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I am getting odd behaviour with a macro
Ofcourse now I cannot replicate it :facepalm:
Bike: I was referring to operations involving AREF like (dotimes (i (length array)) (incf (aref array i))) where there is nothing you can do to hint that the index given to AREF and (SETF AREF) is always valid for ARRAY (well, something more sensible than (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))). A "sufficiently smart" compiler could possibly derive that example, but what about more operations for more complex data structures e.g. a
heap? One could argue that the cost of the index check is negligble compared to some of the heap operations and thus not worth exploring.
pillton: Bike said 13 hours, 36 minutes ago: "I think there should be another operator or operators introduced which either avoid using AREF or ensure that every call to AREF does not require checking its arguments." what do you mean?
Bike: Perhaps a better example is (dotimes (i (length array2)) (incf (aref array1 (aref array2 i)))).
Well idk, seems to be working now
pillton: ahh. i understand. that gets tricky if you contemplate concurrency though
clearly we just need to extend the language with dependent types
Bike: I get the concurrency argument, but I think there is something more fundamental that needs to be addressed.
Maybe the problem goes away if you define operations which operate on "blocks" with a fixed length i.e. simd operations?
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But there has to be a safer way to implement optimize operations like matrix multiplication, SVD, proximity operators, heaps without resorting to (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))).
hi, how can i enable syntax highlighting in the slime repl?
pillton: like actually dependent types though? maybe?
Bike: I'd have to look up what that means exactly.
pillton: short version would be like, the ability to declare that an array's length is some other variable.
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types that depend on variables.
lisp macros can call any functions eval'd before the macro definition yeah? how does that work?
Bike: Ok. Right.
i am at the point where the next thing i need to implement in my lisp is macros, but I'm not sure how to deal with generating bytecode and expanding macros that depend on programs, which are bytecode
i am thinking to compile and interpreter a single expression at a time, and the compiler is going to have to be able to pass in data to be expanded while compiling
Bike: It sounds complicated.
Spawns: generally, the lisp compiler has access to a lisp interpreter or other way to evaluate lisp code. it then just calls the macro function on the code.
pillton: it is. makes your type system uncomputable and stuff. but lisp's already is, so hey
and i think it's fairly easy in particular cases, like this array thing
"this array is x long, so if (0 <= y < x), (aref array y) doesn't have to bounds check"
Bike: why would you need an interpreter? Aside maybe from bootstrapping, I see no reason why you could not compile the macro body
moon-child: "or other way"
sure. But given you have a compiler anyway, it seems strange not to use it
i didn't mean to say you couldn't use it. i am trying to explain this to someone who is perhaps not familiar with the internals of lisp implementations.
that makes sense Bike !
doesn't sound so bad
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Spawns: It shouldn't matter whether your Lisp functions are implemented as bytecodes, primitive functions in assembly, interpreted functions, native code, or anything else. A macro is expanded by a call to the macro function which is given an S-expression (and an environment in Common Lisp), and which returns another S-expression.
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if it was a treewalk interpreter it would be a little easier i think
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No, calling a macro function would involve the exact same work then.
Some other part of the system may be simplified, but not that one.
Spawns: It is very hard to help you with this thing, because you are implementing a language for which we have no specification. So we have no way of knowing what kind of restrictions or generalizations your language has compared to Common Lisp. The best thing we can do is to let you know how things would be done in a typical Common Lisp implementation.
thats actually very helpful beach
i have so far been following the scheme spec fairly loosely
scheme macros are pretty different from common lisp ones.
_the_ scheme spec? :)
but i think hygienic macros will be too difficult for me to implement
moon-child: Heh!
the most recent version r7rs
the "small" subset
_the_ r7rs? :)
Spawns: So with that in mind, in Common Lisp, a macro function is just an ordinary function that takes two arguments, a form and an environment object. The function builds a new form and returns it. It doesn't matter, then, whether the macro function is coded in assembly or something else.
that makes a lot of sense!
for some reason I was thinking it was going to be a lot more difficult
once I have macros implemented and working I will have an actually capable lisp!
