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yottabyte: in fact, both LET and LET* mandate that the value forms are evaluated sequentially.
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phoe: Fair enough
yottabyte: You could have read-up about emulating LET* with LET forms in 'On Lisp' by Paul Graham. Even how to emulate LET with LAMBDA. But in CL of those three only LET and LET* are two of the 25 special operators.
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Good morning everyone!
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Reading, I was amazed by the number of testing frameworks, but struck, and now I'm announcing the final word on testing called Try that tries to do almost everything these libraries do while remaining conceptually simple. The design is closest to Stefil's. If you are
Parachute already did the 'do everything' thing.
the only thing multitude of test frameworks doesn't do is not rewriting the same purpose library over and over again
if anyone thinks about writing the next one, there are a few name spots open: 3am, 4am, 6am :)
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(and, to not leave anyone out, "brolly" is also a fine system name)
oh no
Deservedly great reception! Have a look though, it may float your boat, especially if you like your tests to be functions.
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I'm thinking of memoizing function calls for multiple functions. Which is better, to have a giant hash table where I look up the function & its arguments or have individual hash tables for each function?
[The latter could be streamlined into a list of nested hash tables]
I would do the latter
moon-child: Thanks
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the latter will be faster and individual caches can be easily removed this way
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phoe: they left
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minion: memo for lisp123: individual hash tables for functions will be faster and individual caches can be easily removed this way
Remembered. I'll tell lisp123 when he/she/it next speaks.
moon-child: thanks
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hmm, it occurs to me in a context where you make a more broad and sophisticated cache, you might actually not want to do that. Rather, you would have a more unified architecture where you devote a certain amount of space to cache, and evict based on frequency and expense
but I generally associate 'memoize' with a more ad-hoc, specialised thing
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if you want something more advanced then you need techniques for controlling cache size, eviction, etc.. so a simple hash table won't do anymore
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phoe: Thanks for the additional color
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beach: Have you finalised your submission to ELS?
Looks like only 2 months away!
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the CfP is due soon IIRC
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oh right, extended until 23rd
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phoe: Are you submitting anything?
I see
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lisp123win: I have some more work to do.
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I don't know how it's about you, but I often realized with myself how much the urge of perfection can be a curse. :/
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rotateq: I feel it. Took a *lot* of work to get myself to internalise that "good enough" really can be.
It has already ruined a lot of things in my life (which is not that long).
It probably helped when I looked at the quest for perfection as an asymptote, and realised that it's often a question of when the delta is small enough. It wasn't much of a step from there to think in more practical terms, and realise that the smart approach is to accept "good enough" as when the delta is small enough that your *customers* don't notice or care about the difference.
I concluded that perfection should always be what you *aim* for, but it's not only OK to not reach it, but it should be a pleasant surprise when you actually do.
Maybe applying the 80:20 rule.
Pretty much; that's one of the well-known ways of looking at it.
But I often feel like I can't ever understand many things *really* deeply and that frustrates me too.
Oh, I know that one.
Again, it's a case of accepting that there just isn't enough time to understand everything as deeply as you feel you should. Then it's a question of how deep it's worth diving down any given rabbit-hole.
Then again, it's well enough for me to speak: I *still* have more hobbies than I have time for them :)
Yes of course, as I can't prove everything in the kind of maths I do myself, or doing every physics experiment and and and ...
Yeah, that. Frustrating is one word for it :)
I was wondering if the new James Webb telescope has again some CL running on it like the scheduling system on Hubble. But as I read they completely used "standardized" things by IBM.
So the question still remains how they debug and reprogram parts that fail as it runs, like in the talk about "debugging from 60 million miles away" having a CL REPL on board to connect to.
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rotateq: usually, it's just done by having two partitions. When there's a bug, they upload a new system image (or more probably in these cases, a patch to build a new system image) in the other partition, and reboot.
rotateq: see how it's done on your favorite Android system.
I have no favorite Android system. ^^ But ok, could update my Lineage OS, my camera doesn't initialize since a few days now.
And omg really? :D I shouldn't comment that.
rotateq: of course, if the problem is just in a program, they may just upgrade the specific executable. They usually have persistent memory organized as a MS-DOS file system.
Ah okay. Came across again at HAL/S, we talked about it some time ago and you told me it has the capability of reading 2D-equations. ^^
As I heard even on FPGAs it's possible that they change parts of themselves as they run.
The long HAL/S tutorial is very well written and enjoyable.
