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<rotateq> heyho :)
<rotateq> I hope beach_ is alright now Paris.
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<rotateq> s/now Paris/now in Paris
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<Josh_2> I wouldn't be alright in Paris
<rotateq> phew
<rotateq> he wrote around 8h ago in #sicl as 'spiaggia' "greetings from train to paris"
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<rotateq> i've never been to paris yet
<rotateq> better visit nice people in bordeaux first ^^
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<Catie> Hey, does anyone know if there's a way to get SLY/SLIME to insert a tilde when it auto-fills in the middle of a format control string? Or does everyone just manually insert their tildes?
<White_Flame> My shortcut for inserting a single tilde is the tilde key (?)
<White_Flame> what sort of autofill do you mean?
<Catie> Oh, Emacs' auto-fill. Like when it inserts a line break right in the middle of a constant string you're writing to wrap before a certain number of characters
<White_Flame> sorry, no clue. my emacs/slime just left-justifies if I hit enter in th emiddle of the newline instead of indenting
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<White_Flame> *middle of a string
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<Catie> Oh me too, but in the case I'm describing I didn't hit enter
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<Catie> So I've got this format control string, and it's really long. As I'm typing it in, I hit the 80 character mark, and Emacs gives me a newline. So now I've got this newline embedded in my format control string, which I do not want. To keep it from being a part of the finished string, I have to go back to where Emacs auto-filled my line and type a tilde myself. I'm wondering if that's how it is for everyone, or if ther
<Catie> e's some sort of SLIME setting I'm missing to get what I'm deciding to call auto-tilde
<White_Flame> I websearched for what auto fill mode is, and I've never had it. it's not on by default, is it?
<White_Flame> and yeah, it sounds like it would mess up such string literals
<Catie> I don't think so, but I use it all the time. I guess I also assumed most people used auto-fill-mode
<mfiano> I can't stand auto-fill mode for programming major modes
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<White_Flame> (I'm no emacs power user, just wanted to understand the question :) )
<Catie> White_Flame: Oh yeah, absolutely! I can see how that whole thing was completely nonsensical if you don't use auto-fill-mode
<edgar-rft> it's time to use the emacs power :-)
<Catie> mfiano: Well shucks. Guess I shouldn't have assumed it was more common
<White_Flame> edgar-rft: it's time to get past sequential streams of monospaced characters :-P
<mfiano> Emacs! Vim! VSCode! Atom! With our powers combined...they are all subsumed by the former.
* mfiano really feels old now, on top of lame.
<moon-child> eight megabytes and constantly swapping
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<moon-child> White_Flame: emacs is just sequential streams of monospaced characters with a cherry on top though
<White_Flame> I know
<White_Flame> I use emacs not because I think it's great, but because it happens to be the best supported CL environment
<Catie> That's not true! It's also got the most convoluted representation of a font you can possibly imagine
<White_Flame> *CL dev environment
<moon-child> fructure-cl when
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<ns12> Hello, is Hunchentoot supported on FreeBSD? Hunchentoot happens to work on FreeBSD, but is that just luck or is there an effort made to support it on FreeBSD?
<EdLangley[m]> ns12: what do you mean by "supported"
<ns12> EdLangley[m]: The developers making a commitment of making sure that new releases don't break the functionality of Hunchentoot on FreeBSD.
<EdLangley[m]> That sort of arrangement is relatively uncommon for any lisp library on any platform
<Bike> does hunchentoot interact directly with the operating system, even?
<EdLangley[m]> It probably uses usocket?
<Bike> from a glance it uses cl-fad and usocket and stuff
<Catie> That it runs on FreeBSD is pretty good evidence that it doesn't
<Bike> that's where the bsd compatibility would be at issue
<ns12> If not mistaken, Hunchentoot can also run on Microsoft Windows. But I don't know if that's just luck, or if the developers actually tested Hunchentoot on Windows to make sure that it would work on Windows.
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<ns12> doesn't list the supported operating systems.
<EdLangley[m]> It's not a commercial product
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<EdLangley[m]> There's no "support contract"
<EdLangley[m]> But, the underlying compatibility layers work on just about every system sbcl runs on
<Bike> again, i think the supported operating systems would be an issue about the libraries hunchentoot uses, rather than hunchentoot itself
<Catie> "All lisps which are supported by the compatibility layers usocket and Bordeaux Threads", is an implicit statement that it also supports the operating systems those compatibility layers support
<moon-child> (or, perhaps more to the point, that it does not use any nonportable code aside from those)
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<mfiano> You mean non-standard.
<mfiano> By definition, they are portability libraries.