the amount of work that goes into making a cl implementation must be intense
Spawns: You can check this for yourself in a Common Lisp implementation: (funcall (macro-function 'when) '(when foo bar baz) nil)
Okay I have found that annoying bug again, ofcourse it occurred when I deployed my application to my VPS
Spawns: Yes, I am well aware of the amount of work required. :)
Okay here I have at the top my macro, then in the middle the function using the macro and then at the bottom a condition that is signalled when evaluating a function (in a different package) that is using the function in the middle
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Not sure why I am getting this error, the reason I had to use keys is an attempt to make conversion from destructuring-bind to with-hash-keys easier
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It was working earlier (ofcourse :( )
if I invoke rooms-in-a-space directly I get the same condition
hmmm I wonder if its because of what I think
and it was.... I was using the macro before it was defined :facepalm:
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If I have: '((:id 1 :name "taco") (:id 2 :name "pizza") (:id 3 :name "beer")), how could I remove (:id 2 :name "pizza")?
Well, actually, how could I remove '((:id 2 :name "pizza") (:id 1 :name "taco"))?
You can use remove with key?
(remove-if (lambda (x) (and (= 2 (getf x :id)) (equal "pizza" (getf x :name)))))
obviously could simplify if you only care about id or name matching, not both
to remove multiple, probably transpose and then use MEMBER
could use EQ if you guarantee structure-sharing ahead-of-time. Or use a hash table if you have a bunch of elements to remove
Then I could have '((:id 1 :name "taco") (:id 2 :name "pizza") (:id 3 :name "beer")) and then a list of ids '(1 2)
(loop for element in '((:id 1 :name "taco") (:id 2 :name "pizza") (:id 3 :name "beer")) do (remove-if ... <- ?
sure. Then I would say (remove-if (lambda (x) (member x ids)))
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Instead of getf you can use (destructuring-bind ..) it'll look nicer
err (member (getf x :id) ids)...
asarch: you would be better off using when .. collect
I am not sure why you have a loop there
How would you do it?
(loop for x in ... unless (member (getf x :id) ids) collect x)
another way, using loop
but I prefer remove-if in this case. Imo loop is better for complex things
remove-if says exactly what it does: you're removing some elements from a list. It is more specific
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But how can I pass the list of the elements I want to delete?: (remove-if (lambda (x) (member x '((:id 1 :name "taco") (:id 2 :name "pizza") (:id 3 :name "beer")))))
asarch: nb. assuming the layout of a plist will get you into trouble
what if somebody says (:name "taco" :id 1) instead?
Good point
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is it possible to have my interpreter's implementation of conses as an immutable data structure but provide a mutable api to the lisp itself? do any cl implementations do something like that?
i am sort of confused how you could implement that, since lists don't store pointers going backwards
appending and pushing is easy, but doing set-car or whatever to an element in the middle is tricky
Spawns: I have no idea what that means. Mutability doesn't seem to have anything to do with back pointers.
how can you create a new list when doing "set-car" in the middle of a list, if you can't copy the list from front to back with just that part of it changed
And I don't see the difficulty of doing a RPLACA "in the middle" whatever that might mean.
Spawns: Common Lisp doesn't have an operator named SET-CAR.
Also, Common Lisp does not have immutable lists.
like with appending, you just make a brand new list with an extra element tacked on the end, pushing you do the same but with the front. setting a car however, just gives you a single cons cell from the list, so you don't know how to return an entirely new list with just that part changed
immutable in the sense of python strings being immutable
Right, RPLACA is an operator that mutates the CONS cell.
that requires the underlying repr to be mutable i guess
i don't think there is an easy way around it
can't you do like (setf (cddr list) nil)
Sure you can.
Spawns: obviously, immutable languages are turing-complete, so you _can_ implement a mutable language in terms of immutable semantics
But that's an unrelated question.
however, it will be very difficult to implement, and perform poorly
beach: setf only knows about the specific cons cell that cddr returns
beach: 'Common Lisp does not have immutable lists' literals? scnr
Spawns: setf is a macro. In the case of CDDR, that will expand to something like (rplacd (cdr list) nil)
I would appreciate not being corrected when I attempt a pedagogical approximation to a newbie.
i think you are right about performance moon-child, that will be a lot of allocations and general churn
the main reason I am asking is because doing mutable link lists in rust is a massive annoyance
Spawns: More generally, this is a channel for Common Lisp. You are attempting the implementation of a different language for which we have no specification, so it is nearly impossible to give you advice.