And just 153 keywords. :)
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Hi all, any recommendation for sending email from CL?
hm maybe not trivial-mail ^^
frodef: I've been using cl-smtp. It works fine for my purposes.
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cl-smtp works very nicely!
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It's so exhausting, one mentions "and with CLOS you missed really something more in getting the idea of OOP" and instantly it's called 'scary' and such. I shouldn't care.
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"Oh you don't know the flyweight pattern?" pfff
Then I looked and just thought: so when using :allocation :class for a slot it seems to be it, even with following a sane update protocol for all made instances.
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speakers' preference is of highest priority here
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exciting! I'm hoping to put together one in a couple months. (and would probably request this time as well)
sure! I'll accept it and gladly display it
It is not such a bad time for Europe, early evening
although bad for Australians and Asia
timezones are, as always, a hard problem
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dbotton: can we draw on the html canvas using clog?
thanks ;-)
found the tutorial, nice!
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beach: Looking forward to reading the latest ideas soon
lisp123, memo from phoe: individual hash tables for functions will be faster and individual caches can be easily removed this way
Equill & rotateq - I know what you mean on perfection
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My latest theory is that the expressivity and freedom offered by Lisp (by providing building blocks that can be combined vs. a restrictive dogmatic language like others) makes it difficult for many to program in
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cage - yes there is a tutorial on it
And that's one of the reasons why other languages became more popular. They are "easier" to get something done - whereas there seems to a curse in lisp where many keep striving for perfection
Thanks phoe and dbotton!
oh, latest ideas?
(well at least for me - i feel some times I'm spinning wheels and not progressing fast enough)
dbotton: found them! Seems a very nice project CLOG, thanks for writing it and showing to us :)
dbotton: i wonder if was possible to attach clog lambda function (so to say) to canvas event (like mouse clicking)
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hi. I am confused about inheritance of metaclasses, and I was wondering if someone could explain what is going on. More specifically, the following code gives an error in SBCL:
(defclass a () () (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)) (defclass b (a) ()) (make-instance 'b)
the definition of class b seems clear, what is the "right" way to fix this and make b inherit the metaclass as well? and why does it not do so "automatically"?
you need to specify the metaclass also for class b
it doesn't do so, defclass defaults to standard-class
but I have no idea how/if that would work with DEFCLASS
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phoe: thanks for posting, watching now
and I have no time to explore it now because I need to run :(
lisp123: no problem
lisp123win: you may have a point there. I've seen senior Java developers look *scared* at the mention of Lisp. I suspect the fear of freedom (and the responsibility of choice that comes with it) is a factor. But I've also come to see functional and procedural/imperative programming as transform-oriented and register-oriented respectively, and the underlying mindsets are just wildly different.
i see. if you don't mind, can you explain (1) the rationale behind such a decision and (2) can I signal to some part of MOP that when inheriting from 'a one should inherit the metaclass?
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Some people are just much more comfortable with the idea of rephrasing the problem to suit the machine, than phrasing it in terms of what you do to the data on its way through.
cage yes and no, the canvas is just a bitmap so there are limits to what you can do out of the box.
sveit_: I don't think that the metaclass has to be the same, just compatible according to validate-superclass.
;; Equill: whereas lisp people are comfortable with doing both, always at the same time, while also adding tons of abstractions along the way
* phoe
runs off
...kinda :)
and macros
yitzi: but the expectation here is that sveit_ want's to make an instance of funcallable-standard-class, not standard-class
everyone loves macros
* Equill
looks at his own code
dbotton: thanks!
Less imperative than it used to be, but that's more to do with switching from cl-who to html-template :)
Equill: That's an interesting way to put it
sveit_: I can't speak on behalf of the standard authors, but I rationalize it this way, that when the reader sees (defclass foo …) they assume standard class
so implicit change to that would make the code less readable
yitzi, jackdaniel: yes, jackdaniel is right with what I want; (defclass a () () (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)), and inheriting from 'a means your metaclass becomes closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class (and in general 'a metaclass)
sveit_: for one thing, the metaclass can affect the way inheritance works. the system can't be sure what classes a new class inherits from until it knows the metaclass and makes an instance of it.
phoe: I love having macros available for when I need to call on them, but apparently I just don't build anything big enough to actually need them.