<White_Flame> which use & abstract non-portable calls :)
<moon-child> depends how you qualify 'portable', I guess
<moon-child> by 'portable', I mean 'portable to any conformant common lisp implementation'
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<ns12> I wonder what operating system the Hunchentoot developers use to run their tests.
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<ns12> hunchentoot results collected by cl-test-grid:
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<ns12> But cl-test-grid only shows test results for Linux.
<remexre> is there any reason why uiop:call-with-temporary-file would be failing to create files (with permission denied) in a directory where touch creates them just fine?
<moon-child> strace?
<remexre> oh, good idea
<ns12> remexre: Are you sure that uiop:call-with-temporary-file is trying to create the file in the directory that you think it is?
<moon-child> ^ was my guess, but strace reveals all
<moon-child> (or dtrace, if you happen to be on a Good Operating System)
<remexre> pretty sure
<remexre> an access() call for the path gets ENOENT, then openat(..., O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0666) gets EPERM
<remexre> er, EACCES
<moon-child> 'The temporary file’s pathname will be [...] within directory (defaulting to the temporary-directory) if the prefix isn’t absolute'
<moon-child> assuming you are not explicitly passing a directory, check what temporary-directory is
<remexre> it's asdf calling it, and (based on the path) it's using the temporary I configured in ASDF_OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS (as expected)
<remexre> yeah, temporary-directory is a directory I also have write access to, but the strace doesn't show anything going on there
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<lisp123> Guess Common Lisp is #1 on Hn again
<lisp123> Not for the best reasons
<EdLangley[m]> :)
<ns12> Common Lisp ASDF maintainer considers resignation
<sveit> on a lighter note, is there some idiomatic way to bind a let-like list? i mean something like (destructuring-bind (name &optional value) EXPR BODY) but which works as well when EXPR is just a symbol? right now I do something like replacing EXPR with (if (listp EXPR) EXPR (list EXPR))
<semz> Alexandria has ensure-list which does the final part
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<lisp123> sveit: You should just write this
<lisp123> You could have a function called SAFE-LIST
<lisp123> Alternatively, what I do sometimes is use Generic Functions in this situation (one for EXPR being a list, one for EXPR being an atom)
<lisp123> I used to simply coerce to list, but I find that is implicit behaviour that can cause problems way down the line. So I tend to restructure my code accordingly so sensible methods can be written for the different possibilities
<EdLangley[m]> ENSURE-LIST from alexandria is what I use here too
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<lisp123> (simply writing two methods, just to achieve the above you have, where the only change is for EXPR IMO is a bad way to do it, so I would look at the overall code and reconfigure to a way that makes more 'natural' sense)
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<spiaggia> Good morning everyone!
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<aeth> sveit, lisp123: What I do in that case is I use TYPECASE (or one of its ETYPECASE/CTYPECASE variants)
<aeth> It's common and simple enough that you could probably turn that into a macro, I guess, but I don't mind having a two-line TYPECASE, where one branch has a DESTRUCTURING-BIND on a list and the other is just directly binding a symbol.
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<Devon> Common-Lisp - Emacs-Lisp compatibility: (eval-when (compile load eval) (unless (fboundp 'string-upcase) (funcall (symbol-function 'defalias) 'string-upcase 'upcase)))
<Devon> Wondering if there's a better way.
<spiaggia> To do what?
<Devon> LOL
<Devon> To allow both CL and EL to load and run the same file without error.
<EdLangley[m]> The languages are pretty different
<Devon> LOL
* spiaggia doesn't see the humor.
<contrapunctus> LOL (...SCNR)
<moon-child> didn't pjb make a cl-elisp-scheme polyglot?
<Devon> They used to be more similar but EL has now deprecated CL compatibility, e.g., loop gets an "obsolete" warning to use cl-loop instead.
<EdLangley[m]> There is an elisp implementation in clocc, iirc
<moon-child> there is also a common lisp implementation written in (and targeting) elisp
<Devon> That's the EL library "cl" which contains, e.g., cl-loop fka loop.
<moon-child> no, not that
<moon-child> a common lisp compiler targeting elisp
<Devon> Nice
<lisp123> Devon: Most serious Emacs packages are written in Elisp with a CL compatibility layer
<contrapunctus> lisp123: _sobs_ yes! Yes!
<EdLangley[m]> Another thing you could do is write all your code using explicit package prefixes like: (cl:remove-if ....)
<lisp123> But in general it makes no sense to load Elisp in CL, because Elisp is mostly used for its API and not the language itself (and then you are entering the topic of porting Emacs into CL)
<EdLangley[m]> Then define corresponding aliases in elisp like (defalias cl:remove-if 'cl-remove-if)
<lisp123> contrapunctus: :D It's like an implicit acceptance that all the features of CL are actually pretty useful
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<contrapunctus> lisp123: When I started writing Common Lisp I was like, 'thank goodness for real namespaces, and thank goodness I never have to write `cl-loop` or `cl-first` again.'
