ugh, rethinking jsown. Keyword lists seem easier to apply than cons with strings.
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I'm so proud of my AoC 3 solution ;u;
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dre: great to hear :) do you already know bit-vectors? (instead of your bitstrings)
I hadn't thought of it, but now thinking back, would that just be an array of values? #(0 1 0 1 0 1)
and if you ever have the situation you want to count the ones in the binary representation of an integer, there's the standard symbol LOGCOUNT
I could imagine it would make a few things a bit more terse and easier to read/write
dre: yes, but the syntax is with #*010101
thats interesting
so that guarantees you all elements are of type bit
oh and that's cool. if the next problem is in binary, I'll be sure to use it :P
rotateq, I'm starting to understand lisp a little bit. hacking things together has been actually pretty fun and rewarding
yes piece by piece
it's interesting that I think I actually read the code in lisp, compared to "read what I think the code is doing" in python.
i dunno, I'm enjoying it, that's all that matters.
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dre: and transpose could be done with ⍉ ^^
I did see some people (remap?) the 'λ' char to lambda
yes but that's another thing :)
I'm on the fence but I think integers would have been good for day3.
and the lambda maybe as a macro-character which simply expands
and for typing it fast emacs key rebinding helps
I wonder if I could make custom compose keys
well that looks easy.
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I can't believe I spent the whole figuring out json lib stuff and I might just end up using xml. I have no idea why openweather provides less information and information in incorrect objects in their json replies.
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Websites (especially those that one'd rather interact with through an API than the site itself) tend to be mindbogglingly broken under the hood. I once encountered one whose JSON API didn't even return valid JSON - turned out the site wasn't actually using its own API but parsed HTML responses with JS instead. The API was just there because... I have no idea why.
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It's certainly frustrating. And here I thought json would be simpler than xml. tbh i don't think anybody will care about the extra information when the info will probably be displayed as a bunch of icons. I'm more upset I can't easily construct objects out of the json, instead I have to move stuff from one object to another.
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Good morning everyone!
dre: You still have some mysterious spacing like two spaces after LET or some space after an opening parenthesis. An you have four inexplicable blank lines in the middle of your code. Finally, the standard gives advice on how many semicolons to use in different situations, and top-level comments should have three semicolons.
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dre: And you have a mysterious closing parenthesis at the end of a comment.
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What would be the easiest way to turn an octect vector into a stream so pngload can decode it? Wish this was an option in pngload.
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You can turn it into a Gray stream.
there's nothing in the standard?
that seems like it would be a lot slower than just saving it and then loading it.
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It might be, but from experience streams are the best way to abstract over retrieving data somehow.
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You might be reading from a file, in which case it would be faster to decompress the file while loading it off disk.
Unless the vector is huge, it would seem like going to the OS to create a file, then open it and read it, would be much slower than staying in user land and main memory.
Yes, that is also true.
pngload mmaps files and loads them really fast.
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Good news for you: pngload reads the full contents of the stream into a byte vector, and then decodes from the vector. Thus the overhead of creating a Gray stream, and reading it once is definitely lower than saving and loading a file.
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The latter consists of at least six syscalls (open file, write, close, open file, read, close), and updating page tables for mmap.
Okay, five syscalls, since we use mmaped memory to read, rather than calling read(), but you get the idea.
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hayley: and that's why I was wondering if there was an easy way considering I already have the byte vector.
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There is. You can turn it into a Gray stream.
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"pngload can be used to load images in the PNG image format, both from files on disk, or streams in memory."
it really, really seems to be the intended use case
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however yes, looking into the code, it can probably be hacked to take an octet vector directly, but I'm not seeing a publi interface into it
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But who cares?
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I'd probably accept a PR for this. This isn't the first time for this request.
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Is it a bad idea to use (load) to load a library instead of using ASDF or Quicklisp? if yes why?
No, it is not. If that libraries has only one file.
Alright, thanks pjb.
jpl01: Of course, you are going to want to use that library in your own code, so then you would write an ASDF system definition for your own code, and then you might as well make the library a dependency.
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jpl01: Otherwise, you will find yourself manually keeping track of what code needs what library, which is what ASDF does for you.
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Not to mention hard-coding in paths, like dynamically binding *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*
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beach: After a little search I found a paper written by you about CL coding conventions. :)
It is probably just an incomplete citation list from LUV
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rotateq: Yes, I wrote that some time ago. I think some other people here have found it as well.
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Is there a CL linter? Shouldn't be too hard to walk over s-expressions and check things. It could even be done at compile time with a macroexpand hook.
The problem is that it's too late when you have READ it. We need to catch incorrect spacing and indentation.
things that can be commented on after reading the source code there is i.e lisp-critic
Understood, but I was thinking more of checking the code itself. For example, detecting when calls to destructive builtin functions don't do anything with the return value, or assumptions that boolean functions return T for true.
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pdietz: I've wanted a "pure" attribute for functions in SBCL for a long time
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scymtym: very nice. Can this be used without clim?
Guest74: there are/will be multiple libraries. most don't know anything about the graphical presentation
mfiano: is there danger of people changing *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*? I just used this to add stuff to a users directory instead of pulling in xdg stuff.
scymtym: nice!
oh, i see clhs says it's typically in the working dir.
Guest74: You mean apart from the others in the sidebar on that page?
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Then no, sorry :)
I know there's some style slides somewhere. would be nice to have them all gathered somewhere for simple folk like me.
Would be nice if you did /nick jmc-design or something too, but we can't all win
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hopefully soon.
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that Papert on Logo video was interesting. Wondering if I should add wrapping to my turtle graphics. though not quite sure how I'd do that especially if I change it to vector graphics like I'm planning.
Nice. I think I'll try and put together a list if more come up.
apparently my turtle-graphics has no problem with wrapping in it's current implementation on frame buffer. It's xrender that seems to be a problem. Though drawing lines with triangles with xrender is slower than drawing lines with cl-vectors and drawing individual pixels. Anybody have any fast code for changing lines into triangles?
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