Spawns: I think you need to phrase your questions in terms of how Common Lisp is or can be implemented.
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Spawns: I think I told you before that trying to implement lisp in rust was not going to work out
i was curious if you are familiar with how cl implementations implement their lists beach
moon-child: yeah heh
Spawns: Yes, I am.
minion: Please tell Spawns about SICL.
Spawns: SICL: SICL is a (perhaps futile) attempt to re-implement Common Lisp from scratch, hopefully using improved programming and bootstrapping techniques. See
how does bootstrapping that work beach ?
Spawns: Usually, a CONS cell consists of two consecutive words in memory, and a list is just a sequence of CONS cells, linked by their CDR.
Spawns: SICL bootstrapping? The compiler is written in Common Lisp and generates native code. Or will, when we are done.
oh yeah that makes sense, very cool
It's pretty standard practice to implement a language in itself.
Spawns: You might want to read the paper by Krystof, entitled "SBCL, a Sanely Bootstrappable Common Lisp". SBCL is mostly written in Common Lisp as well.
I did not realize that about SBCL, that's very interesting
sure i'll look for it if its online
Spawns: You might also watch my videos for the online Lisp meeting, entitled "Creating a Common Lisp implementation".
is that from a channel "Online Lisp Meetings"?
I think that's what I said, yes.
Well, I don't know that there is a channel for it.
that's the first result that showed up on google, a youtube channel
Then that's it.
all youtube videos are associated with a 'channel', afaik
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Hello, in "EVAL-WHEN considered harmful to your mental health" (, I see "The Lisp processor reads a stream of text (an unfortunate choice of specification, INTERLISP and Smalltalk fans may tell you) ...".
What is the meaning of that? What do Interlisp and Smalltalk have?
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ns12: I am just guessing, but I think it means that Common Lisp is based on keeping source code in files, and those other systems are more "image based".
That makes sense. Thank you.
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ns12: it's just the matter of developping a few tools, including a nice editor. there's CL:ED but most implementations defer to an external program or don't implement it.
and there's the problem where images accumulate cruft over time - and Smalltalk and Interlisp images are no exception
ource code accumulates cruft over time too :)
sure, but textual source code is inspectable easier than images which are composed of many things that are impossible to show as text
while text as a representation of source code has many downsides, this one is a clear upside
I may ask my image (or, at least, ought to be able to ask my image) not only 'show me all the objects', but also 'show me all the relationships between the objects'
I've seen a tool that converts textual image diffs into visual image diffs
which would seem to make it much more amenable to introspection
oh it's about Lisp image? sorry
How expensive would it be to keep a registry of all objects, or at least of objects of all interesting classes to make cruft more manageable? (Maybe commercial Lisps do this already, I don't know)
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maybe you don't need to do that - you should be able to walk the whole image in order to find interesting objects
SBCL's maproot functionality allows you to do that
hmm, it looks like that requires you to supply a root
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er, one second, might have misremembered the name
so you can't so easily say 'trace _all_ the objects in the image' (as a gc would, say). (I assume that it still is possible, though)
missed a -
I didn't know about map-root, thank you.
cage: Look in the glossary for "string designator"
cage: by logic it should really just work on objects of class STRING
OK, also symbols!
beach: I had luck you mentioned the designators.
cage: Do you see the definition?
beach: yes, string= works for string designator
cage: I mean, do you see the definition of "string designator"?
rotateq: You need to make sure you know the definition before attempting to help.
a symbol is a string designator and 'nil' is a symbol
Right, and then it designates what?
so string= works for nil
Yes, I apologize.
beach: "NIL" ?
cage: So string= is really called with "NIL" and "NIL".
so it works :)
See, you figured it out almost all by yourself.
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beach: thanks for helping me to figure out it! :D
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Thoughts on the commercial lisp offerings? Allegro and LispWorks, anyone using them?
both of them finally have package-local nicknames now that LW8 is released!
* phoe
is happy
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phoe: great!
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phoe: do you use LW?
Isn't SBCL good enough @@? I'm curious.
mcoll: nope, SBCL herwe
yeah, probably, CAPI is the main attraction to me I guess
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mcoll: You won't find many people using them on "freenode". If you want better insights, throw a mail to their mailing lists, or look at their appraisals that they list on their websites.
or using CCL, ECL, ...
but surely, LW and ACL come with many things on top too
You will have to figure out a way of copying the faces from lisp major mode to slime repl (C-h m should tell you what the exact major mode of the slime repl is called)
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What I want to know is how to stop everything in the REPL being coloured a string after there's an error message with a newline in it.