<Devon> Emacs C code looks like hand-compiled lisp, perhaps it could be automatically do-compiled.
<ns12> But Schemers don't seem to be in a hurry to add CL stuff.
<lisp123> ns12: I heard they try to implement CLOS every once in a while
<lisp123> I like Scheme though, it has a lot of different ideas, but now its off topic so I'll get back to work
<EdLangley[m]> EIEIO has some nice stuff
<ns12> lisp123: MIT Scheme has SOS. But I think there is substantial opposition to a standardized object oriented framework.
<Devon> er, do-compiled/de-compiled
<lisp123> ns12: Yeah I heard they like to keep the overall language footprint small. Anyways, time to shut up :)
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<contrapunctus> ns12: CHICKEN has `format`, some CLOS-likes, some `loop` -likes, keyword arguments, ...and Guile has `defmacro`
<EdLangley[m]> &context + the derived-mode specializer is really nice for emacs configuration
<lisp123> contrapunctus: lol indeed (re the packages & name space) (although sometimes I borrow the Emacs style of writing when I don't want to create a new package per se)
<moon-child> I made s7 a 'loop' (+extensions I should probably port back to cl), it has 'format' already, and it has its own prototypical oo
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<moon-child> it also has first-class lexical environments, years before sicl :)
<EdLangley[m]> I just name all my emacs stuff using : and :: to separate the "package" from the "name"
<lisp123> EdLangley[m]: Nicely done
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<lisp123w> Hey, so I was thinking of extending hyperspec.el for some of the other libraries I use
<lisp123w> Is there a common project to do this? Otherwise IMO we should create one
<lisp123w> (of course it assumes documentation is written, but at least for the packages that do have this, it will be useful)
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<contrapunctus> lisp123w: slime-hyperdoc.el ?
<contrapunctus> I couldn't find a hyperspec.el package (there's `clhs` though) or library
<contrapunctus> ...oh, it's in slime/lib/ 🤔️
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<lisp123w> contrapunctus: Yeah, that one. I had a look at hyperdoc but very complicated for something very basic. But thanks, looks like that is what its meant for
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<lisp123w> Reading the documentation of hyperdoc further, looks not too bad. Just need to REGISTER-DOCUMENTATION against it
<lisp123w> Does anyone use it?
<lisp123w> Seems like something every library writer should..
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<contrapunctus> lisp123w: I'd start by 'just' adding Elisp-like docstrings (describing each argument, its possible values, and the return values) for each definition in a library...
<lisp123w> contrapunctus: Indeed, that would be very good
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<lisp123w> Anyone know if there is a slime/sly function to get package of the symbol at point, written in elisp?
<lisp123w> Without having to connect to a lisp image
<spiaggia> I can't see how such a thing would be possible.
<contrapunctus> Strange... `M-x slime-documentation` is neither displaying class `:documentation` nor even a function's docstring 🤔️
<lisp123w> spiaggia: Parse the string for a ":", if not parse the file for the most recent IN-PACKAGE, adjusting for :USE / :IMPORT-FROM / etc.? Anything I'm missing
<lisp123w> I guess if the defpackage was in another file, then it breaks
<spiaggia> You don't know which file the DEFPACKAGE form might be in.
<spiaggia> Exactly.
<spiaggia> And it typically is.
<lisp123w> :( Oh well. Yes you are right
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<contrapunctus> Is it a bad idea to be creating the package at the top of the Lisp file itself? ._.
<moon-child> you would also need to figure out which symbols are in :USEd packages
<moon-child> contrapunctus: supposing you have multiple files in one package?
<spiaggia> contrapunctus: It is a bad idea if several source files should be in the same package.
<spiaggia> contrapunctus: Which is typically the case.
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<contrapunctus> Ah...I've been making a separate package for each file 😶️
<spiaggia> Wow, so if two files are in the same library, client code needs to choose which package according to the file the function or class is in??
<spiaggia> ... or do you write huge files?
<moon-child> (or small libraries?)
<spiaggia> Or that.
<contrapunctus> welp
<phoe> _death: the slime/swank update link seems correct, it removes the use of SB-KERNEL:%SIMPLE-FUN-SELF which was a symbol that was removed
<phoe> re: type specification errors, let me merge that
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<contrapunctus> lisp123w: imagine a Lisp file meant to be created at a project root (similar to system definitions), with a plist or alist having the keys `tutorial`, `how-tos`, `explanation`, and `reference` . Values could be strings, URLs/file paths, etc. Users could issue commands to view these, and tools could display the strings, or launch the URLs/files according to the user's configured applications.
