sm2n: You have a choice between websocket-driver, websocket-driver, and websocket-driver. Sorry.
sm2n: I fiddled with a lot, and none are truly feature complete
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websocket-driver and portal are recommended by awesome-cl; there are others such as fast-websocket, trivial-ws, etc.
fast-websocket is the websocket packet parser used for websocket-driver, and trivial-ws wraps websocket-driver and Hunchensocket.
portal is new, but AIUI you'd have to have another server for normal HTTP stuff? Had my hopes up for a moment.
*new to me
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hayley: right.
I see...
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Ayo Lispers, need some help
Hello Guest36.
Hello (Mr/Mrs) Beach
hi Guest36
Guest36: What appears to be the problem?
see guest74, now we have this situation
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So I want to figure something out. Class C inherits from Class A and B. Class A1 is "effectively" class A but with a particular value for one of its slots. I created A1 to allow me to specialise some methods
do you have code to bring on a pasteboard?
Damn I'm confused
rotateq: So far, even I can follow it. :)
Ignore me. Let me think some more :-/
oh hm
I basically want a method on class C, but specialising based on the values within its slots
beach: oh what did i say? and no, you're the absolut expert here :)
the slots it inherits from class A
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rotateq: I am notorious for not understanding what people try to tell us.
Guest36: You can't use the value in a slot as a specializer.
Guest36: You can use a class or a particular value (with EQL).
Yes, I got to that. So I decided to "create" class A1 so that I could create methods that specialise on A1
But the problem is C inherits froM A and not A1
beach: I noticed you from the first lines on to be very precise and clear with much experience, even that I didn't know then who you really are. :)
I got to figure this out...
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Perhaps I gotta create C1 which inherits from A1 and B vs. A and B
hmmm that might work
in such situations a drawn diagram would help me visualize ^^
hi contrapunctus
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hello, rotateq
I should do that...ignore me until then
back to the drawing board
(or the keyboard...SCNR)
oh whiteboards are still great
sorry gotta go, my gf is waiting! ill be back!
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I'm trying to set up EQL5-Android. I followed the README-PREPARE.md, but when I run `./1-make-ecl-host.sh`, I get this - http://ix.io/3J1K .
or TikZ :D in the gallery iirc there's an example for a class diagram but maybe too limited and I'm still bad at TikZ
I have gcc-11 installed^U wait, I didn't have clang? wat
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...but even after installing clang-13 I still get the above x-P
phew clang
how about tcc? :D
hm or you ask in #ecl
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ah okay, thanks ^^
I commented out the stupid systemd stuff from the script and now it works
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Sorry, wrong channel
some days ago i needed something, had no laptop with me and the app CL-REPL saved me :)
engblom: no problem, good to read you
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Guest74: filtered-functions based on closer mop may get you half the way there
jackdaniel: they're gone :)
it's when people insist on getting a non-generic nickname after some time
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isn't guest36 and guest74 the same person?
I see
jackdaniel: but this filtered-functions sounds interesting
there's 38 guests difference
btw it is funny that his generic function is waiting! :)
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(because, you know, usually it is the other way around,)
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edgar-rft: so what is your theory on that number? mysterious
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relativity theory :-)
So CLOS is the most powerful OO system in the galaxy, I wonder what they do in other galaxies.
rotateq: have you tried FFi to contact aliens?
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sure, but maybe my mind is still not ripe enough that they take me and teach me everything they know
until that time comes up, I'm good to learn CL completely, will take many years more. the details ...
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rotateq: RE: /CLOS and what they have in other galaxies/. So I have recently learned about garnet, and it has prototype OO called KR. Prototype OO is argued by some to be more flexible than class-based OO. The basic premise is that instead of classes you simply clone objects -- while setting slot values, adding/(removing?) slots, the whole inheritence deal etc. The inflection point is: you don't have to specify types of the new object
(particularly in garnet, you have to set :is-a slot, every object is of type "schema"; I don't know how if other such systems do it better). So, this seems to be more dynamic. But then, again, I wonder how well it bodes for performance (e.g. you can't do gradual typing on these in particular, but, in principle, you could probably find a way to do it).
Even though not all of these points are relevant against something like CLOS (e.g. changing behaviour at runtime is supported pretty damn well in CLOS, and I bet it's more robust with change-class), it does make you wonder. Maybe even some sort of a system where you can go from one to another (ie gradual) could be the next most alien(ating) thing on the line.
