pdietz: i tend to do that for the more complex macros - stitch together parts from separate functions that can be traced/tested independently during development. but for small things i often do it directly.
* Xach
is thrown off by the missing "f"
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How do you get emacs to change the indentation of a macro? I have this https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/2760#2760 which looks really ugly in the editor because :headers gets indented only 2 spaces.
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Guest74, use &rest or something along those lines
Good morning everyone!
Good morning!
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dre: I don't understand how that is going to change emacs indenting.
&rest, &body, and normal terms in the defmacro affect how its usage is indented
*in the defmacro's lambda list
&rest doesn't affect it. There's a &key in there.
Guest74: 2 spaces is the usual indentation.
for lambda lists?
That doesn't look like a lambda list to me.
it is all part of the macros lambda list
I don't see a DEFMACRO in there.
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It would be highly unusual for a keyword such as :headers to be part of a lambda list.
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The only place where it would be allowed would be in a &KEY parameter to change the default keyword used in the argument.
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... as in &KEY ((:HEADERS something-other-than-HEADERS))
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Is there a convention for naming "collection" operators where 1) a function is applied to each element of a collection and the results are ignored and 2) a new collection is created from the results of applying a function to each element of a collection?
Both wold typically be prefixed with MAP-, but I don't know of any distinction between the two cases.
beach: Yes. MAP is an outlier as it is capable of (1) and (2).
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best programming font for Lisp?
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pillton: It is customary to call (2) a “transducer” these days.
On the subject of implementing operator (2). Assuming the collection can be subclassed, what is the common way of instantiating the new collection such that subclasses have the ability to copy slots from the collection given to the map operator? I was thinking of using (make-instance (class-of collection) :copy-from collection).
akater[m]: Where is that used?
pillton: That seems like a reasonable solution.
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pillton: The term is popularized by Clojure but technically it means something subtly different there. In academic use, it's closer to (1) as is, iiuc.
akater[m]: Ok. Thanks.
beach: Thanks.
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pillton: The issue you just mentioned is the main reason I moved away from Keene-style constructors. They hard-wire the class in the name of the constructor, so you can't do what you suggested with a variable class. But I am now leaning toward an indirection like MAKE-<collection-name> but that has the same signature as MAKE-INSTANCE. That way, I can trace and put additional methods on this function without disturbing make-inst
beach: Oh that is a good idea. I have been using MAKE-<protocol-name>-LIKE in some instances.
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Sure, that works too.
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The SICL hash tables have to be created with MAKE-HASH-TABLE, but that function additionally takes a :CLASS keyword argument.
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And it defaults to the value of a special variable, yes?
beach: I tend to like the Keene-style constructor as you can 1) easily see what arguments are needed to initialize the instance 2) you have the ability to specialize the instance according to the arguments given to the constructor and 3) you know what implementation/representation is needed for the use case.
beach: Yes, right.
pillton: Yes, I know the advantages. I just told you about the disadvantage that is sometimes unacceptable.
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There is a constructor function with a similar signature for decentralise2 "passing" connections, but there is a default class rather than the value of a special variable.
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beach: Ok. Sure. I was just saying why I still like them.
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<jmercouris> best programming font for Lisp? <-- Comic Mono
lisp doesn't actually compile without it
Computer Modern Typewriter Text or go home
I sure hope we can use proportional fonts some day.
what is it with people demanding proportional fonts in programming
It saves a lot of horizontal space, which is a precious resource as we all know
That's what's "with us".
there's been a few conversations I've had now where people (often new to programming) demand a way to use a proportional fonts in XYZ.
I can assure you I am not in that category. I started programming in 1975.
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... and I am not making any demands. I am working to make it happen.
I was tempted to use a LaTeX "pseudocode" package for my ELS paper, because it looked nicer. But then the paper wouldn't have much Lisp in it.
Speaking of which, when is the ELS deadline?
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The submission deadline, I mean.
Good question.
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Never mind. I'll look it up.
Seems to be January 23.
Rapidly approaching.
what is ELS?
Are you planning to submit any papers for ELS 2022?
Sorry, I couldn't find anything in the database for ``ELS22''.
minion: ELS2022
Sorry, I couldn't find anything in the database for ``ELS2022''.
flip214: You can use private messages with minion.
is the source code for minion anywhere? I like it :)
Is there a define-condition option that sets the function documentation of a slot reader? I can find one for the slot itself but that's not quite it. I guess I could do (setf (documentation 'foo 'function) "bar") at the toplevel.
dre: I don't know where you are located, but ELS is definitely not reserved for Europeans. We have regular visitors from the USA, Japan, and other exotic places. So feel free to attend.
thanks :) it looks very cool
To my knowledge, there is going to be an online part for ELS, so you can attend without travelling to Europe. Made it easy for me last year (living in Australia).