<contrapunctus> (Of course, such tools a probably trivial to make, but the real question is writing the docs 😜️)
<contrapunctus> tools * are
<contrapunctus>, that'd be a useful tool for all kinds of projects, not just Lisp projects 🤔️
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<contrapunctus> A partial example of what such a definition might look like for McCLIM -
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<lisp123> contrapunctus: Thanks! That's some good food for thought
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<flip214> (sort '(t (cons) (cons symbol) atom) #'typep)
<flip214> gives ((CONS SYMBOL) (CONS) ATOM T)
<flip214> ie. SORT via TYPEP can sort types according to specifity
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<rotateq> uii
<rotateq> yeah as they have precedence ^^
<flip214> I think that's great
<rotateq> :)
<rotateq> maybe also such of those hacks
<moon-child> hm, I think I would rather use subtypep
<rotateq> and "oh i didn't thought about it this way yet"
<rotateq> also not bad
<moon-child> something like (and (subtypep x y) (not (subtypep y x)))
<flip214> moon-child: you think there's a notable difference?
<moon-child> I think (typep type1 type2) is just bizarre
<rotateq> hehe
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<moon-child> and it doesn't work
<moon-child> try (sort '(list (or t)) #'typep)
<flip214> hmmm, if I had some more specific things like (cons 'foo), subtype doesn't order correctly and typep breaks - because that's not a real type
<phoe> flip214: did you mean SUBTYPEP?
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<phoe> I kinda wonder why it doesn't order correctly though
<moon-child> why would it?
<phoe> ...but then again, what is the correct order of sorting '(fixnum string)
<phoe> right
<moon-child> (typep x y) doesn't imply anything about (typep y x)
<flip214> phoe: yeah
<moon-child> nor does (and (typep x y) (typep y z)) guarantee anything about (typep x z)
<flip214> phoe: order of completely distinct types doesn't matter for me...
<moon-child> s/guarantee/imply/
<flip214> but I need the order of (cons 'foo) (cons symbol) to be correct
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<phoe> this sounds like some sort of weird TYPE-SPECIFIER< predicate
<phoe> why do you need it?
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<flip214> to sort type specifiers
<flip214> to find out what the most specific type for a given value is
<flip214> *most specific matching type
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<phoe> hmmm, is (and integer (satisfies foo)) or (and integer (satisfies bar)) or integer the most specific?
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<phoe> even the pprint dispatch table, AFAIK, simply does TYPEP on all type specifiers and then chooses the type with highest priority
<phoe> and I know it deals with types
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<phoe> maybe can help a little bit
<flip214> I don't need no satisfies.... just want to determine which function to run for special cases of lisp forms - so I want to distinguish (IF ...) from 2 and from a general function call, that sort of thing
<flip214> yeah, I'd like to avoid having to manually specify a priority
<phoe> the thing is that types only answer the yes/no question - I have no idea if there exists an algorithm for checking which type specifier is "more specific" than the other
<flip214> well, for (T atom (cons) (cons symbol) (cons 'foo)) (and that's all I need right now, I believe) there's a sort order that's unique enough
<phoe> hmm
<phoe> so, first, remove all types that the value is not TYPEP of
<phoe> then, if type A is SUBTYPEP of type B and type B is *NOT* a subtypep of type A,, remove the "larger" type
<phoe> iterate until you have only type or until SUBTYPEP is not capable of answering anymore
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<flip214> I'd hoped to get a stable list which I'd just go through until some element matches
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<pjb> flip214: typep is not an order predicate. it's not asymetric! (loop with ss = '((CONS SYMBOL) (CONS) ATOM T) for a in ss collect (loop for b in ss collect (typep a b))) #| --> ((t t nil t) (t t nil t) (nil nil t t) (nil nil t t)) |#
<pjb> flip214: therefore sorting with it will give you random results.
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<phoe> the issue with TYPEP is that you're effectively checking if a piece of Lisp data (a type specifier) is of a given type - so e.g. CONS is going to be of type SYMBOL and not of type (CONS SYMBOL) - whereas (CONS), a type specier that's 100% TYPE= to CONS, will give you inverse results
<phoe> so the results are effectively accidental and the real danger is that the results of that accident look useful
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<phoe> flip214: CL-USER> (most-specific-type-specifiers 42 '(t cons real number integer (integer 0 42) (integer 42 43) (eql 42) (integer 42 42) rational))
<phoe> ((EQL 42) (INTEGER 42 42))
<phoe> oops
<phoe> optionally improve it to remove type specifiers which are TYPE= to one another to reduce noise
<phoe> because (EQL 42) and (INTEGER 42 42) are TYPE=
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<_death> phoe: well, %simple-fun-self is not %simple-fun-next.. the latter was removed in 2021 whereas the former was removed in 2017
<phoe> _death: !
