moon-child: so does MIT Scheme, and is even installable/modifiable at runtime. Scheme >> CL!
do both OUTER1 and INNER1 consider X to be closed over?
White_Flame: Yes
huh, well I would think it's just a plain bug, as you're manually constructing the lexical environment
I think the problem is that there's a with-slots form by outer1 wrapping around inner1
however, because all inner1 related code are inside ltv, the symbol macro bindings are discarded
qhong: in mit, can I say: ((if x - quote) 7)?
err, better example: ((if x - quote) y)
moon-child: I can't read this
((if x '- 'quote) y) maybe?
White_Flame: I tried with eval inside macroexpansion and it works but we know this doesn't work during compilation
White_Flame: nope
it says: evaluate x. If x is true, choose -. Otherwise choose quote. Apply whatever you chose to y
in other words: it is not even known until runtime whether y is evaluated
oh i see, so you have F-expr
no not really fexpr
what's the difference?
it's not different from (quote y). Special operators are just first class
that sounds like saying special operators are just F-exprs
Or is it different because you can't define your own F-expr?
(define (f x) x) ((f quote) a)
would you say that 'f' is an fexpr?
f is a function, quote is an fexpr
in other words, is the function-position expression required to be a plain function?
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qhong: ok
White_Flame: what I get (they just have F-expr) is just that they have macros but at runtime
does anyone know why SBCL issues a warning when a destructive function is applied to a macro argument?
sveit: because macro parameters are generally literal
sveit: modifying literals
and literals may not be modified
sveit: Well it is undefined behavior
I'm trying to query a postgres database and the query function requires you to do e.g. (query (:select '* :from 'schema.table)). Is there a way to construct the 'schema.table symbol programatically, i.e. by combining two variables?
moon-child: But do you have *correct* (hygienic F-exprs)?
sveit: a macro argument is literal source code, and modifying literals is undefined behavior
qhong: I am aware of no built-in mechanisms for enforcing hygiene
moon-child: I assume you can define your own F-expr, then in most cases it also needs to capture call-site lexical environment to be useful
moon-child: the beauty of hygienic F-expr is just that it is not through enforcement
opcode: interning a string into a symbol?
moon-child: so seems that s7 don't really have arbitrary F-exprs (which is hard to do right), just built-in special operators behave like F-exprs
opcode: alexandria:format-symbol or alexandria:symbolicate
thanks, I'll try those
also, are 'these 'things "objects"? in lisp parlance?
moon-child: I also bet it runs hella slow, like any existing impl that have any flavor of F-expr
F-expr hard to compile
as in halting problem level of hard
it claims to be similarly similarly fast to guile
grep 'Speaking of speed' in docs page
opcode: something like (alexandria:format-symbol "~a.~a" scheme-var table-var) or (alexandria:symbolicate symbol-var '#:. table-var)
compilation in general is halting problem level, so that's fine
guile used to be hella slow as well until ppl stuff JIT in
er, no, lot faster than guile
thanks mfiano
comparable to chicken, that was it
symbolicate takes strings as well: (symbolicate 'schema "." 'table)
It does
(but you have to be careful about case
and (novice lisper here) those quoted literals
'these 'things
As for scheme, I think that is #lisp material
are they "uninterned symbols"?
what are they called
they're in the "current package" that the source code was read in
'#:foo is an uninterned symbol
so by default, 'foo => CL-USER::FOO
a quoted one that is
because that's the package you start in
what do you call that syntax, quoting a symbol that hasn't been defined
it's just quoting a symbol. Doesn't matter the nature of the symbol
quoting a symbol
symbols are just names, used for many things
yeah I just get tripped up on the nomenclature
symbols name functions, symbols name lexical variables, whatever. A symbol isn't tied to any particular usage in defining something
you read about plists so I thought :these :things were called properties
if it hasn't been defined yet, the Lisp Reader will "intern" it (put it in a lookup table for retrieving when seen again later)
if you came from other compiled language, the first-classness of symbols can be a bit weird
I cut my teeth on C++ in university in 2004, but most of my programming life has been in C# and Java
their source code is not made of first-class symbols as lisp is
Yes, prepare to forget a lot, or tuck it away some place safe
yeah it's a real paradigm shift
also, I'd recommend #clschool, as this place can be full of esoterica
in particular for asking learner questions
There is also #clschool if you want some more focused beginner help. Most people here may assume at least an intermediate level of CL
feel free to lurk here, too :)
should I take that to mean noob questions are off-topic here?