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I'm finishing up work now but I'll look into it, and I'll check out some of the older postings
It is. Before COVID we had around 90 participants every year
Of course I couldn't stay up for all of it, but I got about halfway through the day before bed.
yeah I'm in the exotic Australian place as well
suprised there didn't seem to be many "LISPERS IN SYDNEY" or whatever on meetup.com but oh well, I don't have much time for meetups anyway.
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dre: When I spent one year in Auckland, I discovered that there were around 5 Lispers within a radius of a one-hour flight. In Europe, there are hundreds.
haha yes that sounds likely
Sorry, 3 hour fight I mean.
a shame
I'll have to go around door knocking, spreading the good word
I'm enjoying what I've learned so far. I'm trying to smash out work so I can get back to my AoC puzzles
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spiaggia: re: "I sure hope we can use proportional fonts some day." variable-pitch-mode in emacs?
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VincentVega: The problem is indentation and spacing. Already, Emacs is not good enough for that, and with proportional font, it would make a complete mess out of the code.
beach: yeah, true, I didn't think about that one
yitzi makes an impressive work with pretty printer in sicl
I saw a screenshot where a proportional font was used for loop and things were indented top notch
Yes, and there might be some commonalities to identify between that code and Second Climacs.
jackdaniel: neat, thanks for the link
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VincentVega: beach: it's not so bad: https://pasteboard.co/g0pQtigiY6CF.png Indeed, :initial-element is not indented correctly, or loop always is not aligned on for; but that remains usable.
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i should participate at ELS this year too
and don't worry, it will just be possible for me online ^^
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I keep telling myself I should send something to ELS, but then it gets close and I'm not ready. Too distracted by other things.
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is there a convention for naming a special variable that is also a closure?
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I don't recall such convention
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One parameter functions are sometimes called "thunks".
In general do you reccomend trying to differentiate closure variables, or is it usually obvious?
this is actually the first time i've heard of the idea of trying to distinguish closure variables
Wouldn't the name usually suggest that it is a function anyway?
they're just another kind of value
*One parameter _anonymous_ functions.
i thought a "thunk" was a no-parameter function
* semz
thought the same
Is this about variables bound to closures, or bindings captured by closures?
jdz: variables bound to closures
Bike: You may be right, I've seen the name, but have no idea where the name comes from.
well if they're captured they're not special variables, so
jdz: goofy version of "think"
and algol
You could go for names like *foo-conversion-function* instead of *foo-converter* to remove a bit of ambiguity, but honestly I don't think it's a big deal.
thanks for that. I was hoping they'd mention usual queries, but it seems not. Trying to make the IDENTIFIER deal with regular use cases, also need a more generic name for it.
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I want to thank the sbcl dev and maintenance for their continuing work. Just migrated from 2.1.9 to 2.1.11, no issues to building software
Good morning all!
Its in the URI one rfc 3986
Sorry...didn't see that someone else respond.
yeah, I guess I'm looking more for usual queries to be able to handle them all as the required arg of the resulting function.
is any one running containers on the cloud using SBCL, what cloud provider are you using and any recommendation. I am trying to demo something (not a full webapp) just run the docker containers and expose an api
yitzi: I think yours is significantly better, mainly because of more basic indentation for nested forms.
** above, I wanted to say I use only SBCL
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Thanks beach. There still some oddness going on with some the line lengths. I have some ideas percolating on that though.
Guest74: what do you mean by "usual queries"?
it's a custom field, afaik
Sorry, wrong window
well, it's seems q is the default for most.
yitzi: I see.
but some take latitude/longitude without a q.
Guest74: it all depends on what the server side handler expects
I'm not familiar with more apis than just the weather/maps ones i've been lookin gat.
there aren't any "standard" keys in the k=v format, and apparently k=v format isn't even necessary
beach: Plus implementing pprint-extended-loop and its use of logical blocks to contain loop phrases (which wasn't even possible in the XP algorithm) has opened up a lot of possibilities like enclosing key/value pairs in a plist in logical blocks.
but there does seem to be a standard for q
but all webservers that I've seen do break it up into k/v pairs for you
I see no standard
there's some ad hoc use because it's a "query"
there's always an initial query and then additional optional args. The optional args are handled by key-queries.
yitzi: Nice!
if there's just basically a single unnamed value they're sending, but apparently I haven't seen that as much as you have
no, it's just a list of k/v pairs
there's nothing special about the first one
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Guest74: RFC2616 maybe?
what i have seen is the first value uauall being q=query.
yitzi: doesn't seem to be. I guess usual suspects would be somewhere else as rfcs seem to specify only the mechanism.
