is the repo public?
artchad: I added sbcl build support, and should've fixed the issue you had.
which issue concretely?
"internal server error"
https://github.com/JMC-design/nsane I should probably add links to how to actually get sane to serve a scanner over the network. I swear that was the hardest part of writing it.
Right, that's why I gave up and wrote a webapp :)
Xach: so issue under quicklisp-client? I ask because I don't see any such issues, i guess you delete them? I wonder why this isn't written anywhere.
sorry, there was a flurry of posting and I didn't see it.
not a problem
Xach: what issues does asdf-system-connections present for quicklisp?
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etimmons: I guess because it uses asdf to load the system, rather than quicklisp, so if the project is not yet installed you'd get an error
_death: That sounds reasonable
etimmons: thinking about it some more, I think the case could be that you have A and B that are installed (as well as their dependencies), and you load project C.. C notices A and B are loaded and tries to load C-AB, but then C-AB depends on D which may not be installed.. if that's the issue quicklisp could probably know about C-AB and install the dependencies, but then it assumes A, B, and C-AB will be used, which is not certain
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quicklisp could work around it by assuming that A, B, and C-AB *might* be used, and downloading all of them
but that's the difference between "will" and "might"
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phoe: that's what I meant
OK, I understood you well then :D
That all makes sense. I'd also be interested if there any any specific issues that crop up when building the dist (i.e., figuring out what triggers C-AB to be loaded)
I don't think Quicklisp has that sort of information, or can easily get it without also parsing system-connections stuff
in case of ASDF's :depends-on, things are very simple
maybe it's also possible to add a hook to asdf-system-connections to do that
or even to asdf
I ask partly because this issue comes up fairly regularly and the existing solution is rather nasty. So I wonder what a nice way of doing it would look like
so that it automatically augments the loaded systems' depends-on? or uses ASDF's kinda-deprecated :weakly-depends-on?
And am trying to figure out all the issues with asdf-system-connections
with a hook you wouldn't need to perform any static analysis
I think weakly-depends-on is slightly different, IIRC
Asdf-system-connections works, iirc, by adding a system and an :after method to operate
such analysis wouldn't help you much anyway
When a system is loaded, the after method checks if the prerequisites of any connections are met and then loads the system in the connection.
Which all makes it so much easier to tell the user if you want to use colours from some-library just load mylibrary-some-library first. Just kick that responsibility down the road.
Although, it’s been a while since I’ve looked into this.
IMO, ASDF should provide this functionality
asdf-system-connections adds an after method on (operate t t)
which is, ugh
Yeah, that’s what I said :)
That’s necessary for it to work
But also, shouldn’t be done by something that’s not part of ASDF
Yeah, I was just clarifying its method isn't specialized on anything.
And yes, I think ASDF should provide this functionality too
I sort of prototyped a solution that involved adding an emacs-like hook feature to ASDF
ASDF, in general, is annoyingly opaque when it comes to introspection: a lot of the classes and operations it defines contain no information about the operation being performed.
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Good morning guys
Could use some brainstorming and get some advice. I have e functions I call in sequence fa() - prepare input file, fb() - run simulation, fb() - read results. fa() and fb() are very fast, but fb() is compute intensive can take 3 seconds, 30mins, 1 hour depend on input.
I am trying to run everything on remote machine when need to get some progress back. If I run everything in blocking mode, it works fine, but I don't know what stage fb() is at.
I have now instrumented the code to run fb() in background and then I send request to check the status of the log file which reports back the progress of the computation (e.g., time step in finite difference simulation)
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My setup up works, then craps out for long jobs (socket closed, etc) - trying to rethink if there is a less problematic and cleaner way to set this up.
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The remote machine is running SBCL and hunchentoot (I only use SBCL ...)
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Are you using a remote lisp image?
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sm2n: I don't think I've ever seen thread-name returning a symbol
fe[nl]ix: ecl appears to always do it for some system threads
as far as I can tell
in particular I'm always getting SI:TOP-LEVEL and SI:SIGNAL-SERVICING