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In slime, the current directory is set to whatever buffer I started slime in. As I open new files in different directories, slime remains open and still pointed to that other directory, even if I close the original file. How do I change it to the current file's directory? Close and restart slime?
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With no input on the repl, type ",cd"
in SBCL, would (labels ((f (x) (+ x 1)) (g (x) (+ (f x) 1))) (declare (inline f g)) (g x)) inline the definitions of /both/ g and f into the call?
and if i instead put (declare (inline f)) (without g) would f be inlined into the definition of g?
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you can use DISASSEMBLE to find out
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thanks! another question: is there a simple way to make macros "fall back", in the sense that (macrolet ((a (b) (if (eq b 'b) ''nice ''not-nice))) (macrolet ((a (b) (if (eq b 'a) 'nicest (SOMEHOW EXPAND A)))) (a 'b))) macroexpands to 'nice?
in my placeholder (SOMEHOW EXPAND A), (a b) will not work, or would `(a ,b)
well actually (a b) would work, but by accident. had i called the argument to a, c, it would not work
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no, you shadow the macro
not sure if there's a standard way.. a non-portable one is (macrolet ((a (b) (if (eq b 'b) ''nice ''not-nice))) (macrolet ((a (c &environment env) (if (eq c 'a) ''nicest (macroexpand `(a ,c) (sb-c::lexenv-parent env))))) (a b)))
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Why do we have two types of quotations? '(1 2 3) and `(1 2 3)? From what I can tell, unquoting (,x) is only allowed within a backquote (`) and not within regular quotes ('). I Why does just backquotes not suffice?
bollu: one example is: `',x
bollu: QUOTE came first, and is a basic language feature
backquote is meant for templating and it is used by the reader; quote is a special form (quote foo) and it prevents evaluation
bollu: quasiquote and unquote is a utility feature
these are two different things with somewhat overlapping scope of being useful
can one implement one in terms of the other? Or are they both primitives?
jackdaniel: technically quote is a special _operator_, and it is (quote foo) that is a special form :)
bollu: it is easy to implement ` and , yourself. Try it
well, ` is not so easy..
Not so easy indeed.
' is easy though
it isn't?
they should be treated as orthogonal features acting on a different level of abstraction
bollu: The reader macro for ` creates a macro form and not a special form.
moon-child: did you try it?
there's a paper on the topic that iirc constructs something useful (though without nesting) in a page or so of code
err, sorry
there's a cltl2 appendix
with nesting, without optimization
beach: what do you mean by that it creates a macro form?
jackdaniel: Something like (quasiquote ...)
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I guess "macro call" is the right term.
does the standard say that it creates such a thing? (putting aside cltl2 appendix that provides example implementation that does that)
Let me look it up.
jackdaniel: It was a pedagogical approximation.
'An implementation is free to interpret a backquoted form F1 as any form F2 that, when evaluated, will produce a result that is the same under equal as the result implied by the above definition, provided that the side-effect behavior of the substitute form F2 is also consistent with the description given above'
beach: I see.
note that `#(foo ,x) should also work btw
jackdaniel: It was a way of answering the question "Or are they both primitives?" by giving some better terminology.
I had quite a headache persuading someone in the past that the implementation is not obligated to create an intermediate form
jackdaniel: That I can understand. The reader macro would be fairly complicated then.
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the reader macro would be fairly complicated when it uses or when it doesn't use the intermediate macro form?
jackdaniel: The latter. In the first case, it is straightforward. The complication is then in the macro definition of the macro call that it generates.
Could someone remind me of the repository that has the suggested CL standard additions?
I see. fwiw SBCL uses an intermediate form (after cltl2 appendix) while ECL doesn't
I don't know about other implementations
phantomics: WSCL is not for additions to the standard. It is for specifying currently unspecified behavior in a way that is consistent with what major implementations already do.
