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<yottabyte> wow.
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<yottabyte> In slime, the current directory is set to whatever buffer I started slime in. As I open new files in different directories, slime remains open and still pointed to that other directory, even if I close the original file. How do I change it to the current file's directory? Close and restart slime?
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<Catie> With no input on the repl, type ",cd"
<sveit_> in SBCL, would (labels ((f (x) (+ x 1)) (g (x) (+ (f x) 1))) (declare (inline f g)) (g x)) inline the definitions of /both/ g and f into the call?
<sveit_> and if i instead put (declare (inline f)) (without g) would f be inlined into the definition of g?
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<_death> you can use DISASSEMBLE to find out
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<sveit_> thanks! another question: is there a simple way to make macros "fall back", in the sense that (macrolet ((a (b) (if (eq b 'b) ''nice ''not-nice))) (macrolet ((a (b) (if (eq b 'a) 'nicest (SOMEHOW EXPAND A)))) (a 'b))) macroexpands to 'nice?
<sveit_> in my placeholder (SOMEHOW EXPAND A), (a b) will not work, or would `(a ,b)
<sveit_> well actually (a b) would work, but by accident. had i called the argument to a, c, it would not work
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<Bike> no, you shadow the macro
<_death> not sure if there's a standard way.. a non-portable one is (macrolet ((a (b) (if (eq b 'b) ''nice ''not-nice))) (macrolet ((a (c &environment env) (if (eq c 'a) ''nicest (macroexpand `(a ,c) (sb-c::lexenv-parent env))))) (a b)))
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<dre> Good~~ Morning~~ BEACH~~~
<phantomics> Morning beach
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<Josh_2> Mornin
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<beach> Hello phoe.
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<jackdaniel> fe[nl]ix: any chance for merging ?
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<bollu> Why do we have two types of quotations? '(1 2 3) and `(1 2 3)? From what I can tell, unquoting (,x) is only allowed within a backquote (`) and not within regular quotes ('). I Why does just backquotes not suffice?
<moon-child> bollu: one example is: `',x
<moon-child> bollu: QUOTE came first, and is a basic language feature
<jackdaniel> backquote is meant for templating and it is used by the reader; quote is a special form (quote foo) and it prevents evaluation
<moon-child> bollu: quasiquote and unquote is a utility feature
<jackdaniel> these are two different things with somewhat overlapping scope of being useful
<bollu> can one implement one in terms of the other? Or are they both primitives?
<moon-child> jackdaniel: technically quote is a special _operator_, and it is (quote foo) that is a special form :)
<bollu> :)
<moon-child> bollu: it is easy to implement ` and , yourself. Try it
<_death> well, ` is not so easy..
<beach> Not so easy indeed.
<_death> ' is easy though
<moon-child> it isn't?
<jackdaniel> they should be treated as orthogonal features acting on a different level of abstraction
<beach> bollu: The reader macro for ` creates a macro form and not a special form.
<_death> moon-child: did you try it?
<moon-child> there's a paper on the topic that iirc constructs something useful (though without nesting) in a page or so of code
<moon-child> err, sorry
<_death> there's a cltl2 appendix
<moon-child> with nesting, without optimization
<jackdaniel> beach: what do you mean by that it creates a macro form?
<beach> jackdaniel: Something like (quasiquote ...)
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<beach> I guess "macro call" is the right term.
<jackdaniel> does the standard say that it creates such a thing? (putting aside cltl2 appendix that provides example implementation that does that)
<beach> Let me look it up.
<beach> jackdaniel: It was a pedagogical approximation.
<moon-child> 'An implementation is free to interpret a backquoted form F1 as any form F2 that, when evaluated, will produce a result that is the same under equal as the result implied by the above definition, provided that the side-effect behavior of the substitute form F2 is also consistent with the description given above'
<jackdaniel> beach: I see.
<_death> note that `#(foo ,x) should also work btw
<beach> jackdaniel: It was a way of answering the question "Or are they both primitives?" by giving some better terminology.