<phoe> OK, that needs to be fixed, thank you
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<phoe> do you have a commit related to the latter?
<phoe> I swear that I mixed the two up
<_death> I didn't try to find it
<phoe> OK, let me have a look then
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<rotateq> hi spiaggia :) hope you're alright over there
<spiaggia> On the train to go back home.
<rotateq> okay, i was also on the hop and read your greeting lately
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<phoe> _death: fixed, thank you
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<edgar-rft> beach travels faster than irc :-)
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<_death> phoe: cool.. now we can see that slime was updated in may 2020 and the symbol was removed in feb 2021, at least according to the dates of the commits..
<_death> phoe: do you know if the asdf patches to quicklisp libraries happened before or after the warning was instituted?
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<phoe> _death: I mixed up two situations
<phoe> one was related to %simple-fun-self and the other to %simple-fun-next
<phoe> that's the reason for this hole
<_death> phoe: yeah, I'm not talking about that
<phoe> and I'm not able to chase and fix it at the moment, apologies
<phoe> _death: regarding the warnings - I do not know that
<phoe> there was a similar situation for both of these symbols
<phoe> and if either of them are missing, it's capable of breaking slime
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<_death> phoe: but it's another facet of the issue, what comes first.. the breakage or the foresight
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<Josh_2> Afternoon
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<Josh_2> Slow day huh
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<Josh_2> I have been having fun with MOP
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<_death> CLeaning the house?
<Josh_2> Yes I defined by house a metaclass, makes cleaning pretty easy
<_death> what does your metaclass do?
<Josh_2> My actual metaclass (not my house) extracts all the slots required for various combinations of processors and allows me to compile various execution paths at compile time rather than choosing them at runtime
<Josh_2> seems to be working quite well
<_death> I assume you mean "processors" in the "takes input, gives output" sense rather than the hardware sense?
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<jeosol> Good morning all!
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<phoe> morning
<jeosol> Recently seem some articles and become aware of some ASDF (update, backwards compatibility, ...) issues within our great community of lispers. Here's me saying hopefully, we can put the issues behind and reach some decision agreeable for everyone.
<jeosol> hi phoe: long time. read your article in the above thread
<jeosol> phoe: wedding is all done now?
<phoe> jeosol: yes, thank you
<jeosol> phoe: congratulations!!! my man
<Bike> oh, congratulations.
<phoe> I wasn't particularly vocal about it around around here
<jeosol> You are in poland if I recall. Hope this Russian-Ukraine not affecting our Euro bros - don't mean to bring politics but looking out for our bros and girls across the pond. Hopefully it's  just sabre rattling
<phoe> nonetheless, thanks!
<phoe> jeosol: we should continue this in #lispcafe
<phoe> an interesting topic but not for #commonlisp
<jeosol> ok doki phoe:
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<didi> phoe: Ah, so it's not just me that miss SBCL's warning on missing generic function declarations. Also, interesting stuff about the warning when safety is off. This shows the power of compromise, I guess.
<lisp123> didi: Whats the benefit (apart from a bit of code clarity) on missing generic function declarations, and was it a warning or a style warning?
<Josh_2> _death: yep
<jeosol> What is the go to library if I am looking at using queues to manage job tasks.  I am trying to essentially, enqueue messages (strings) and the dequeue them say N messages at a time (if up to N) and then run the tasks encoded in those strings in parallel using N threads.
<Josh_2> lparallel has queues
<jeosol> cl-rabbitmq (and rabbitmq) but that seems like a lot of moving parts to manage
<didi> lisp123: I don't remember the specifics, but it helped me organize my programs as I like to declare generic functions on the top of the file.
<rotateq> there's damn-fast-priority-queues by phoe :P
<jeosol> josh_2: while I am aware of lparallel, I haven't used it's queue, so will check it out. Thx
<Josh_2> didi: I have seen beach do the same, personally I put defgenerics before the first use
<jeosol> rotateq: really?