Ok, that's it, I saw it before but didn't look in the passed folder, thanks
beach: makes sense
bollu: you don't need quote either. Instead of writing (list 'a 'b 'c) you can write (list (intern "A") (intern "B") (intern "C")).
phantomics: There is not much that the community would agree upon in terms of suggested additions, so WSCL is meant to be nearly completely uncontroversial.
pjb: it gets complicated. You must maintain read-time structure-sharing
With #= and ##?
moon-child: nice, I should read it sometime.. however, even short papers (and code) can take nontrivial time and effort to implement
pjb: (let ((x '#1=(2)) (y '#1#)) (eq x y)) how do you ensure this is t?
beach: yes
beach: right, the addition I'm proposing will address the definition of an alphanumeric character, which is currently somewhat inconsistent
moon-child: (let ((l2 (list 2))) (let ((x l2) (y l2)) (eq x y))) #| --> t |#
pjb: right. But that is a global transformation
and I expect even that can not be made to work in the presence of EVAL
that only works because strings are self quoting ;)
_death: objects of most types are self-evaluating
the notable exceptions are symbols and lists
the only exceptions, no?
so I do not find fault with that part, unless you limit yourself to _only_ symbols and lists
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hi! I have two questions.
1) is it possible to extend existing methods(?), such as `+` or `eq` for new classes, without jumping through too many hoops?
2) let's say I have 2 classes. Class A and Class B. Class B has a field with value of Class A. I have written a comparator for Class A. Is it possible to piggyback on that comparator for `sort`?
regarding 1, no, but see cl-generic
I do not recommend extending EQ; consider EQUAL instead
for 2, something like :key #'get-a should do what you want
either :key or :test or both
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(defclass a () (...)) (defclass b () ((a :accessor b-a)))
so `:test` gets applied to `:key` actually?
then (sort list-of-b-instances :key #'b-a :test #'a<)
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woops, sorry
thanks :) Sorry if the questions were dumb :D
then (sort list-of-b-instances #'a< :key #'b-a)
and no problem
morally, f :key g is the same as (lambda (x y) (f (g x) (g y)))
foxfromabyss: yes: (shadow '+) (defgeneric + (a b)) (defmethod + (a b) (cl:+ a b )) (defmethod + ((a string) (b string)) (+ (parse-integer a) (parse-integer b)))
but it is convenient to avoid typing g twice
i am scared of shadowing
foxfromabyss: yes, sort takes a less argument.
thanks a lot for all the answers, appreciate it very much
foxfromabyss: so you're scared of too many hoops, of shadowing, and what else?
too many hoops is just me being lazy, and shadowing feels like smth that would break a lot of stuff, but maybe not
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*could break a lot of stuff
unrelated, is there an example somewhere of how people use SLIME/SLY? So far i've been just pasting stuff from the source file and testing it there, but it feels like I am underutilizing a lot of features
but i am not sure what i could even need
foxfromabyss: you can avoid shadowing, by using symbols with a different name: (defgeneric plus (a b)) …
(Mine is in a Hydra, so `m e e`, or sometimes I use `lispy-eval` (just `e`))
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Hi all, is there some package that provides a compatibility layer for the MOP? Such that I can call e.g. sb-mop:class-slots without relying explicitly on sbcl/sb-mop ?
phoe: thanks
(ql:quickload :closer-mop) and then (:use #:c2cl) instead of #:cl
or just #'c2mop:class-slots
c2cl supplements implementation-specified operators like defmethod with wrappers when the implementation doesn't implement fully the mop protocol and that can be fixed with a wrapper
I see
i see, thanks! (for both shadowing and SLIME :) )
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huh, apparently at one point read-time eval was #,
that is cute
(analogous to regular ,)
no, it was for load-time evaluation
"let me tell you a story, from back when #* was #" and compile-file was comfile..."
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why would one use flat instead of let? you can define functions (lambdas) with let, no?
If you define a function with (let ((f (lambda ...))) ...) you have to call it with (funcall f ...) rather than being able to use (f ...)
Two different namespaces...
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