If there isn't always a specific thing you're querying about then I guess I need the macro to deal with that and create a function with no required args.
there are no "usual suspects"
it's just a key/value list
well, there are for a whole bunch of apis I have seen. cause you usually have a specific query.
and that's API-specific
sure there are styles and whatnot, but there's nothing in the spec to my knowledge listing accepted/required/suggested/anything about the query field content literals
well, like I said, they seem to only define mechanism.
anyways, any help on variable capture or making it accept symbols for key-queries?
you posted your code, but didn't actually say what was breaking/errored/etc
any help on variable capture or making it accept symbols for key-queries?
what do you mean by variable capture
key-queries is only passed into another function that you didn't post, so who knows what it's doing?
I'm just using PG's terminology. I really don't know much about macros.
what's breaking?
I don't know PG's terminology. What are you worried about exactly? If you mean using gensyms and stuff, yeah, needs a few changes
probably that.
BASE, which is user-provided, is evaluated while a bunch of stuff is bound, so that stuff should be gensyms
ditto path
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macros just generate source code. What happens at runtime is separated from the compile-time execution environment of the defmacro body's evaluation
so because they are used in function call if I'm understanding correctly?
and is only determined by that generated/returned source code
White_Flame: you are not helping.
BASE and PATH are evaluated because they're obviously evaluated by the code the macro returns. in this case yes because they are arguments to function calls, but it's just the normal evaluation rules.
parse-fn and transform-fn are also evaluated
Guest74: sorry, but you haven't presented a problem
in terms of notions of "capture", there is no capture between the macro invocation and the runtime
the data item returned by the macro is used as the source code to compile the runtime code
ok, i think that makes sense.
there is no capture or sharing at all with the defmacro body variables
those have executed and returned, exiting their scope
to be able to pass in a symbol to key-queries, which needs to be operated on as a list, would I have to basically have a macro within a macro?
(defmacro foo (x) ...), if you call (foo bar), then X is bound to the symbol BAR
(inside the macroexpansion code)
and so (setf ,x 3) generates (setf bar 3), and (baz ',x) generates (baz 'bar)
depending on if BAR is a lexical symbol in the generated code that you want the code to evaluate, or quoted if you want the symbol to be passed as a symbol object
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are there any implementations that have a very limited amount of key args allowed? The youtube api has tons of args.
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the spec sets the hard minimum at 50 total lambda parameters
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I don't know of any implementation for which the limit is that small, but there may be one.
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thanks. I guess someone will let me know if they run into any problems
still would like to figure out how, or if it's possible, to pass a symbol with the key-value pairs. As a lot of apis seem to have overlapping pairs for different endpoitns.
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Once again, I'm sorry
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don't worry Catie :)
pdietz: up until a few years ago ecl had a bug where it mishandled calls with more than 63 parameters (because everything above is passed in a stack frame as the "last" argument)
the error was not hard to notice because it "ate" only one argument (off by one error) and because there are rarely functions with so many arguments
some drei function in mcclim exposed this issue
s/not hard to notice/hard to notice/
afaik c89 has a minimum limit of 31 call arguments and c99 improves it to 127
maybe even 31 would be enough in most cases
the limit in GHC for tuple elements is around 63 iirc
youtube's search has upto 31 args.
with keywords number of call arguments doubles
ah right
jackdaniel: (apply f list) can easilly provoke such a failure
where f is + or the like
jcowan: after you knew about the issue you could reproduce it in many ways
I mean that this particular way has in fact bitten me, adding up numbers
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you can replace it with reduce or fold, of course
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so if I want to get only the id from a bunch of <tr id=blah> on a webpage, is that something I'd do with lquery? Because I'd rather not have to type out all these args.
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Am I just failing at reading docs, or does neither the standard nor alexandria have a function for converting bit-vectors to integers?
it doesn't seem like it. we discussed this a few days ago.
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It was pretty easy to get working though!
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a naive way of doing this would be to print the vector to string
and then read to string with :start 2
(and read-base 2)
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and make sure you've got the right bit first.