<rotateq> yes really
<lisp123> didi: Fair enough
<rotateq> hm maybe sbcl comes with its own queues in some package
<phoe> lisp123: (defmethod validate-superclass (...) t)
<phoe> and then your metaclasses still don't want to mesh together
<phoe> and only after a while you realize that this DEFMETHOD implicitly created a generic function #'CL-USER:VALIDATE-SUPERCLASS instead of adding a method on SB-MOP:VALIDATE-SUPERCLASS
<lisp123> phoe: Thanks for the useful example
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<rotateq> validate-superlisp123 :)
<phoe> jeosol: you can try using my DFPQ with a counter to emulate a FIFO but I have no idea if it's going to work well, especially in a multithreaded environment - lparallel queue should work better and be thread-safe above all
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<didi> Josh_2: Interesting. I sometimes define the methods inside the generic function declaration.
<phoe> that works too, but you can't define everything at DEFGENERIC site if you want users to extend your method
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<jeosol> phoe: well, for now, I am now trying to get a place to part the jobs and persistent of course (hence looking at rabbitmq). If everything works well, I dequeue the strings myself, and have another routine that can run then in parallel, with N specified as a variable
<phoe> oh! DFPQ isn't persistent
<jeosol> phoe: ok
<phoe> you could either try that or emulate a queue in postgres via its notification features, e.g.
<phoe> no idea if there's anything in-Lisp for doing this though that can recover from power losses and such
<jeosol> I am getting the cl-rabbit to work with rabbitmq but has more dependencies I may not like
<jeosol> cl-bunny (i guess was in common lisp) has many examples following the main rabbitmq tutorial, and I check one of the simple example and it works.
<jeosol> phoe: thanks for that link. I use postgresql already, I guess write to db, after processing, if successful, remove message from db
<jeosol> that could be approach
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<phoe> oh, then you can use it for queueing too - it's a relatively recent public discovery that one can use postgres for job queueing, and a somewhat amusing one at that
<didi> Speaking of extending methods, I struggle between defining a top class or not. The issue rises when I want to define a default method for all subclasses. If I define a top class, I need to define a subclass of this top class if I want to use the default method. If I don't define a top class, hence define a default method without class specialization, I can just duck type.
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<jeosol> phoe: reading the link, it's seems the option is more manageable appears to allow selecting N jobs without conflicts from other connections
<phoe> didi: default method? what do you mean
<phoe> if you define a class that isn't meant to be instantiated directly but inherited from, then you can nonetheless define a method specialized on that class
<didi> (defmethod default (object) ...) vs. (defmethod default ((object top-class)) ...)
<phoe> yes, both approaches work
<didi> Indeed.
<phoe> depends on whether you want your method to *only* work on TOP-CLASS instances, direct or indirect
<phoe> or whether you want to define behavior for absolutely everything
<didi> So the top-class ends up being useless for my purpose.
<phoe> not really
<phoe> you can still e.g. TYPEP objects to see if they are instances of TOP-CLASS
<phoe> and that sometimes comes in handy
<phoe> also TOP-CLASS can have slots; no idea if that's useful in your particular case, I'm speaking generally here
<didi> phoe: Indeed.
<marcoxa> Hi there...
<didi> The slots argument is compelling. If I need to maintain some value myself, this is the way.
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<phoe> hey marcoxa
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<foxfromabyss> Hi! I have a question:
<foxfromabyss> This ^ fails to expand the macro, but I can't seem to figure out why
<foxfromabyss> is it not allowed to have multiple if/when/unless blocks?
<Bike> foxfromabyss: what error are you seeing? something about clause ordering, perhaps?
<Bike> "iteration in LOOP follows body code"?
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<foxfromabyss> exactly
<phoe> FOR must happen before WHEN
<phoe> the above is non-conforming, sadly
<foxfromabyss> I see, thanks
<Bike> WHEN is a body clause. you have to put it after all the iteration variable specifications.
<foxfromabyss> i am guessing this is part of the spec?
<phoe> yes
<phoe> LOOP variable binding clauses must happen before LOOP body clauses
<phoe> mixing the two is non-conforming; some LOOP implementations permit this, but it's not generally accepted or widespread
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<foxfromabyss> this is non-trivial :D thanks!
<foxfromabyss> (i was assuming i can only have one if/when, but that made no sense)
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<Bike> what about the error message made you think it was telling you could only have one WHEN clause?
<foxfromabyss> literally nothing.
<foxfromabyss> i didn't expect the macroexpansion to have any meaningful errors tbh, and jumped the first idea that came to my mind
<phoe> in Lisp, macroexpanders are just functions
<phoe> and they can signal errors of their own
<phoe> and they will do that at times!
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<phoe> whenever they do, study their wisdom carefully
<phoe> they might tell you what you need to fix
<foxfromabyss> I will try my best!
<foxfromabyss> But did the pasted error hint at the `for` clause being in the wrong place?