<jackdaniel> I had quite a headache persuading someone in the past that the implementation is not obligated to create an intermediate form
<beach> jackdaniel: That I can understand. The reader macro would be fairly complicated then.
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<jackdaniel> the reader macro would be fairly complicated when it uses or when it doesn't use the intermediate macro form?
<beach> jackdaniel: The latter. In the first case, it is straightforward. The complication is then in the macro definition of the macro call that it generates.
<phantomics> Could someone remind me of the repository that has the suggested CL standard additions?
<moon-child> wscl?
<jackdaniel> I see. fwiw SBCL uses an intermediate form (after cltl2 appendix) while ECL doesn't
<jackdaniel> I don't know about other implementations
<moon-child> I think ccl doesn't either
<beach> phantomics: WSCL is not for additions to the standard. It is for specifying currently unspecified behavior in a way that is consistent with what major implementations already do.
<phantomics> Ok, that's it, I saw it before but didn't look in the passed folder, thanks
<phantomics> beach: makes sense
<pjb> bollu: you don't need quote either. Instead of writing (list 'a 'b 'c) you can write (list (intern "A") (intern "B") (intern "C")).
<beach> phantomics: There is not much that the community would agree upon in terms of suggested additions, so WSCL is meant to be nearly completely uncontroversial.
<bollu> pjb what is "intern"?
<pjb> clhs intern
<moon-child> pjb: it gets complicated. You must maintain read-time structure-sharing
<beach> With #= and ##?
<_death> moon-child: nice, I should read it sometime.. however, even short papers (and code) can take nontrivial time and effort to implement
<moon-child> pjb: (let ((x '#1=(2)) (y '#1#)) (eq x y)) how do you ensure this is t?
<moon-child> beach: yes
<phantomics> beach: right, the addition I'm proposing will address the definition of an alphanumeric character, which is currently somewhat inconsistent
<pjb> moon-child: (let ((l2 (list 2))) (let ((x l2) (y l2)) (eq x y))) #| --> t |#
<moon-child> pjb: right. But that is a global transformation
<moon-child> and I expect even that can not be made to work in the presence of EVAL
<_death> that only works because strings are self quoting ;)
<moon-child> _death: objects of most types are self-evaluating
<_death> indeed
<moon-child> the notable exceptions are symbols and lists
<semz> the only exceptions, no?
<moon-child> so I do not find fault with that part, unless you limit yourself to _only_ symbols and lists
<jackdaniel> semz: #<foo> doesn't self-evaluate neither
<_death> jackdaniel: it does..
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<_death> e.g., (let ((x (find-class 't))) (eq x (eval x))) => T
<jackdaniel> I always thought that the reader will refuse to even read it
<semz> #<foo> is not valid syntax
<moon-child> jackdaniel: then there is no way to even try to evaluate it
<semz> but if you'd put the object into a form and evaled that, the object would self-evaluate
<jackdaniel> OK, I've confused terms apparently, sorry for the noise
<phoe> the question is whether this is a value that is already read or if it is text meant to be turned into a Lisp value by the Lisp reader
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<jackdaniel> since we're talking about "objects" not "source code text" there is no such a question, that's what I've confused.
<semz> we clearly need LISPRC so we can pass objects to the channel instead of serializing them to text
<_death> irc sexp?
<moon-child> semz: you joke, but ...
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<_death> semz: your "only exceptions" question reminded me of sb-kernel:make-unbound-marker... (eval (sb-kernel:make-unbound-marker)) => #<unbound> hmm ok.. but then, (eval *) => ; Evaluation aborted :)
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<semz> _death: (eval (sb-kernel:make-unbound-marker)) works for me, as does (let ((x (sb-kernel:make-unbound-marker))) (eval x))
<phoe> this is because lexical variables are always bound
<phoe> * is a dynamic variable though
<phoe> and if * is bound to an unbound marker then it's unbound
<phoe> that's the SBCL implementation detail
<semz> yeah it's clearly non-standard but interesting nonetheless
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<foxfromabyss> hi! I have two questions.