Or parse-integer with :radix 2
right bit first? what do you mean?
lsb msb
good point with parse integer
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this was a problem with the bit arrays given in AoC
hmm, it does from-end, so assumes "big endian"
oh, it tracks PLACE separately, n/m
can't we just reverse digits? #*10000 -> 16 -> 61 vola :)
that's what I did above ;)
n ono, you've reversed the binary string, I've reversed the final result ;p
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(reverse #*110001) #| --> #*100011 |#
Shinmera: at https://shinmera.github.io/lquery/ after ADD-CLASS every SRC link points to the previous function. and NEXT-UNTIL has silings instead of siblings.
yeah the links can go out of date if the docs aren't regenerated with every change.
I'm not understanding how to filter on something that (html) returns.
i'd like to have to select only the 'th" that has "parameters" for the html.
You'd have to write a recursive function to walk the tree of HTML entities.
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(lquery:$ (initialize "<a>foo</a><a>bar</a>") "a" (contains "foo")) => #(#<..>)
ah, it's case sensitive. I wondered why it was returning an empty vector.
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ugh, still having problems. I'd like to return all attributes "id" only from a "th" that contains "Parameters" but I'm obviously doing it wrong. (lquery:$ *doc* "th" (contains "Parameters") "tr" (attr "id"))
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Suppose we have generic functions on defstruct, is there any chance reimplementing either/both with closures would get higher performance?
there's a lot of research into GF dispatch performance, and things like branching being faster than indirection in some cases
on modern hardware
unless you're in a really tight loop, and you're optimizing for your fixed environment, might not be worth it
resttime: the way structures are specified, gives the implementation opportunity to make it faster than the general CLOS standard-objects. But only the access to the structure slot. It's independent from the CLOS generic function method dispatching.
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I presume the question was GFs with struct objects as parameters?
It seems, yes.
White_Flame: Yeah, context is that I'm writing a raytracer and am trying to squeeze out as much performance as possible. Different structs would have different properties so currently that's handled with generic functions
semantically, that's reasonable for GFs
Guest74: the second selector will only select "tr" elements within the "th" elements. Why is that selector there?
I only want tr elements from the th element that (contains "paramaters) but it doesn't work.
? th elements are within tr elements, not the other way around
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if you want the parent, use the PARENT function.
huh, I must have been reading the source wrong.
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Thanks Shinmera: for pointing out it was just my stupidity for why it wasn't working. I've got it working, now just wondering if there is a simpler way to write it.
Might be time to learn about CSS selectors.
might be
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dunno what document you have, but id attributes are supposed to be globally unique, so you might also be able to drop the section part.
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It's one of the api pages for youtube. just #params seems to work.
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Shinmera: thanks again. One step closer to auto generating the api. I should probably read about css selectors first.
No problem
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What is the best way to handle nil vs null/false in common lisp? I want to distinguish between boolean types, with true/false, null as a value and nil.
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My (very limited) understanding is that for the most part we just treat them as interchangeable
I could coerce values to :true/:false, and :null, then deal with it separately like that, but not sure how nice that is
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Catie: Yeah, but I don't see a very nice way to treat them as interchangeable here. The domain I'm working on is to make values that can be valid json in the end
most importantly I need to distinguish between :null and :false, I think...
theothornhill: (values (eq 'nil 'null) (eq 'nil 'false) (eq 'null 'false)) #| --> nil ; nil ; nil |# they already are distinct! What more do you want?
yeah, so just using the symbols is ok?
theothornhill: now, CL:BOOLEAN = (member CL:NIL CL:T) so you don't mean CL:BOOLEAN.
yeah, now I made (deftype bool () '(or true false))
* rotateq
thought NULL is a built-in-class or function and not a value like NIL
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rotateq: NULL is a symbol like any other symbol! (type-of 'null) #| --> symbol |#
a symbol, yes of course
rotateq: but it is used to designate a type, and to name a class, and a function: (subtypep 'null 't) #| --> t ; t |# (find-class 'null) #| --> #<built-in-class null> |# (fdefinition 'null) #| --> #<Compiled-function null #x3000000E39BF> |#
but without a quote it is not bound by default like NIL
So I don't need to reexport null, right? Just document how it is used in this condext?
It can be used to name other things too…
such as a block: (block null (return-from null nil))
pjb: didn't doubt that
or a variable: (let ((null 0)) (+ null 1))
rotateq: indeed, NULL is not bound as a variable by CL. Which is why you are allowed to use it as a local lexical variable.
i know
Thanks, pjb. I think I can roll with this
ah interesting to see again its class precedence list: NULL, SYMBOL, LIST, SEQUENCE, T
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well, NIL is the only value of type NULL
and NIL is both a SYMBOL and a LIST, and a LIST is naturally a SEQUENCE
and then everything is a T
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phoe: even nil?
(typep nil t) ;; T. Huh
mind that there is a type NULL that has a single element
and there is a type NIL that has no elements
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