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I'm curious about why most functions defined in CL weren't defined as generic functions. For example, it'd make sense to me if I can extend the function '+. This is not to complain; I'm just curious why the decision was made that way.
clos was pretty new when the standard was coming together, iirc
and it's a lot of legacy in general
at the very least, the MOP wasn't ready in time for the spec
I see..
Kinda related: does the advent of local-nickname in a defpackage construct counted as a violation of the CL standard?
I consider it as an extension that doesn't (seem to) break backward compatibility.
I'm sure others can fill in more than I can, but I would suspect that speed & optimization might have had a part in it, too, as generic function calls were much heavier weight than standard functions
regarding PLNs, I'd guess the most likely violation would be in the symbol reader if any
Implementations are allowed to extend the options
"Since implementations might allow extended options an error of type program-error should be signaled if an option is present that is not actually supported in the host implementation."
I'm very confused by this sentence..
add a comma after "extended options"
iow, unknown options should error out and not be ignored
But it's ok for implementations to add their customized options?
yes, the spec says implementations might do that
btw, I presume that FIND-PACKAGE finds local nicknames based on the current value of *PACKAGE*?
I guess that wording probably wouldn't violate the spec, either
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Woah this dude is brave enough to make CL generic.. I'm amazed. Need to study that. Anyone had experience using it?
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Good morning everyone! And a Happy New Year!
Happy New Year :)
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nij-: An implementation is allowed to have a generic function where the standard doesn't require it. But + is not one such function. It can't reasonably be generic.
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The Dylan language (if I remember it correctly) specifies that + calls BINARY-+ (or something like that) when appropriate, and BINARY-+ is specified to be generic. That makes more sense.
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Good morning all. Happy New Year from CST zone
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Happy New Year All!
Hey, happy new year!
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the poncat image is a raster PNG image loaded via imago, everything else is vector stuff from vecto
I'll clean this up and make a PR soon
looks neat
"but what does it /mean/?"
I'm generating tiles for a board game
yes I remember, the question was what that tile means. 1 what? can I now pass go and collect dollar two hundred?
(imagine how annoying it would be wearing huge jingle bells on your head right next to your ears)
White_Flame: I've worn jingle bell earrings, I kind of like them
They're not huge though
re the png, if not obvious
Oh. Oh, I'm a fool
White_Flame: so it's a debuff then, got it
ck_: welp, sorry
basically a tile that has a single melee attack and that acts in initiative 1 - though that likely doesn't tell you much
it tells me enough, thanks for the context
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Would it be fair to say, any non trivial function API meant for external use should use keyword parameters exclusively to aide in documenting the arguments to a function call, within the call, and to future proof the interface (allowing for the addition of new keyword parameters in the future), and then leave it to the programmer to write their own convenience functions to then avoid having to keep writing keyword parameters in their call?
I wouldn't agree to that in these general terms, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea for an interface with many or varying arguments
lisp123: indeed, it may be a good style to use only mandatory and &key parameters for API functions.
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pjb & ck_: Thanks. I will add that to my personal style guide
lisp123: Your functions could not be generic then.
lisp123: Also, terminology issue, in a function call, we pass "arguments", not "parameters".
beach: Thanks. By "keyword paramters in their call" I was referring to the :something-something part vs. for example the "3" in ':something-something 3'. Is there a term for that (keyword option? keyword argument?)
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I would just call it a "keyword" or perhaps an "argument keyword".
beach: Sorry, what would you mean by functions could not be generic then?
Got it, thanks
Generic functions need required parameters for methods to specialize to. If you have no required parameters, generic functions are pointless, and you deprive yourself of all the conveniences of generic functions.
Ah yes, that makes sense. I quickly realised part of that when PJB noted to use only mandatory &key parameters, as with just &key parameters, there's not forced mandatory parameters
There is no such thing as "mandatory &key parameters". I think what pjb meant was "required" rather than "mandatory", and he said "mandatory AND &key...".
Yes :) sorry I missed the "and"
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I realised how often I mistype :(
Hey lisp123, don't worry. :)
rotateq: Hey rotateq :)
don't type my name three times in a row, or I'll appear next to you :D
(loop for a in '(1 2 3) do (print 'rotateq))
better use REPEAT :)
I often get more wrong in one day than others do in a week.
as Knuth has it in his hallway: "The road to wisdom? Well, it's plain and simple to express: Err and err and err again but less and less and less."