No they aren't
I will still direct them to #clschool to avoid clutter as this is a busy channel at times
thanks for the help
You might get some responses that are hard to digest, leading to a lot of recursive questions.
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there's more of an assumption than you know more here
hence answers can be extremely "complete" and obtuse
opcode: Good luck with your learning. I hope you are having fun
White_Flame: abtuse or obtuse?
noob questions are fine but you run the risk of me explaining make-load-form until you start crying
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obtuse as in way wider than expected
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although yeah, probably crossed wires with abstruse
TIL that the two are often confused to the point that the former now has a dictionary definition for the latter.
It's possible to simulate the "correct" environment sharing by indirection through a native closure, but this makes introspection and readble printing more complicated, moreover I think it nukes upgradability
While it's not unreasonable to ask user to fix up old closures using STORE-VALUE, it sounds pretty impratical to expect user to fix the sharing structure between different closures. Thoughts?
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not sure you could have them share environments without having your own binding form instead of let. or using native closures, but then you can't access the environment later like i think you want to do.
Bike: I know how to simulate. I just need to expand to basically a pair of (lambda () var) and (lambda (val) (setf var val)) in place, and use this pair of native closures as a "generalized variable".
yeah i was thinking about that, but it seems like you'd lose read syntax?
Bike: Given that I know all of my slots are storing such pairs, I can simply call the reader to print. And if *print-circle* = t, I can check the identity of the reader closure to reproduce the correct sharing
My actual problem is about given I can simulate it, should I? The major downside I see is upgradability.
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|smlckz|: What is the reason behind your question?
Bike: Is CDR exactly the same as REST?
i am using first second third, so thought cdr would not look nice along with them
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ns12: they do the same thing
hmm.. ''rest performs the same operation as cdr, but mnemonically complements first.''
Good morning everyone!
Bike: In every case where cl:cdr appears, can it be substituted with cl:rest without change in functionality, and vice versa?
Good morning beach.
ns12: Yes.
ns12: Also, the normal use of "substitute" is that if you "replace A by B", you "substitute B for A".
|smlckz|: FIRST, REST etc. are preferable if you are dealing with lists. CAR, CDR etc. are preferable if you are dealing with trees or with CONS cells as such.
beach: Okay. Here's a corrected version: "In every case where cl:cdr appears, can it be replaced by cl:rest without change in functionality, and vice versa?"
(length (symbol-name 'cl:rest)) is not the same as (length (symbol-name 'cl:cdr)).
But when you use it as a function to call, they have the same functionality.
|smlckz|: but note that NULL and ENDP don't do the same thing. If you use FIRST & REST you will probably want to use ENDP too.
ns12: they have exactly the same effect. the differences are stylistic. and, technically, in (eql #'cdr #'cdr) you'd probably get true but in (eql #'cdr #'rest) you'd get false, but that's probably not the kind of difference you were thinking of.
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Bike: I was under the impression that CL:EQL should not be used on functions.
ns12: What gave you that impression?
so, non list argument to endp causes type-error
Another way is also: (function bar) #| --> #<Compiled-function foo #x302002FC69FF> |# but this could be corrected by the implementation in the printer.
ns12: the only bit that's really vague is that you can't depend on closures produced by different evaluations being eq or not. something like #'eql should be fine regardless
since you're not producing a closure
is there anything standard or in alexandria that will allow me to translate a list of lists of symbols to an alist: '((a b c) (1 2 3)) => '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) ...or should I just write the simple code myself?
symbol-function is just fdefinition that works on less stuff.
since it only handles symbols, whereas fdefinition can do symbols and also (setf whatever).
ns12: It is a leftover from when function names could only be symbols.
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ns12: Symbols are objects with different cells that can be retrieved or modified. But a function can be named by a list of 2 specific symbols as well.
Though, of course SICL symbols have only two cells, namely one for the name and one for the package.