<foxfromabyss> (just asking, still not sure how to read the error that i got)
<phoe> "iteration in LOOP follows body code"
<phoe> iteration, so "for x = (random 10)", follows body code - in this case, "when (> counter 3) do (print 5)"
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<phoe> your loop is like (loop body-code-1 iteration-1 body-code-2)
<Bike> you could conceive of it as the for clause being too late, or as the when clause being too early.
<foxfromabyss> i see i see, that makes sense, thanks for the detailed explanation!
<phoe> no problem, thank you for flying #commonlisp
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<rotateq> jeosol: okay i looked, sbcl also has a queues package
<foxfromabyss> i have.. another loop question
<foxfromabyss> the previous attempt was me trying to reduce the error search space, but here's the full source block
<foxfromabyss> I would assume that `found where keyword expected getting LOOP clause after IF` is referring to `for` assignment because of `where`, but i can't spot the issue
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<phoe> IF (loop ...) DO (...)
<phoe> you are missing the DO
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<phoe> same stuff after ELSE
<foxfromabyss>  >_<
<phoe> in LOOP, the DO is required
<phoe> and I often end up forgetting that myself xD
<foxfromabyss> the cookbok only shows examples with keywords
<Bike> the error message is saying it expected a loop keyword like DO after the if conditional.
<phoe> it's just too easy to forget about it
<foxfromabyss> where do i complain so  that the cookbook gets better?
<phoe> foxfromabyss: one second
<foxfromabyss> (i am referring to conditionals)
<phoe> it's a highly maintained repository, complaints should be welcome
<foxfromabyss> I see, thanks :) I hope it's a valid thing to suggest
<foxfromabyss> thanks a lot for the help again!
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<foxfromabyss> Is it possible to seed the default random generator?
<Bike> clhs make-random-state
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<Bike> if you pass t, you can seed it. you can't specify the seed, though.
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<Bike> shinmera has implemented a bunch of PRNGs you can use if you do need to provide a seed.
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<Shinmera> I should revive that project. Got a bunch of hash-based RNGs I'd like to implement
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<sveit> does anyone know of an example of the :interactive keyword parameter for restart-case that's relatively user friendly (prompting for multiple arguments, works with SLY/SLIME)
<jmercouris> I don't understand why UIOP:run-program is failing for my use case:
<jmercouris> if I run the exact same thing in a terminal "kill -9 76012" it will work!
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<phoe> (uiop:launch-program '("kill" "-9" "1542142")) works on my machine
<phoe> try to check the process output stream for errors maybe?
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<jmercouris> phoe: OK
<jmercouris> I will try that
<jmercouris> error output result is nil
<jmercouris> hm
<foxfromabyss> thanks !
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<jmercouris> phoe: so again, "Kill -9 77011" works in a terminal
<jmercouris> but (uiop:run-program (list "kill" "9" "77011")) doesn't
<phoe> are you sure the PID is still valid?
<jmercouris> Yes
<jmercouris> I tested first Lisp and THEN the terminal
<etimmons> Shouldn't it be "-9"
<phoe> s/9/-9/?
<phoe> you are trying to kill a process with PID 9 with that command, which fails
<jmercouris> it should be -9 yes
<jmercouris> I thought UIOP run program somehow magically knew this
<phoe> how can it know this
<jmercouris> I don't know, it seems to know this
<jmercouris> I frequently don't put dashes
<phoe> it's not uiop, it's the underlying shell commands
<jmercouris> well, putting the dash in helped
<jmercouris> thanks phoe
<phoe> run-program does no magic of its own
<jmercouris> so apparently we frequently do not need dashes in commands, but sometimes we do?
<jmercouris> I don't understand
<jmercouris> well, just the unix things
<phoe> ask your favorite unix program why it does this
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<jmercouris> I will not ask
<jmercouris> that path only leads to insanity
<jmercouris> I just resolutely accept
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<pjb> jmercouris: options are prefixed by a dash, arguments are not.
<_death> jmercouris: each program is free to handle the arguments passed to it as it wishes
<pjb> jmercouris: rm -f ./-f # to forcibly (option -f) remove the file -f (argument).
<jackdaniel> options are keywords of sorts
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<jackdaniel> s/keywords/keyword arguments/
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<opcode> I have a package I wrote that I'm loading via quicklisp, but the top level defparameter'd variables aren't being set after load. Do I need to encase those in a (when eval load)?
<Bike> no, (eval-when (eval load) ...) is essentially the default. what does your code look like?
<opcode> At the top level it's just (defparameter *whatever* :foo)
<opcode> And I export that in my defpackage declaration
<opcode> But when I import that into a new file, sly complains that the variable isn't set
<phoe> import what into a new file
<opcode> One sec switching from phone to laptop
<phoe> importing isn't a concept defined for files, importing is something you do to symbols
<foxfromabyss> I am looking for a small webserver in CL. I need to parse 1 format of query string on one URL path
<foxfromabyss> Is Hunchentoot still the go-to? Or is it overkill?