VincentV`: oh cool and yes, much to discover and combine powerful ideas
\nick VincentVega
rotateq: yeah
the other way around :)
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rotateq: always trips me
I see or learned CLOS till now as a metaobject system which can be forged to others. (the ones with this class-centered thing they call OO)
VincentVega: one does not simply ...
rotateq: sure
rotateq: : )
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Hi, what is the predominant way to connect common lisp to mysql or mariadb?
seems to be missing qmynd (I've no experience with it)
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gendl: instantly i think about clsql, but for mariadb I'm not sure. or one writes an add on
or what about nosql
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When it comes to nosql databases, I think berkeleydb would be a really good option if the CL library would just be worked on a bit. What I like with berkeleydb is how everything is pairs (a bit like a alist) and both the key and the value can be of any native type in any programming language.
You never have to translate between different types.
at CERN they also use couchdb
there's a CL tool pgloader or so for SQL databases, to bring them to postgresql with one click
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and pgloader welcomes contributors! ;-)
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Happy solstice everyone!
rotateq: my nick will always start with guest74. Just like everybody elses nick will always start with their nick with some random character(s) after.
unadorned nouns or bust
seriously though the "Guest" thing is kind of confusing.
maybe I'll get a proper noun for my birthday.
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*IRC hates him!* With this one simple trick...
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stylewarning: I tried reading https://coalton-lang.github.io/20211212-typeclasses/ but unfortunately it was too advanced for me, but I am just curious where CLOS fall shorts as a type system? I saw some mention of "generic values"
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the perhaps silly way that i think about it is that generic functions can't specialize on their return type.
Bike: I see, that kinda makes sense
the bit on this post in map sums it up: "Common Lisp does not allow map to deduce its return type based off the surrounding context", and indeed that's kind of a nonsensical proposition with the semantics of the language
whereas in haskell or coalton or whatever that's no problem
But wouldn't the return type be contingent upon the inputs to a function so one should just create distinct generic functions, depending on the input?
for map the return type is not continent on the inputs to the function (other than the specifier input). you can map a list to a vector, a list to a list, whatever.
ok that's starting to make a bit of sense
in the example in this blog post, you could also consider how "identity" would work as a generic function
...it wouldn't, since it doesn't actually have any arguments. the only thing to "dispatch on" is the context
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I need to read that bit again, I didn't quite get it. What does "context" mean in this sense?
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The bit about specialising on return type, would that be more useful when coercing from one type to another? I saw mention something of that in the post, so that kinda makes sense to me
that's also in the post, yes
Consider the lisp form (+). that is defined to be an integer 0. If you write (+ 3.7 (+)), what that means (prior to optimization) is that you call +, that returns integer 0, that's coerced to a single float, and then added to the float 3.7
+ is "not aware" of its context in a floating point computation
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In a language like coalton, you could have (+) return a different zero depending on its inferred return type
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I see, that's pretty cool!
Bike: Thanks for the explanations, now it makes sense
No problem
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Seems like if you were actually trying to implement an algebra with generic functions you could just accomplish this by specializing on a "group" or "field" instance.
That would basically be the same thing.
sure, people do that. and actually i think that's how coalton implements typeclasses under the hood.
means passing some more arguments around, though.
I think that is what Weyl did. (Lisp based algebra).
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First-era industrial capitalism worked on the principle of "work fast and break people and other living things".
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jcowan, when you respond to something hours later like i assume you're doing, can you give me some kind of hint so I don't sit for a minute trying to understand what coal mines have to do with computer algebra systems
(if it is related i want to understand that too)
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Sorry, I tend to forget when I am scrolled back or not
not like the old days when I could see how many folds of TTY paper I had in hand
need some cream for those joints? ;)
I don't care about specializing on the return type, but it would be great if I could declaim a GF's return type without SBCL clobbering it :/
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In the old days, nntp or irc traffic was smaller than nowadays too.
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especially during the first-era industrial capitalism
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pjb: but people also liked to paste bigger ASCII pictures :D
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how come (reduce #'intersection '((a b c))) returns (a b c)?
because when you give reduce a one element list, it just returns the element.
you gave it a one element list, that element being (a b c).
If you want other behavior then use :initial-value, but returning the set is more mathematically correct.
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utis: (reduce #'intersection '((a b c)) :initial-value '(a b c d e f)) #| --> (c b a) |#
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utis_: (reduce #'intersection '((a b c)) :initial-value '(a b c d e f)) #| --> (c b a) |#
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aha . . thank you
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i didn't realize this had nothing to do with #'intersection
yeah. reduce actually won't call intersection at all in this case.
not to mention reducing with intersection wont get you what you're probably expecting.
∩ s
why not. intersection reduction is useful.
oops, i was thinking of set-difference.
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