<foxfromabyss> 1) is it possible to extend existing methods(?), such as `+` or `eq` for new classes, without jumping through too many hoops?
<foxfromabyss> 2) let's say I have 2 classes. Class A and Class B. Class B has a field with value of Class A. I have written a comparator for Class A. Is it possible to piggyback on that comparator for `sort`?
<moon-child> regarding 1, no, but see cl-generic
<moon-child> I do not recommend extending EQ; consider EQUAL instead
<moon-child> for 2, something like :key #'get-a should do what you want
<phoe> either :key or :test or both
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<phoe> (defclass a () (...)) (defclass b () ((a :accessor b-a)))
<foxfromabyss> so `:test` gets applied to `:key` actually?
<moon-child> yes
<phoe> then (sort list-of-b-instances :key #'b-a :test #'a<)
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<phoe> woops, sorry
<foxfromabyss> thanks :) Sorry if the questions were dumb :D
<phoe> then (sort list-of-b-instances #'a< :key #'b-a)
<phoe> and no problem
<moon-child> morally, f :key g is the same as (lambda (x y) (f (g x) (g y)))
<pjb> foxfromabyss: yes: (shadow '+) (defgeneric + (a b)) (defmethod + (a b) (cl:+ a b )) (defmethod + ((a string) (b string)) (+ (parse-integer a) (parse-integer b)))
<moon-child> but it is convenient to avoid typing g twice
<foxfromabyss> i am scared of shadowing
<foxfromabyss> :(
<pjb> foxfromabyss: yes, sort takes a less argument.
<foxfromabyss> thanks a lot for all the answers, appreciate it very much
<pjb> foxfromabyss: so you're scared of too many hoops, of shadowing, and what else?
<foxfromabyss> too many hoops is just me being lazy, and shadowing feels like smth that would break a lot of stuff, but maybe not
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<foxfromabyss> *could break a lot of stuff
<foxfromabyss> unrelated, is there an example somewhere of how people use SLIME/SLY? So far i've been just pasting stuff from the source file and testing it there, but it feels like I am underutilizing a lot of features
<foxfromabyss> but i am not sure what i could even need
<foxfromabyss> coming from a non-repl background
<contrapunctus> foxfromabyss: `M-x slime` -> `(ql:quickload :my-project)` -> edit code in buffer -> `M-x slime-eval-defun`
<moon-child> C-c C-c
<contrapunctus> (To send code to the REPL.)
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<pjb> foxfromabyss: you can avoid shadowing, by using symbols with a different name: (defgeneric plus (a b)) …
<contrapunctus> (Mine is in a Hydra, so `m e e`, or sometimes I use `lispy-eval` (just `e`))
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<frodef> Hi all, is there some package that provides a compatibility layer for the MOP? Such that I can call e.g. sb-mop:class-slots without relying explicitly on sbcl/sb-mop ?
<phoe> closer-mop
<frodef> phoe: thanks
<phoe> (ql:quickload :closer-mop) and then (:use #:c2cl) instead of #:cl
<phoe> or just #'c2mop:class-slots
<jackdaniel> c2cl supplements implementation-specified operators like defmethod with wrappers when the implementation doesn't implement fully the mop protocol and that can be fixed with a wrapper
<frodef> I see
<foxfromabyss> i see, thanks! (for both shadowing and SLIME :) )
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<moon-child> huh, apparently at one point read-time eval was #,
<moon-child> that is cute
<moon-child> (analogous to regular ,)
<_death> no, it was for load-time evaluation
<moon-child> ah!
<_death> "let me tell you a story, from back when #* was #" and compile-file was comfile..."
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<yottabyte> why would one use flat instead of let? you can define functions (lambdas) with let, no?
<semz> If you define a function with (let ((f (lambda ...))) ...) you have to call it with (funcall f ...) rather than being able to use (f ...)
<thomp> Two different namespaces...
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<yottabyte> gotcha
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