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<White_Flame> hunchentoot is solid
<opcode> phoe: for example i'm doing (ql:quickload "mypackage")
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<opcode> where mypackage is in the local-projects repository
<opcode> but if I try to access at the REPL e.g. mypackage:*some-global*
<opcode> it complains the variable is unbound
<semz_> Hunchentoot makes it pretty easy to ignore the parts you don't need
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<phoe> opcode: where is mypackage:*some-global* defined?
<foxfromabyss> i see, thanks!
<opcode> in the top level of mypackage.lisp
<phoe> do you have (in-package "mypackage") before you define that variable?
<opcode> yep
<phoe> weird, can you post your code online somewhere?
<phoe> for instance
<opcode> yeah i can do that, just gotta clean it up because it has API keys in it
<opcode> glad to know it *should* work
<opcode> i felt like i was taking crazy pills
<opcode> one sec
<phoe> oh wait
<phoe> you have "mypackage", right? that's lowercase
<opcode> yes i do everything in lisp lowercase
<phoe> so you should need to access your symbol like |mypackage|:*some-global*
<opcode> wait what
<phoe> the Lisp reader upcases symbol names by default
<phoe> ever wondered why, when you type 'car in the REPL, the system replies by printing CAR in uppercase?
<phoe> package names follow the same rule
<opcode> I just assumed it was a historical artifact like FORTRAN vs Fortran
<phoe> (defpackage #:package ...) results in a package named "PACKAGE"
<phoe> (defpackage "package" ...) results in a package named "package"
<phoe> Lisp is actually case sensitive, and you discovered one of the places where it matters
<opcode> oh for pete's peppers
<phoe> and where it's worth to use gensyms for package names
<phoe> so, (defpackage #:package ...) and (in-package #:package)
<phoe> and you should be golden
<opcode> is that what "#:foo" is? a gensym? I've never know what those are called
<opcode> hard to google
<sm2n> that's an uninterned symbol
<opcode> k
<Xach> "apparently uninterned"
<phoe> homeless
<opcode> k
<opcode> like, uh, a symbol literal
<Xach> aye
<phoe> well, not really
<phoe> it is a symbol literal all right, but a special one
<phoe> it has no home package
<opcode> ok
<opcode> gotta pick up my 4 year old from preschool but I bet that'll fix it, thanks
<etimmons> It's worth noting that if the package name is the issue, the error shouldn't be that the variable is unbound, it should complain about being unable to find the package
<etimmons> Unless you also happened to define the package with the correct case earlier
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<marcoxa> Hi everybody...
<phoe> hey hi
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<marcoxa> after a long time I found some thime to work on CDR, so there are some news about it (which also include phoe :) ). You can see an announcement on my blog ( where you can find the link for the new web site.
<marcoxa> Enjoy...
<phoe> marcoxa: is your blog linked to Planet Lisp?
<marcoxa> Yes. But I post little. My day job gets in the way (luckily that includes inflicting Common Lisp to students).
<phoe> OK - thanks!
<marcoxa> Bye now... Time to sleep :)
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<yottabyte> So what do people do with large apps with lots of functions, methods, etc., when they want to make changes? I've only worked on small lisp programs. Are there like static code analyzers people set up or some way to document the code? I know Clojure has spec but I've never actually used it
<yottabyte> Or maybe they just have a test suite which will fail if methods/functions/arguments are changed, etc.?
<pjb> yottabyte: to be sustainable, large applications need to be structured modularly, so you can change or add those small functions without having any major impact on the rest.
<pve> yottabyte: you could try to structure the large app so that it looks like many small lisp programs working together
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<pjb> yottabyte: for example, an important point is the DRY principle. Don't Repeat Yourself. Ie. don't copy-and-paste code, but instead factorize things out so that you write a thing only in one place. Then when you want to make a change, you need to change only this one place.
<yottabyte> And what do people do, use asdf to bundle everything together?
<pjb> of course.
<yottabyte> Gotcha
<White_Flame> yottabyte: one thing to do is make sure to restart your image often
<pjb> yottabyte: for an example of application:
<White_Flame> because just because you have it running doesn't mean it'll load in the same way as what you've ben devving
<pjb> yottabyte: You may get and run get-and-compile on a macOS with ccl.
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<yottabyte> I need ccl to compile?
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<pjb> yottabyte: yes.
<pjb> yottabyte: it uses Cocoa.
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<yottabyte> I see
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<lispy> (format t "Hello World!")
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