I guess "slots" would have been a better term.
mfiano: Could you give an example? I don't quite understand what you mean by "a function can be named by a list of 2 specific symbols as well".
In that case, the actual name of the function is (setf foo), which a reference to the function object can be obtained with (function (setf foo)) or simply #'(setf foo)
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I wish the standard hadn't mentioned "cells" like function cells and value cells.
They are historical implementation details.
ns12: No this is a special case for what is permitted to be a function name
mfiano: For (setf foo), #'fdefinition would work but #'symbol-function would not, which is why #'fdefinition is preferred. Is my understanding correct?
It has not much to do with SETF. Infact your (setf foo) function doesn't even have to "set" anything.
ns12: Yes
mfiano: Bike: beach: Thank you for the explanations.
no problemo
ns12: Try (macroexpand '(setf (unknown-stuff x) 234)) and you will see the use of a function such as (SETF ...) It is what SETF expands to when given an unknown operator.
Common Lisp isn't functional, but the standard and CDR's prefer acretion over mutability :)
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I'll take hysterical raisins any day, which some actually even come in useful at times, over the Python2/Python3 disaster, or anything inbetween.
Hi, I'm reading Practical Common Lisp and following along using SBCL. I'm getting unwanted new lines inserted before the y-or-n-p prompts in my code. What exactly causes this and how do I fix it? http://paste.debian.net/1228078/
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light: It is probably that the same stream is used for several things.
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light: I wouldn't count on detailed behavior like that for the REPL. It might be well defined, but I don't know the details.
There is also some ambiguities in the standard
It is intended that the reply require the user to take more action than just a single keystroke, such as typing the full word yes or no followed by a newline. It does not say how that should be written to the stream.
SBCL inserts a newline when enter is pressed. CCL does not.
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So y-or-n-p is using fresh-line to output a new line because it can't determine if it's already at the start of the line.
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Maybe so.
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given a function or lambda, is there a way to know how many (mandatory) arguments it takes?
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|smlckz|: Interactively or programatically?
|smlckz|: There is no such thing as "a lambda". There is a "lambda expression" that, when evaluated, becomes a function. And the term is "required arguments". The only function that can answer that is FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION but there is no guarantee that it will.
ns12: Why does it matter?
|smlckz|: For generic functions, it is possible...
now i remembered a good word instead of number-of-variables.. arity !
|smlckz|: there's also plenty of compatibility layers that just give you arglist
I think I mentioned it just earlier today, either `swank' or `trivial-arguments' will do
MIT Scheme has procedure-arity btw
implementations may not store the information, though. for example at space 3.
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That macro I've been writing for two days _was_ finished, but I just found one particular call site it doesn't know how to handle. I'm not quite sure how to handle late binding with this...
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two days?
Yes, I am slow, and just getting back into programming.
beach: "Why does it matter?" - #'describe prints the argument list.
Here is what I'm up against. Test case 5 needs to be handled. That is, body forms may include references to previous bindings, and I am not sure how to know how to order the LET bindings correctly to account for that, or if that is even possible: https://gist.github.com/mfiano/3437b61317dd0c81710d77e3be29ea70#file-utils-lisp-L98
mfiano: why you ever need to SUBLIS? Why not just wrap your BODY with `(let (bindings) ,@body)?
Because I need to substitute the user-supplied variables with the proper gensym'd parameters of the generated m-v-c function.
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Why you need to subsitute? `(let ((old-variable new-variable)) ,@body)?
Also I'm not sure why you need to gensym at all. You need gensym if you're creating new variables. Now user always supply bunch of symbols and you can use them just fine
always -> already
Because old variables do not need to be unique across bindings.
That is the whole point of the macro
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ns12: I see what you mean. Still DESCRIBE is not required to show that information, and as Bike pointed out, the information may not be available.
hmm, so passing arity along with the function is the way to go for now.. until i use objects or such..
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You are already using objects.
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mfiano: I see your problem. I'm still pretty sure SUBLIS is unnecessary, but the bigger problem is that your syntax doesn't seem well defined. In your test case 5, what if there are 5 channel in total and someone write spec=((rgb 3) (a 2))? What will the `a's in your first form refer to?