Nice :)
My favourite is "Programs are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers to execute.", but I'm not sure if that is Donald Knuth or Abelson & Sussman in SICP. That's my motto for 2022 Lisp Programming :)
so when you have such fixed size iteration, with REPEAT you don't have an unnecessary variable binding (just in the backstage of course with a gensym)
that's to Don Knuth
it's due to his idea of literate programming
did you read that paper where someone critiqued the method and characterized the result as "a faberge egg of programming" (or very similar words)?
no, but then (as many other times with other things) people just show they don't get it imo
it wasn't mean-spirited, and in that particular instance I found it quite well reasoned
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it's not always an appropriate method of course, like other paradigms
Link? I read comments about it but not the actual response
and the actual quote is "He has fashioned a sort of industrial-strength Faberge egg [...]", on Page 481 (11), right column last paragraph before the new heading
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seems more to be about the WEB system itself :)
Suprised Knuth didn't adopt Lisp as its the One True Language to Rule them All
As if recursive function equations were a difficult topic for a mathematician like Knuth…
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yes but maybe he got influenced before in other ways, or all the nights at the IBM 650
pjb: Oh, that's interesting. Yeah it should be pretty straight forward one would think for a mathematician / leading computer scientist
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Perhaps the performance aspect got to some of them in the early 70s and it was too "high level"
C is for me too high level. :)
Maybe Stallman understands it but likes using C more as it seems.
He's pretty smart
Many smart people out there.
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And even more who just think they are. :)
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rotateq: Richard Stallman decided to use Unix and C as models for GNU in order to make it widespread. He wrote something like "Unix and C are not great, but they are not too bad". Had he chosen Genera and Lisp instead, we would likely not have had much free software today.
Yes and that was a good decision then.
rotateq: If I were in his situation, I would have made the wrong choice. I admire him for doing the sub-optimal technical choice but the optimal political choice.
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So other people have the basis to do better in the future.
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As we have two Dylan, in early "Lisp syntax Dylan", + is a method(can not add other methods), and in late "Algol syntax Dylan", + is a generic function. "why most functions defined in CL weren't defined as generic functions?", as Moon said at 88:"There does not appear to be any current practice at all, let alone a concensus ... X3J13's business, is to stabilize the Lisp of the 1980s so people can use it."
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phoe: *higgs*
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Can (Mc)CLIM be themed? I like the way CLIM looks but some of my users might not. Which is why I want to give them an option to switch to a different theme.
jpl01: Try #clim for such questions.
Ok, I will beach.
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say i wanted to make an alist of symbols and functions but i didn't want to type out the dot and the (lambda for every element, would it be a valid use of eval to pass elements of the form (symbol arguments-and-body) to something doing (cons symbol (eval `(lambda ,@arguments-and-body)))? hope that's not too vague. (i read somewhere that eval was evil and never needed)
what do you wish to type as your input form?
in terms of symbols/functions
eval is sometimes needed, but not for that. you could define a macro, maybe.
or probably just a mapcar
rule of thumb while doing Lisp code: you don't need eval
...unless you do, but that's pretty damn rare
(defmacro my-alist (&rest entries) `(list ,@(loop for (symbol args-and-body) in entries collect `(cons ',symbol (lambda ,@args-and-body))))
oh wait, I get it
for stuff like this, I tend to use a macrolet
actually make it (symbol . args-and-body)
since it probably doesn't need to be a globally-visible macro
then (macroexpand-1 '(my-alist (foo (x) x) (bar (y) (values y y)))) => (LIST (CONS 'FOO (LAMBDA (X) X)) (CONS 'BAR (LAMBDA (Y) (VALUES Y Y))))
if your problem is "i don't want to type this repeatedly", the answer is quite possibly a macro
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utis: in general, if you want to use EVAL not at run-time, you can actually define a macro instead.
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utis: and the answer to "i don't want to type this repeatedly" can also be a reader-macro, not always a normal macro.
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Can an instance of a class in CL be encoded in xml based on xml-rpc?
that depends way more on the values the instance holds, and how, than the fact that they're in an object
you can also use the MOP to go over each slot and serialise it that way instead of writing methods for every class, but then you have the problem of serialising slots you don't want to have serialised
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you would also have to write a method for every class of slot definition you use, but that would usually just be the standard slot definition
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I now have cl-tar able to create archives while preserving a lot of metadata and links (both hard and sym). On both Windows and non-Windows platforms! 🎉
Now to clean it up a bit and open a PR for osicat...
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can anyone think of why I shouldn't shadow cl:defpackage with uiop:defpackage?
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you mean uiop:define-package?
jmercouris: you may want your code to use a 100% conforming defpackage macro.
So, relying on a specific implementation even if it comes from a library such as uiop, may restrict your portability.
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jmercouris: otherwise, no problem. The question is rather, should you write defpackage or cl:defpackage in your source files?
jmercouris: or perhaps: (in-package :cl-user) (defpackage …) or (cl:in-package :cl-user) (defpackage …) ?
jmercouris: there are semantic differences. Sometimes, you'd want to qualify in-package and defpackage, because if you reload the file in a package that doesn't use CL, it wouldn't work.
jmercouris: but in the end, I think that it's better to deal with such problems manually, and use non-qualified symbols. Since this allows you to import uiop:defpackage instead of cl:defpackage.
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