Equill: I did A LOT of Microsoft Excel (5 - 10 years daily), which is not a programming language in any way, but it made "transform-oriented" much more natural to me. So Lisp felt natural from day 1 and since I dislike too much of an imperative style
e.g. just yesterday phoe sent me some code with a metaclass that made it so that (defclass foo () ... (:metaclass ...)) would result in foo inheriting from a FOO-OBJECT class instead of STANDARD-OBJECT
Equill: It hasn't be big to make sense having more. :)
I guess my case is also special since funcallable-standard-class seems to be a strict superset of standard-class, so it would not break anything to force children of b to have a's metaclass in this case. i suspect (given how big MOP seems to be, although i know very little of it) that somehow i can encode this fact
lisp123win: that makes sense. And it _is_ programming, just in more of a declarative idiom. But you also have my sympathy for having to spend so much time in it :)
sorry, chidren of a to have a's metaclass
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funcallable-standard-class is actually a subclass of standard-class
although i guess by superset you mean that it seems to be standard-class with some extra stuff
under the hood, this is not necessarily the case; a standard instance (i.e. instance of a standard-class) may be represented differently and incompatibly from a funcallable standard instance
Bike: exactly, so in this case it seems (and in my case it is essential) that inheriting from 'a (i.e. being a subclass of 'a) means your metaclass becomes that of 'a (or a child of it's metaclass).
in this case it is important you keep the metaclass, yes. but as i mentioned above, it is not possible to determine inheritance before knowing the metaclass, in general.
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also, even if that were not the case, you could have a situation with multiple inheritance in which the superclasses have different metaclasses.
Equill: I actually don't mind it at all :-) What does suck is Microsoft's closed APIs so its very difficult to do anything significant programmatically outside of VBA
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lisp123win: that was a pretty hostile design decision, but I'll spare you my grumbling about what they were like pre-Satya Nadella :)
Bike: thanks, I understand the default behaviour better now. Is there a way to modify it in this case? :) of course I am also interested more generally if I can let MOP know some special precedence of metaclasses in special cases
Equill: We are getting off topic, but its not much better these days. Today I tried renaming a file, but that feature is only available if I save on One Drive and not locally
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lisp123win: dang. And yes, we're way off-topic now.
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#lispcafe might welcome this discussion
sveit_: again, the usual procedure is that the system figures out the metaclass based on :metaclass or the default, and then makes an instance of it, passing in the specified list of direct superclasses. you're talking about doing it in the opposite order, and there's no way for the system to understand that it should do something different with the metaclass when it does that before dealing with the
* phoe
disappears again
sveit_: easy way out is to define a macro that does defclass with a :metaclass specified for you.
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lisp123: have you tried MSOffice OLE Automation APIs?
There was even in older days a lisper here who used ECL to build commercial, custom Excel extensions with those APIs
Bike: i would have guessed there would be a more "CLOSY" way of doing it by specializing initialize-instance with an :around method or something of the sort.
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defclass expands to ensure-class that calls ensure-class-using-class
sveit_: but like, what would you be initializing? the new class. and in order to make the new class, you need to know its class, i.e. the metaclass.
you could specialize the latter
and check for the key metaclass, if not supplied then you may change the default value
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that said you'd need to specialize on something, and as bike says, the class is already a metaobject (or nil)
when it is nil then you can't really specialize, when it is /something/ then what you are doing is redefining the class, so that's not a good way of doing things
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I see, thanks for the explanation. that's too bad, it seems a bit inelegant from the design perspective (surely /sometimes/ it makes sense to inherit the metaclass, and from my perspective it seems actually that if one is inheriting from some non-standard metaclass almost always you want to either have the same or a child metaclass of at least one of the parents)
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fe[nl]ix: Did Travis stop working on osicat again?
I was going to merge #56, but Travis doesn't seem to be running (and it doesn't look like it ran on the latest master commit either)
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etimmons: yes, their free credits expired
I already emailed support asking for more credits
but I haven't heard back
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in any case, maybe you should look into the test failures on ccl/ecl/clisp
Yep, that's what #56 was aimed at
It fixed everything before I rebased it just now
I don't see any reason the rebase would have changed that, but I'll double check the tests locally before merging
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I pinged support again
at this point, I'm inclined towards switching to Github actions, but I need to work on a way to setup CI easily on Github
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Yeah, Travis seems unfortunately dead at the moment unless you pay them $$$
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It uses Roswell, which I have feelings about. But might be a good starting point if you're looking to do things the GitHub way and want to make a custom action
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Bonus points if we can test on Windows and OS X too! :D
don't know about Windows
OSX might be doable
Actions supports Windows. Even has mingw preinstalled