(At least, I think that's what causes it).
YES, confirmed.
(error (format nil "well heck~%"))
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kevingal_: what REPL are you talking about? Emacs/Slime or some CL implementation running in a terminal emulator?
* semz
can't reproduce this in Emacs/SLIME 27.2/2.26.1
* edgar-rft
can't reproduce this either
Oh, I'm on Emacs 26.3 and SLIME 2.26.1.
I'm afraid to upgrade Emacs in case something else breaks.
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if i'm using symbols as flags inside of a function, is there a reason to prefer keyword, uninterned, or "normal" symbols?
depends on how broadly they're passed around
also, even if they're purely internally used within your function, keywords can higlight in your source code and have a good visual distinction from your local var names
say that they are meant to be used exactly in the scope of the function body (otherwise I guess uninterned would not work)
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something like (lambda (x) (let ((size (cond ((> x 7) 'big) ((< x 3) 'small) (t 'unknown)))) (when (eql x 'big) "wow")))
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whoops, should be (eql size 'big')
but yeah, it really doesn't matter
just stylistically
for simple cases like that, local vars used as flags can be simpler & faster
but I could sort of see if you have a ton of potential symbols that you're using to organize it
in reality, i have a slightly more non-trivial usecase: i have a relatively small (5) number of numbers in some numerical algorithm, a b c d e, and want to know their relative ordering to decide on the order other parts of the algorithm will run. the most reasonable thing seemed to be to do something like (sort (list (cons 'a a) (cons 'b b) ...) #'< :key #'cdr), which inspired this question
i could write some forest of conditionals, but this seemed like a more reasonable approach. if you have a better solution actually i'd really like to see it
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sveit_: makes sense to me
the symbols allow you to convert it all to runtime data & manipulate it with SORT, which is reasonable
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is there a way to put multiple loop statements under a conditional clause? I mean something like (loop for j from 0 below 10 when (evenp j) { collect j into numbers collect (floor j 2) into halves } finally (return (values numbers halves)))
where the braces are of course a fake syntax, but indicate when I would like the collections to run
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collect j into numbers and collect (floor j 2) into halves
and being a piece of syntax valid in conditional clauses
"The consequences are undefined if the lexical environment surrounding the function to be compiled contains any bindings other than those for macros, symbol macros, or declarations."
what does this part mean? that COMPILE cannot produce closures?
"The consequences of calling compile on a function that is already compiled are unspecified." yeesh, that's perverse
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hey wait a second, that isn't CLHS
"If the definition is already a compiled function, compile either produces that function itself (i.e., is an identity operation) or an equivalent function."
hmm. not sure there's anything mandating it be a compiled-function, though in practice it will be. and it's also mandated that it be at least minimally compiled regardless
"Functions produced by the compile function are of type compiled-function."
that obviously refers to the "outer" lambda, but how about the inner one
and I know that it'll be in practice, I'm just nitpicking at the specification now
the observable effect of compilation is the minimal compilation requirements, and that would have to apply to the inner function
even if it wasn't a compiled-function for some technical bullshit reason
|3b|` is now known as |3b|
SBCL is signaling a UNDEFINED-FUNCTION condition when I try to load my system with QUICKLISP:QUICKLOAD. The reason is because I use the function before it is defined in the file and I can fix the problem by moving the function definition above its invocation. I am confused about this though because I thought that you could use a function before you
define it within the same compilation unit.
Guest95: depends
how do you use it?
do you use it inside a function body or macro body?
or do you have your file contents like (foo 42) ... (defun foo (x) ...) ?
I use the function to create the initial value for a dynamic variable
then that won't work
the compiler needs to be able to call a function in order to initialize a global variable
and for that the function must already be defined
so it must be earlier in the file
you can do things like (defun bar () (foo)) ... (defun foo () ...)
ok its clear now
but note that that doesn't require FOO to be actually called
(defvar *x* (foo)) does require FOO to be called in order to produce a value for *X*
whereas (defun bar () (foo)) or, alternatively, (lambda () (foo)), doesn't require that
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