If you look at the macro definition, you can see in the spec normalization that it is guaranteed to be at most 4.
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I don't think you understand the full utility of the macro though. And I am too tired and about to go to sleep to fully explain it, so don't worry.
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mfiano: I see it, but I'm saying it's just a coincidence. A good syntax should work for any number channel. Also even just for 4 channels, what if someone write spec=((a 2) (b 2)) and do forms=(* a b) (+ a b)?
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|smlckz|: sometimes you can use function-lambda-expression, but implementations can drop the info, so you often just get NIL.
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|smlckz|: otherwise, a lot of implementation provide an implementation specific API to get it. You can use swank as a portability layer: (swank/backend:arglist (function sin)) #| --> (ccl::x) |#
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mfiano: so for a specs of (a 1) you would want to expand to a (let ((a <something>)) …) but for a specs of (rgb 3) you would want to expand to (let ((#:arg1 <something>) (#:arg2 <something>) (#:arg3 <something>)) …) ???
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|smlckz|: yes, swank-backend is pretty good
Just used swank to get nicer "eldoc" in lispworks :)
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I am thinking of writing some 'portable' code (specifically code that can work with both CLIM & CAPI), so at some point I need to access implementation specific functions
So my plan is to define the basic operations in terms of generic functions that take in an optional value, and then have the methods implement for each specific implementation
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Is there a particular way I should approach this?
Right now, I can only think of having to have two functions, something like this: (defvar *impl* :clim) (defun insert-string-at-point (string) (%insert-string-at-point string *impl*)) .. (defgeneric %insert-string-at-point (string impl))
lisp123w: Check out our libraries Eclector, Cluster, Trucler, etc. They all use a CLIENT required parameter that can handle that situation.
beach: Thank you!
I will do that now
This technique has turned out to be extremely flexible.
Yes, we do that in Eclector for instance, where we can't alter the signature of READ.
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where *default-client* is both something you provide and something that the clients of your library can rebind themselves as a dynavar
phoe: Yeah I was thinking just that
So for Eclector, we can do (let ((eclector:*client* *sicl*)) (eclector:read...))
I see
In our case, the default methods provided by the library do not specialize to the CLIENT parameter, but the same client code that binds *client* can provide extending or overriding methods that specialize to the class of their particular client.
Like (defmethod eclector:interpret-token ((client sicl) ...) ...)
That's an interesting idea
Very interesting actually
We are very pleased with this "discovery". It allows for code for multiple clients to coexist in the same Common Lisp image.
and to make it look nice, you can (defmacro foo (..) (foo-with-client *default-client* ...))
Well, in the case of Eclector, READ is defined to be a function, so it can't be a macro.
Nilby: that'll badly break #'foo
beach: Is there a reason for the local binding (let ((client *client*))...) in particular?
lisp123w: where do you mean?
I am just looking at (defun read-aux ...) in read.lisp in Eclector
Let me look at it...
I would have done it as &optional (client *client*), but maybe there's a particular reason (from what I understand they should be the same)
(well not actually the same, but the effect being the same if client is not supplied in as an optional)
it's surely a way to de-dynamify the binding, because CLIENT is a lexical variable
lisp123w: It is a bit more expensive to access a dynamic variable than a lexical one.
which kind of makes sense because you only need the dynamic binding on the boundary of your system, so you can effectively pass extra function arguments this way
so what beach said + you guard your code against some funky re-binding that can cause one part of your code to be executed with one client and another part with another
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Yes, you send a message to the person reading your code that you intend to use the same value of *client* in the entire function.
that's what you get when the client object becomes bound to a lexical variable instead of being accessed by a dynavar
phoe: Thanks, is that mostly an issue in multiple processes?
not really
every thread has its own set of dynamic bindings, so that isn't a problem
Ah so it is just taking a 'snapshot' of its value at that point in time?
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that's what I mean by de-dynamifying
Got it, thanks!
lisp123w: Imagine you had (foo *client*) (bar) (baz *client*).
You don't know whether BAR might do (setf *client* ...).
you cannot make a closure over a dynamic variable because it's too dynamic to be closed over™
beach: Nice example, I never really thought of this point until now
you need to grab the value and stuff it into a lexical variable which is less prone to dynamism such as random-seeming changes
which is what happens here
It is not a big deal usually, and in read-aux I don't think this case can happen.
I see. Still a good practice to follow where relevant
lisp123w: Eclector is a great library to study, for many reasons.
beach: Thanks for the heads up, will do! I'm now at the stage where I'm trying to learn from other code vs. learning the concepts
Looking for people's opinions on an engineering issue that's come up
lisp123w: That's excellent!
Which Lisp makes it possible since its so open and easy to introspect :)
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In April, you can pass values into an April code invocation from outside. That includes arrays, naturally. APL isn't strongly typed so you can pass in an array, assign an element of an incompatible type, and April will automatically create a copy of the array with a compatible type to assign the new value into
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The problem is this: If you pass in an outside array and assign a compatible value into it, the array you passed in will be destructively changed
But if you assign an incompatible value, the outside array will not be changed because April silently made a copy. This is confusing for some people
This code has a side effect, changing the "a" array that was passed in
That seems fine to me? Just have to specify that April takes ownership of arrays passed in, and if you want the old one, make a copy
But if that array is of a type incompatible with the 20 value, like (unsigned-byte 4), then the original array would be copied and the side effect would not occur. Confusing, obviously. What do you think is the best approach here? Always copy arrays passed in so that side effects don't occur?
sm2n: The issue is with inconsistency, the original array could either be changed or not changed depending on what you're assigning into it, which can throw people for a loop
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make it configurable from the outside perhaps
let the user pass a dynavar that specifies the behavior: always copy an array/prevent all side effects, versus copy only when necessary due to array specializations, versus never copy and signal an error instead
I could just warn users "don't count on April destructively changing arrays unless you know your array's type and exactly how assignment works, otherwise pass the value back out of April explicitly"
I don't think a dynavar is a good idea
because then you can't rely on a default
I mean, I think I can find use cases for the two "extreme" behaviors here - one is extreme side effect avoidance, useful for functional programming, one is extreme performance and a situation where the user *wants* to be notified of type errors because they want to fix them
sm2n: why not? make the dynavar have a default value, e.g. the current April behavior
A more simple "configuration" would just be for users to use alexandria's copy-array on anything they want to pass in with no possible side effects
I can't have type errors, APL is typeless so adding type errors would require extensive rethinking of the entire language, k is typed and has many lexical features dedicated to managing those types in contrast to APL
Consider the case where you are using April and you have a library using April, every invocation in the library will have to rebind the config var if it relies on that behavior being consistent, because you could change it globally
sm2n: correct, the dynvar approach has portability pitfalls
yep, I see
an explicit copy-array would then work I guess
Yeah, I think that makes sense
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That sounds reasonable, I'll just add a bit of documentation basically warning "If you assign values to an array passed into April from outside, make sure you know what you're doing as it may or may not have side effects."
"april is allowed to be destructive on the arrays it receives"
not unlike CL:SORT and friends
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pjb: Do you remember what your lambda list parser was called? Trying to find it now as its v. useful for macro writing
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lisp123: for what kind of lambda lists?
alexandria:parse-ordinary-lambda-list is for ordinary ones, can't say anything about others though
phoe: Just being able to split (required &optional &rest etc.)
Oh thanks, I'll check that out too
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lisp123: I think it is cesareum or something
The string isn’t coming to mind exactly
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jmercouris: Thanks! Yeah that must be it
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lisp123: if you want an example, we use Alexandria in the Nyxt codebase to split lambda lists
jmercouris: Nice one, I will check it out
it's easy: just load com.informatimago in your rc file, and then you can (apropos "whatever").
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I've been using closures as pseudo-streams (basically generators) in a lot of projects instead of separate state objects. I haven't really noticed an issue with speed but should I be doing that or should I be using separate state objects i.e. gray streams?
Masinterlisp has joined #commonlisp
Gray streams/generic functions allow for flexibility and extensibility.
I would much prefer them over a closure that is hard to debug/poke at from the outside
all right, thanks
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(format t "Hello")
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(princ "CL-USER> ")
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